Cath - it sounds full on! - lots of responsibility and really demanding!
Claire - wow -loads of A-levels!- you could do lots of things hun. Not helpful if you're not encouraged.
also I reckon the language would come back if you were around it. Sounds more like no-one ever explored the options with you? xx
Cath - it sounds full on! - lots of responsibility and really demanding!
Claire - wow -loads of A-levels!- you could do lots of things hun. Not helpful if you're not encouraged.
also I reckon the language would come back if you were around it. Sounds more like no-one ever explored the options with you? xx
no no-one really knew what i should do! i think its because i enjoyed a wide variety of subjects that no-one would pinpoint one and help me!
Cath, do the kids at schools near you have to learn welsh as a compulsory subject? they do near us and neither me or Paul can speak any welsh...x
Cath, you've done well to get to where you want to get (trying not to sound patronising). My DH was crap at school and got crap gcses but then he went to be an apprentice electrician and worked hard and got the job he wanted! xx
nats, i think i was the same! i had my first proper boyfriend at 17 so he was my priority over a-levels. VERY naughty that you didnt even do the exam
Cath, no i dont see my dad, not seen him since i was 10, to cut a long story short, the police reckoned he killed my mum, i had to go to court to give evidence against him but he was never convicted. My grandparents brought me up since 10 and they are wonderful and have been so good to me, i dont know what i would have done without them! god i'm trying not to cry at my desk now xxx
at the thought of you grounding your baby til 21! DH said that if we had a girl then she wouldnt be allowed out until much older than that