i've got whopper boobs. 40 h at the moment. thats why i can't bf the way they say to as i have to hold my breast back from baby face, i hold baby in left arm if feeding left breast and check on breathing etc with right hand. they teach you in hosp to do it other way round which is fine if you have normal sized boobs.
Tday i wanted a relaxing day and now ethan as dressed himself all wrong bless him and wants to go park and katie wants to bake so maybe not so relaxin ...i hate the park cos even if i stayed there all day ethan would scream when we left and i am hormonal and i hate upsettin him at the moment
Tday i wanted a relaxing day and now ethan as dressed himself all wrong bless him and wants to go park and katie wants to bake so maybe not so relaxin ...i hate the park cos even if i stayed there all day ethan would scream when we left and i am hormonal and i hate upsettin him at the moment
Tday i wanted a relaxing day and now ethan as dressed himself all wrong bless him and wants to go park and katie wants to bake so maybe not so relaxin ...i hate the park cos even if i stayed there all day ethan would scream when we left and i am hormonal and i hate upsettin him at the moment
I know the feeling, Violet went into meltdown yesterday when we had to leave the toddler group. I had to result to bribery in the end (some of the older kids had been making fairy cakes) so she was given one of those.
its got to be signed for thats the problem. normally they just leave it on our doorstep for the whole street to see! oh well, only time will tell. i have just emailed the seller on ebay to see what day its going to be delivered because we havent heard anything from them at all. Only 2 hours till i collect my grandparents...why is it that the house never feels tidy enough when you have visitors like that??? i have cleaned for 2.5days now!! xx
hope everythings is ok Jue
does anyone know if parcel force come and your not in, do they send it back to the sender or leave it at the post office for collection?? xx