I've been arguing with OH all night... I'm so upset and confused I hate this.
I went to the council with my mum and they said they would pay a deposit on a privately rented place for me before the baby is born. I got home from college exhausted last nite and told OH and he said he doesnt want to move into a privately rented place! I thought I was doing the right thing by trying to find us somewhere to live but I got it thrown back in my face.
Anyway cut a long story short we had an arguement in front of his mate and his mate left, so we've been arguing most of the night and I'm told I'm a psycho just like his ex!!
Now he wont even look me and if I say anything I just get a grunt as an answer. I dont know what I'm meant to do for the best
Leanne .... OMG whats wrong with your OH?!!!
It sounds like a great result getting the council to pay a deposit for you on a private rent ... whats his problem with it?
And as for telling you your a a psycho just like his ex thats not on at all.
Hope he spends the rest of the day groveling for forgiveness hun
Is anyone doing anything fun today? ive got loads to do but i cant for the life of me remember what
Leanne, i agree with Jue, your OH is out of order!! He should be treating you like a princess with all the work you been putting in studying for your future, sorting out your living arrangements AND growing your little bundle of joy.
Jue, I'm in work today but I'm off tomorrow did you sort out what your wearing with your dress?
A lady in the office upstairs from me yesterday told me i didn't look pregnant from behind that means i must have a waistline still...or maybe she was just being nice to me
Hope your feeling brighter today Cath and Serina xx
It came to £541 but we have never bought furniture for our spare room so I thought bugger it! plus we had £400 for our pram from my parents and cos I had a cheaper pram we had £200 left over
Jue - are you all packed yet? I end up taking enough stuff when it's just the three of us so I cant imagine how much stuff you must need! Does you DH help? Mine just lets me do it so it's pot luck if he gets what he wants packed! I guess that's the chance he takes through not wanting to do it himself! I need to do some packing later.
Serina - hope your BP is lower today. I read new, the article is really good.
Cath - it's not far away at all really. I can't believe how fast February is going. It's March on Sunday!
I think Violet might be getting a cold (which means I probably will be too!). She's got a slight temperature and kept waking up last night. This morning she's sticking to me like glue and just wants to sit on my lap. Her Grandad and Grandma are coming to visit this afternoon too so I hope she is OK.
Cath all that furniture is gorgeous when are you setting the nursery up? I think the light kicks are normal, it must be a change of position and kicks where we aren't as sensitive
My DH never packs his own things either and moans when i forget to pack somethings he has to wear what is packed for him lol xx
probably start on March 15th as we are busy the next two weekends, are u doing a nursery?
anyone heard from nat?
had words AGAIN with OH last night, he said he was going out in swansea with work to watch the rugby, and I just lost it! its every bloody weekend I explained how I felt again and hes not going now
Yay Claire last day in Triple figures and you still have a waist lucky you!
Im make my OH gert everything he wants to take and put it on the bed ..i dont mind doing his packing but i wont be held responsible for forgotten stuff!
Cath that stuffs gorgeous ...wow lucky you thats quite some shopping trip!
Serina congrats on handing in your notice hun .. not long now till no more work fingers crossed for you BP hun xxx
Im getting there Carol thanks hun ... hope Violets ok hun (fingers crossed you dont get it to) ..have a nice afternoon hun xxx
Cath Nats been on Facebook, shes busy preparing for Evies birthday tomorow and her scan tomorow
Glad you managed to talk some sense into your OH hun xxxxx
Well done Cath for putting your foot down!! we are doing a nursery but have to wait until MIL has been to stay, we think she's coming over Easter but not entirely sure yet...she's holding out until the baby is born but Paul has told her that we wont have a spare bed after Easter so no-one can stay...muahaha thats me putting my foot down!!
I spoke to Nats on FB couple of days ago and she's busy sorting out Evie's birthday which is tomorrow i think...and her scan is tomorrow too.
I'm one my last day of being in triple figures i've started getting butterflies a bit now! xx
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