pregnancy buddies due in June 2009!

Wow, loads of posts!

I feel inadequate :rofl: we only have one 6x4 shed!
i love your garden Nats, lots a space!! Evie and dylan look so small and cute on the pics too :D

i went to get bloods done on way home and DH has arrived home with the cotbed :happydance: xxx
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: lol Carol buy more sheds!!

Aww Nats naughty fox :cry: bet you were gutted, fresh free range eggs are lovely arnt they,
I dont have chickens but my Uncle who lives not to far away (Bangor) has a small holding, he rears Pigs (the best sausages in the world and the Christmas ham we get from him is out of this world)
And he has chickens of diffrent breeds etc, we often pinch his eggs, there so much nicer than anything you'd buy in shops.

Oooh claire are you going to build it up etc? see what its like.

Well ive just injured myself :( pulled a muscle in my neck, arm and Bump :cry: .... and no i wasn't climbing or anything .... just trying to shave my bikini line whilst in the shower :blush: :rofl:
I cant get to it or see it ... its impossible :hissy: :rofl:
Rhonda- I like Kaiya Ashlyn McDonald! I thought the same thing as Claire! also Brynn is a welsh boys name here, but as Claire said america is has diff programs etc

Nat- there was a few positions I just couldnt do or tried and it hurt, the mw taking the class said it should help and today im in hardly any pain so its a bonus! do u mind me asking how much he charges so I can have an idea.

Claire-OMG i would be gutted if MS made a re-appreance! good news about the cramps tho!

Jue- I was 11 stone getting married but im normally 11.5 to 12 stone generally never been this heavy but I dont care!!! this girl I used to work with also said my bump was massive!!? I just dont know where u get all your energy from Jue, very productive starting the garden so early! glad to hear your not climbing up ladders!

Carol- I have tesco and they carry it right through my house!
we have love film as well! I found tho if u have loads on your list they only deliver the really old films. I will also be joining weight watchers lol

Hello heather, im cath, ive got SPD as well, although it is getting better!

hunny I cant believe your on your 10th! lol

talking of boobs mine as massive! gone from a 36 b to a 44dd! and I think my bras are getting too small! and also I can do my b line either I cant see!

all you gardens sound lovely I have a small shed thats it! ill post some pics, any ideas what I can plant something that will last all year and I dont have to look after!!
:rofl: jue its so funny that you pulled a muscle doing your bikini line!!! now i can't see i haven't done it for a while but since you have (and your bumps bigger than mine) i have no excuse!! lol

Cath and Carol you need to start buying more sheds lol!! As if we are talking about shed on a pg buddy site!!

DH has just started on the cot :happydance: i said that we better check that all the bits are there before we leave feedback on ebay :D we got it from a shop on ebay, exactly the same as the Henley cotbed from Toys r us but this one is a Hauck :D i will take piccies when its all built up! I'm sooo excited! he's building it in our room coz thats where Josh will be at first and then eventually move in to nursery.
lol i know! very exciting subject!

im taking b4 and after pics too!
Hi ladies, hope you're all well.

Baci - don't worry - we don't even have a shed. Just a plant on the window sill...Bottom of the class on the shed front!:rofl:
Claire my Oh also seems to think its really funny (hes at work but i told him when he phoned to tell me he'd got a tax rebate :shock: )
Anyway he said i should let him do it for me next time :roll:
Have fun cot building xx

Cath hun youve only gained a stone hun, thats fine, really normal so dont stress about it ... by the sounds of it your boobs are probably half of that and your LO the other half!!
People seem to love commenting on bump sizes, your either to small or massive lol :hugs:

Hi Gail, hows things hun? xxxx
yes cath, enjoy people telling you have a big bump, people tell me the opposite!!!

Jue, i have been mithering DH to do it for me for a couple of weeks now, tbh it dont bother me, i cant see it :rofl:

tbh it dont bother me, i cant see it :rofl:


:rofl: you wait till Josh is older and your pregnant again ......... Kids tend to point and giggle if you get out of bed wearing just your undies and theres 'hairs' in places they dont normally see hairs :blush: :rofl:

here is our cot bed :D i haven't put the bumpers or any bedding on yet because it will just get dusty and theres a piccie of me looking rough too. the mattress is still in the polythene aswell xxx


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forgot to mention, that stained glass goes from our room on to the landing...i think its gonna be a perfect night light for Josh because its not that bright and all the colours are lovely :D (i can't take any credit for it as it was there when we moved in) xx
Claire- Your nursery looks so darling! I love the stain glass.

Nat- I love your garden! I feel totally out of the loop though not having any sheds. Maybe it's not a U.S. thing. I don't know. =)

Cath- No worries about your weight hun. I saw your bump and you look awesome! You're all tummy and sounds like boobs sweetie. I started at 132 lbs. (9.4 stone) and am now 153 (10.9 stone) That's a total of 22lbs in 26 weeks. If I was going by what the doctor recommended 3lbs for the first 3 months and then 1lb a week thereafter, I should only be 149. OOPS! And let me tell you... I am not all belly. I have back, arm and leg fat! :hissy: :cry: I feel so nasty and all I want to do is diet. I guess I can do that in June! :rofl:

Jue- How's life hun?
Morning girls :)

Bloomin eck! I go off gardenin for 1 day & I miss tonnes & tonnes!:rofl:

Well I'm not even gonna try & comment on it all :rofl: but glad everyone seems to be doin just fine n dandy! I'm chuffed you are feeling better Claire & Cath - hope Serina is doing ok?

As for sheds - we've only got a 6x4 too Carol! It's not even ours as all the forces families get one in the garden - you can see through the roof which is handy when it does absolutely p**s it down over here :dohh:

We move back to the UK in Sept - (hubs posting is for 3yrs & it'll be up by sept) can't believe how fast it is going :cry:

Funny though, we came out as bf & gf - coming home married with a bubs :rofl: must be the med sun eh! :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Mmmmm, bikini lines :rofl: mine are growing down my legs :rofl: must get it waxed at some point - never been so hairy! Hubs says he will get the strimmer to it :wacko::rofl:

I've gained tonnes of weight! I'm so fat :cry: My MW said that i'm ok but need to watch what I eat (when I said I eat loads of fruit she said "it's all calories!" felt like smackin her one!)

I was 10st/140lbs on my wedding day (size 10) - then when l was about 8wks I was 11st/154lbs - now I'm about 13.7st!!!!!! and busting out of size 14's :hissy: but I've only myself to blame - I ate tonnes of junk when I was having bad ms :blush: so I've put on 2 and a half stone up to now :cry: I must stop eating :muaha:

Oh well I can go back on slimming world when bubs is here :happydance:

Ooh, hiya mummy mummy I'm Hayley by the way :rofl:
I'm 38 in May & expecting my 1st bubs! - team yellow :happydance:
I'm living in Cyprus at the moment with DH who is in the forces :)

It's a lovely day today again! Gardens looking loads better! I'll have to put some pics on - of garden & my bump :blush: haven't done one since I was 12wks :blush::blush::blush:
Ooh forgot! Claire your cot & nursery is adorable - I love the window! :)

Nats i'm so jealous of your garden - it's fantastic, just what me n hubs want one day! :)

Hey Zoey - i've back, arm & leg fat too :rofl: and my ass - well it's massive! Last night when I was getting ready for bed, my hubs was staring at me...

I said "Oi stop looking at my huge bum!"

He said "I wasn't! I was looking at your huge boobs!" :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
Morning everyone!!!!

Claire your cot looks lovely, ans i really like the stained glass, like you said perfect for josh!! and that pic of you, is def a preg bump looks perfect for you!:hugs:

:rofl: sorry jue thet is funny doing yourself in strimming your bits!!:rofl:, i've been using a mirror as can't see!!

:hissy: i just weighed myself..... why?????? i was happy not knowing!! i've put on 2 stone!!!:hissy: and i'm def not saying what that makes me!!! i was hoping not to put much on, but its soooooo hard when you get hungrey every 2 hours!! and its never for fruit!!:rofl:

Hayley, where you moving to??

:rofl: all this shed talk!! on our top bit garden the kids have a place house(an ex 6' 4' shed) is full of toys think we need another, dh put 2 sheds together, on the grassy bit and that is full too!! its 12' by 5', verything that gets on my nerves in the house gets stuffed in the shed. the village we live in is nick named shed village!!:rofl:, the neighbours have loads too!!

Cath, dh charges different rates per job depending what he's doing, like if its using his tools, or theres loads of waste to take away, i'd say an average at mo is about £15ph, cheaper in winter cos lack of work, dearer in summer as busy!!, also depends on travel time and how long job is, if its just 1 hour then it s more than if hes there all day, etc etc. glad yoga helping, i didn't go to class just a dvd so must be bettre with a teacher!

hi Zoey, .... you,ve just got to get a shed!!:rofl:, have you got a basement though?? thats probably us equivelent of the shed as not many uk houses have basements!

sory if missed anyone!!:hugs:
:rofl::rofl: yep Nat I don't even get on the scales now - think they'd break anyway :rofl: & why is it that I'm starving all the time???? Just had a banana, but really want chocolate cake - and lots of it!

We don't know where we will move to next - depends where DH gets posted to in his next job.
He has submitted his top 3 RAF Base preferences - Benson in Oxford, Waddington in Lincolnshire & Cottesmore in Rutland - we'll find out around June ish :happydance:

Mmmm, sounds a good idea, a huge shed... definately need somewhere for all our camping gear etc. We should be shedmums not junemums :rofl::rofl:
Morning all ....

WOW Claire that cots lovely ... the windows great, like you say a great night light .. and you look lovely hun, its nice to see you AND your Bump rather than Just Bumps lol ... your glowing hun xxxxx :hugs:
Hows the cramps and MS today?

Hi Jenn hun nice to see you, You Have to get a shed now .. seen as how its the popular subject to chat about at the mo :rofl:
I cant wait to get on a diet either .. i dont mind weighing more or having a big bump ect but my arms/face/legs arnt pregnant and shouldn't be growing :hissy: :hugs:

Hayley that will teach you for going offline for a day :rofl:
Dont you want to move back to the UK? do you really have to? do you know where your going to yet?
Must be nice living our there with all the sun etc ... id love it.
Tell the MW to stick it up her bum!!! :muaha: stuff them, be happy ... enjoy your pregnancy and throw the scales out of the window.
This is the first pregnancy ive been aware of my weight .. ive had a few 'issues' surrounding food and have been down to a UK size 4 before now :( it was a sad time in my life and with my other pregnancies ive always insisted the MW didnt tell me or comment on my weight in case it set me off again.
Im more 'normal' now and dont mind knowing my weight and i certainly wont let it rule my pregnancy ..... it will drop off once your LO is born hun :hugs:

Nats hun ... a mirror :sulk: you could have shared that idea before now ... why didnt i think of that :rofl:
What are you up to today hun?

My internet keeps going down, just replied to lots of stuff and lost it all :hissy:

Anyhoo :rofl: here goes again :rofl: (love it really :rofl:)


Ditto what Jue said about you Claire! You look fantastic love :)

morning Jue :) We are looking forward to moving back, especially as we will see lots more family & friends, but we sure will miss the weather!!!!
:hugs:sounds like it was sad time for you Jue:hugs: stuff them MW's eh!! Whatda they know anyway!!!:muaha:

don't know yet where DH will be posted to next, depends on demand - but he had submitted his top 3 RAF base preferences
Benson in Oxford
Waddington in Lincolnshire
Cottesmore in Rutland
I don't mind any of those - they are kinda inbetween all our scattered family and friends :rofl:

Jenn you have to get a shed :rofl:

Mmmmm, think I'm gonna need a bigger mirror....................
wow everyone has written such long messages!!!

Hayley :rofl: at the thought of your DH getting the strimmer on you!! where we have put our cot is in our room at the moment, we haven't started on the nursery yet coz we need to get rid of the double bed in there first. its amazing how things can change within 3 years, like you said you went out bf & gf and come back a proper little family :D

Nats, thank you very much for lovely comment, i don't really like the picture of me, i don't mind the bump part but i look awful coz i felt so tired but DH is keen to have piccies of me whilst im pregnant.

Zoey, hope your ok, don't often see you in here :hugs:

Hope serinas feeling a bit better :hugs:

Jue & hayley thank you for your lovely bump comments too :D

I weighed myself a couple of weeks ago for the first time in ages! during 1st tri i lost 5/6lbs and when i got on the scales i had put that back on plus another 5/6lbs...

hayley/Jue isn't there an RAF base on Anglesey? Hayley you could go there and then you'd be near Jue and i'm not too far away either :D

Whats everyone up to today? xx

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