Florida now... but was born in Massachusetts (usa) so grew up with cold long winters and spring thaws. (hey now you know why I have the Massa in my name!)
How sweet! you never held a newborn? The first one I held my my nephew and he is only four years older than myself. He was ten pounds! so not really a "newborn" more like a month old baby, have a photo and he was half my size at age 4!
Do you have animal shelters? I know here in the states we have tax funded shelters that is for hurt and homeless animals. Need not pay to leave them either if you just found it.
Yes, yes off to lay down and try to sleep I confess to having a coke! and a non coffee drinker like myself can not handle it... should know better *tisk tisk*![]()
Arghh nasty coke , i did that the other night then couldn't sleep!!
i was a au pair in boston for 6 months, little place called Melrose. where were you?
and jue is probably making pancakes again lol.
cath are you going out while your friends are staying? i still have to think of places to take my grandparents.
i think we should all live in a big house once we have had the babies and all the mothers (Nats, Jue, Serina, Kathy etc) can show you and me what to do!! xx
Nats im not sleeping because of pregnancy insomnia (get it every time) the stilly aching in the ankles thing (also get it everytime) and also ...the RAF helicopters are doing night flights this week , Ryan has the loudest cough in the world ever bump hurtslol not to worry soon i will be so tired none of the above will stop me sleeping
My kids also have a stick bedtime ..and its early, between 6.30 and 7 on a school night and between 7 and 8 at weekends,
I dont allow TV etc in their bedrooms but i do let them play with their teddies etc,
They always get up sooo early (know matter when they go to bed, tried keeping them up for a month and it never helped) and they get so tired.
They actually all love going to bed and trot off up the wooden hill quite happerly thankfully.
Nats im not sleeping because of pregnancy insomnia (get it every time) the stilly aching in the ankles thing (also get it everytime) and also ...the RAF helicopters are doing night flights this week , Ryan has the loudest cough in the world ever bump hurtslol not to worry soon i will be so tired none of the above will stop me sleeping
My kids also have a stick bedtime ..and its early, between 6.30 and 7 on a school night and between 7 and 8 at weekends,
I dont allow TV etc in their bedrooms but i do let them play with their teddies etc,
They always get up sooo early (know matter when they go to bed, tried keeping them up for a month and it never helped) and they get so tired.
They actually all love going to bed and trot off up the wooden hill quite happerly thankfully.
i had insomnia in both my last pgs. not too bad this time so far fingers crossed!! its so hard isn't it. i used to watch birthing programs on sky at like 3am. trouble is a lot of them are repeats i'm hoping to not be joining you at 3am on the sofa, in the nicest possible meaning!!
hope you get some sleep soon!!
To top this bloody cold i now have diareah!!!was sick on tue night thought i was getting trots then seems to have been delayed to tonight!!. was caught short at dinner so had to leave kids at table dh not home yet. when i got back dylan had tipped all his dinner on table and rubbed his face with hands full of dinner and his hair... what a mess!!
i guess its hair wash night tonight then!!
Oh dear... I feel like a bad mummy for Violet having such a late bedtime!![]()