Are any of you guys good with fashion?
Im hopless ... i tend to wear what i wear and stuff everyone but .....
Im 2 weeks im going to my stepdads 50th and my sis's 16th joint birthday parties,
I was going to wear Skinny black Met Jeans with a nice top but OH persuaded me to get this dress
I never ever wear dresses (i got married in trousers lol)

and i dont know what to do with my legs!
Im not shy of having my legs out (i live in shorts all summer) but my summer tans long gone and i cant do fake tans (they go very orange on me and dont look good at all because of my Red coloring)
So ive got to wear tights (well hold ups lol) but do i wear Black? (thick or thin?) or flesh colored? or fishnets/patterned to look funky? or purple!!?
Im normally a UK size 8 but i feel huge right now and my legs look big

My very very very Bitchy picky nasty family are all going and it will be none stop "Oooh look of the state of Jue doesn't she look big she soon let herself go" stuff if im not careful
So what will make my legs look normal?
I dont know whats 'in' at the mo or whats ment to be the most flattering.
Also im wearing 4 inch heals and don't want to look tarty either (not a good look when your pregnant lol

Help anyone please