Morning everyone!!!!
Claire your cot looks lovely, ans i really like the stained glass, like you said perfect for josh!! and that pic of you, is def a preg bump looks perfect for you!

sorry jue thet is funny doing yourself in strimming your bits!!

, i've been using a mirror as can't see!!

i just weighed myself..... why?????? i was happy not knowing!! i've put on 2 stone!!!

and i'm def not saying what that makes me!!! i was hoping not to put much on, but its soooooo hard when you get hungrey every 2 hours!! and its never for fruit!!
Hayley, where you moving to??

all this shed talk!! on our top bit garden the kids have a place house(an ex 6' 4' shed) is full of toys think we need another, dh put 2 sheds together, on the grassy bit and that is full too!! its 12' by 5', verything that gets on my nerves in the house gets stuffed in the shed. the village we live in is nick named shed village!!

, the neighbours have loads too!!
Cath, dh charges different rates per job depending what he's doing, like if its using his tools, or theres loads of waste to take away, i'd say an average at mo is about £15ph, cheaper in winter cos lack of work, dearer in summer as busy!!, also depends on travel time and how long job is, if its just 1 hour then it s more than if hes there all day, etc etc. glad yoga helping, i didn't go to class just a dvd so must be bettre with a teacher!
hi Zoey, .... you,ve just got to get a shed!!

, have you got a basement though?? thats probably us equivelent of the shed as not many uk houses have basements!
sory if missed anyone!!