Sounds like you're all busy

and bumps are cooking nicely
We don't normally go out for so many meals lol, went out for OH b'day then had a works meal in a little local taverna, you'd all love it

Had TGI's when we went to IKEA, then last night we went for a pizza at an Italian that OH won off the radio!
I have made an effort though to stop eating so much junk as I have put on alot of weight, the other night someone said to me "I don't ever want kids cos I don't want to end up fat!" then turned to my 'friend' and said "you've done ok though haven't you!"
I felt so awful I just wanted to burst into tears.
My 'friend' always comments that she's thinner now than before she was pregnant.
Never mind that she's under 5' & was a size 14 before. She had really bad MS so never ate anything at all while she was pregnant.
Oh sorry girls, never meant to go on, just seem to have a few people at the moment commenting on my size