pregnancy buddies due in June 2009!

im 34!!!
i really dont want to go back to my place of work after mat leave so will be looking for summat else, ive nearly finished my nvq3 in health and social care so that should help in job hunting!!!

ive just eaten a whinberry pie absolutley lush!!!!!no cream for it though
im having a hot choc at th mo waiting for the hottest place on earth to come on tv
i have to go back after for 3 months other wise ill have to pay back my 6 wks full pay and 12 wks half pay!
ive checked my contract and i dont have to, my mat leave is 6 weeks at 90% of full wage and the rest at mat pay, which im led to believe is the minimum they pay you that does not surprise me knnowing my company!!!!!
my sister gets a bonus if she goes back for 6 months after mat leave.
thats ok then! who do u work for? mine is private and it seems they can do wat they like?!
i work for primecare not a geat company did work for united response but were taken over by primecare.
are you going back after the mat leave youve typed??
im having 9 months off and may take some annual leave at the end of it also.
its ridiculous the pay we get we should be paid at full pay by government, its going to be a real struggle,applying for working tax credits when alfie arrives!!
Cath no i will not ignore your moan hun ... being preg whilst having other kids is much easier than being pregnant and trying to hold down a job ... believe me ive done both and working wasn't fun at all :(

you should look after mine, you must have angel children who always sleep through the night and don't trash your house all day...:rofl: and don't get up at 5.30 every morning and pretty much stay full on all day between them till 7.30 at night.... i don't know what you did before but i recon i work 14 hours straight with very few breaks, 7 days a week, even on lap top i'm usually being climbed on, rarely go the lou on my own, then either the kids are up in the night or ..........

but on the up side they make me laugh far more than any job would!!:rofl: and i love them more than anything in the world!!

:rofl: yer sorry hun my kids are quite easy now :hugs:

Saying that when i was expecting Katie my others were 2 and 1 and that was more like hard work ... still better than working tho :rofl:

Im 30 BTW ;)

Cath its terrible that you have to go back hun, is there no way round it?

Hayley enjoy Holby hun, thats one i used to watch when half of it was on a maturnity ward, it was when i was first expecting and i loved it but they dont do the maternity ward bit now do they :(

Nicky i watched the first part of The hottest place on earth last weekend it was great :)
thats a brill job carol- with my oh would get his training done!

dont think I can Jue, maybe in 2011 when our loan finishes and car finishes we'll will be alot better off, plus I earn alot more than oh..........
how much is the working tax credits if u work full time?!

the student loan people still havent found me! lol! think its cos i got married and moved away but I heard that they find u through the working tax credits! when they start taking back the student loan its going to be around £100 a month

we have a primecare here Nicky, dont knowmmuch about them, I agree SMP is crap!!!!!! its not bloody fair!
hello ladies, checking in hope everyone is ok and doing good still cooking . wanted to let all of you know i made it im now 29weeks YIPPEEEE to me this is very impt milstone due to my last pg didnt make it this far i only got to 28 weeks and 5 days im so happy iv come this far . well any way all is well on my part the spd is doing ok no realy bad changes so thats good and my daughter hailey had her hernia surgery on her belly button this am it went realy good they said she has 3 stiches on the inside of her belly she will not see and they will be there forever somthing with there silk stitches and they dont remove them and they said she will have a very small scar from the surgery im having her rest right now they have her on strong meds to help her pain so she is very tired and she was a big girl i told her and i was so proud of her . all she could talk about was wanting her twin sister they have such a strong bond so finaly her sissy got home from school and now she is able to sleep knowing shes here . im going to post belly pics soon its been busy over here latly and my nesting is kicking in i found out from the doc that i will deftly be having this baby either june 3,4,5 one of them days forsure unless i go into early labor ( pray i dont ) and on my next apt on april 23rd i will have my scan to make sure lil man is growing good . any way ladies im gunna check on hailey so i hope all is well with all of you good luck
:shock:thanks Nat! :rofl:

what did u do before voilet carol?

im losing the plot I just asked oh if he wanted a hot choc he said yes so off i went to make it and me a cuo of tea and I made them in the same mug!!:dohh:

:rofl: sorry Cath,:blush:, hard day. i'm just a realist, say it how it is!! really can't compare mon-fri 8-6 with 7days a week 24 hrs a day!!. i'm a bit of a be prepared for the worst and when it turns out not so bad be pleased!! persoally i found work much easier than being a mum, its the no time off that i strugggle with. even working lugging a huge baby around with me!! but having said that i've no ntention of returning to work, i soooo intensly love my kids i couldn't bare to leave them, :cry:

well i'm off to bed now grumpy old cow bag that i am...:witch:
nighty night!!:hugs:
:rofl: night night grump old cow bag! hope your legs let you sleep tonight hun xxx
:rofl:ill be on here this time next year wanting my easy life back!

night night!
Well i am shatterd just got back we went to medowhall at sheffield then xscape at castleford then asda ....ive got 3 cardigans 1 towel 6 advent bottles 2 dummys for baby then a night gardian for ethan and shorts and t-shirts for katie and jake and a maternity dress for me will post pics of baby stuff tomorrow x
I will be returning to work after bubs, hopefully in the new year (depends on money though). I have been very career minded in the last few years so it will be interesting to see how I feel after Isabel arrives.

I am 30 by the way.
:cry:i seem to be the eldest mum here as i will be 42 in August...

carol glad you got P&T i just love mine :happydance:

im having lots of problems with my sciatic nerve, so making it hard to walk
Hope everyone is doing well. I'm just getting over this stupid cold finally, still got a bit of a cough though. Saw my dr. on Friday and have to go for a glucose tolerance test in the next couple of weeks....yay. I hate the syrupy stuff you have to drink for it.

I think I've decided to start mat leave at the end of May. Wish I could earlier, I'm getting more tired at night now and still having a hard time sleeping. I can't get comfortable at all in our bed so have been sleeping on the cough blah. I really want to start getting some big baby stuff but can't until we get our place straightened out. Have been to tired to get going on it though. Maybe I'll get some done this weekend.

Anyway been really busy at work this week and will be going in on one day this weekend to get caught up.

Take care ladies;

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