Claire i always found a constant supply of Haribos was great for the sweet craving ... you can munch them all day long and it works lol
Oooh Serina hope all goes well hun ... i agree with Claire tho, you need to show us a hair style piccie
Ooh maybe we should all put a couple off piccies of ourselves on here so we can see what we all look like (for those not on Facebook lol)
Carol enjoy your nap hun, wish could get my head down for a hour or so lol
Cath what did your Gran feed you .... my elderly Grandma passed away 2 years ago (she was 99 years old bless her) and even tho she was blind, shed had a stroke and broke her hip she still lived on her own and fed us full of cake and scones (home made) every time i saw her I miss her to bits i must admit ... Grans are great xxx
Violet only had a shortish nap today (1 hour) so I've just had some pancakes. Yum! Violet doesnt seem too impressed with them though. I think she's woken up with the grumps though and it's not my cooking!
Good luck with the magazine Serina!
I really should sort myself and send some friend requests on facebook huh?
Lovely bump pics by the way. I havent been brave enough to post any pics of mine as I have a csection "overhang" and I'm a bit shy
whats your name on facebook carol and network ill add u then. or u can add me im catherine holmes wales network theres a scan pic as my photo
before i was pg I was ALWAYS on a diet so never bought bread/butter biscuits that type of thing so I always went down there and had toast with butter and cheese! today I just ate a load of biscuits with my tea! shes 74 and really good for her age and looks fab!
ill have a hunt through the photos and post one of me and oh
Jue, no delivery hasnt come yet and i doubt it will today now i think its coming royal mail so they have normally come by now. i was hoping it would come today coz i have to go out tomorrow to get my grandma & grandad from the train station, they are coming to stay with us until sunday
Carol, i am the only claire flemington on facebook and the scan pic might give it away that its me oh, and i'm in the manchester newtork xx
This is wiggie, he loves the kids to bits (his name was whiskers .. then wicker ... then wiggie depending on what my kids could pronounce at the time lol)
we didnt give him that name, i inherited him from my last job, i used to look after old people in their homes but my favourite one died and she said if anything happened to her that i had to have Simba. he is a huge cat though and always hungry!!
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