Pregnancy Group open for anyone at any stage of your pregnancy. All Welcome!

Emma- I think I am starting to get flutters, but I am not 100% sure. Thanks for sharing your baby feelings with me and I hope you feel better soon. Take care of yourself and Pip! Get some chicken soup!!!

Natasha- Sounds like you are going through a lot. I hope all turns out well and you can enjoy the last few weeks of your pregnancy.

Wendy- Thankyou! Its been a great feeling. It sounds like your families are very happy and excited to spoil your little one. We are waiting to get anything until we have our shower, which will be the end of January. I know my in-laws are buying our crib, but beyond that I have no idea. So I will just have to wait and see what I get at the shower and then we will go from there as to what we need to buy. Just remember the sickness fades and you start to feel really good again. Use neosporin on your nipples, the kind with pain relief. It will soon them and help with the pain. I have ordered bio oil to help with my growing belly and boobs so I will let you know how it works out once it arrives.

AFM- My best friend is taking me to Las Vegas in the middle of November. I can't wait to go on vacation. Her and I haven't been on a real vacation since 2008 so this will be exciting. At the same time I will be able to see my mom and sister since I will be in Chicago. So its just a lot of fun and excitement to look forward too and then before I know it, it will be christmas and I will get to see them all again. I cant wait for my scan, I am literally counting down the days. This saturday is my husbands work picnic so hopefully that goes well. Well ladies I hope you all are feeling well, and have good week!! Catch up soon!!!
Carly, I love Vegas. I'm sure you'll have a great vacation.

Wenday ouch sore nips hope that heals up soon

Natasha as Carly said I hope things calm down for you so you can relax and enjoy the last few weeks before you have that little one to look after.
Adrienne- I have never been before so I am super excited. Obviously I wont be drinking but I don't really care about that. I am sooo excited about the all you can eat buffets LOL. I am sooo impressed with your wieght loss. It is amazing!!! Keep up the hard work!! You will have to tell me your tricks so I can loss weight fast afer this baby comes.

Wendy- I thought of one more thing you could try. There is this lotion called like "udderly smooth" or something like that. And it was developed for use on cows udders but it is now produced as a body lotion. It is amazing and it is what I was using on my belly before I ran out. So try that on your nipples it might help.

Nothing much has happened since my last post. Just wanted to catch up real quick. Soo ladies I was thinking along with my 19 week scan I would post a bump pic. Is that something you guys even want to see or no? I know some people LOVE bump pics and others dont, so you let me know.
I wanna see a bump pic!!!! I love them.

I'm doing the Ideal Protein Diet and it really seems to be working for me. It's kind of strick but that is only in this initial phase of the diet, but I'm never hungry. These are the best results I have ever had from any diet and I've don't Jenny Craig and Weight Watchers. Don't get me wrong those aren't bad diets they just didn't work for me.
Rachael a friend of mines suffers from sciatica too..its horrible! Fx'd it doesn't cause much bother during your pregnancy.

Wendy :happydance: for the 3+ Thats great that so many people are offering you things, it was the save with me when I had Kyle, I dont imagine it will be with this one. I've heard about that cream carly is talking about too, its meaant to be great.

Natalie sorry to here your hubby is out of work, hopefully this course gets him a job!

Shona fx'd you get your bfp! No early testing now :lol:

Emma I hope your feeling better!

Carly 14 classes will fly by for you :happydance: Las Vegas, lucky you misses! you deserve a good time :) YES! Bump pic is a must! :lol:

2rockinboys sorry to hear your appointment with the midwife left you with some concerns, fx'd it turns out to be nothing at all :hugs: what a lovely pram!! I cannot wait to go pram shopping!

Adrienne you are doing fantastic with the weightloss, well done you!

As for me I have my first appointment with the midwife on tuesday! I thought it would take a couple of weeks but nope :) How many of your OH's went along to the first appointment? And is it still just bloods and the big book with loads of questions regarding health and family history? When I came home from work yesterday DF had been to Next and got the matching baby grow i'd suprised him with the day before. So we have both "I love my mummy" and "I love my daddy" ones :cloud9: I have so many social events coming up that I have no idea how i'm going to get out of without people noticing im not drinking :dohh: and one night every month me and 2 of my closest friends meet for a catch up and always have a glass of wine.. I don't think i'll be able to full them!

Anyway day off tomorrow and can't wait, my workload lately has been crazy! Hope everyones well x
Arlene, you might want to try drinkning club soda with lime or even mixed with cranberry or orange juice. You can always tell your friends that there's vodka in the drink. That's what I do sometimes when I go out and I don't want to explain that I'm not drinking alcohol becasue I'm ttc. It seems to work. Also your DF is so cute getting you the matching one. Can't wait to hear about your midwife appointment after it happens.
Adrienne thanks, that would be ideal if we didn't always buy rounds, so I'm not going to get away with that. I have a halloween party at a friends that I can easily get away with water in a vodka bottle :haha:

Oh I didn't tell you ladies about my uncle? Well I may have mention about one of my uncles being a medium, well one of my other uncles was training towards platform medium and had a scare so dropped it, but he's still very aware of everything and I called him sunday night chatted away, hung up and almost instantly he called back to ask if there was anything else I wanted to tell him.. But in that "I know" manner. It was weird! I said "no, should there be?" And he just said I'd tell him eventually. I can't think of anything else it may be!

Well I'm off to take kyle to nursery.. Day off today :happydance:
Adrienne- I also tried wieght watchers and it didn't do much for me. I'll have to do a little research on the diet you are talking about and keep it in mind for after bean comes. I am just trying to eat healthy and enough at this point. Some days I feel like I can't stop eating, and some days I have to force myself to eat. I have also been walking atleast a mile a few times a week just to be some what active. At my first appt. I weighed 156 and now I weigh 150 so I lost a little weight and haven't put it back on yet so I am kind of happy about that. I can't wait to watch your pounds keep dropping, it is very encouraging and motivating!!!

Arlene- My husband didn't go with to the first appt. We had talked about it and decided he would only go to appt's where scans were scheduled, and the birthing class. At my first appt. they took a urine sample, a pap smear, breast exam, STD testing, and blood tests. Of course they did wieght, height, BP as well. And the LONG family and health history. So I was ok without my husband. It honestly felt like I was going for my annual pap if you know what I mean. However thats in the states, things might be different for you. As far as drinking with your friends, just tell them your not in the mood tonight and you just dont feel much like drinking that night. Also weird but cool about your uncle.

AFM- I will post a bump pic along with scan pics at 19 weeks. So a little less than 2 weeks, and I cant wait!!! I hope the baby starts kicking before then but I am not going to get my hopes up. Hope you all have a good day!!!
Natasha I haven't tried ginger yet but I'm going to buy some ginger snap biscuits when I go shopping on Sunday. Hopefully it will work! That's a gorgeous buggy you've got, I would love the purple one (my fav colour!) but think I will go for a black one so it will hopefully do two babies. They cost enough so it would be good if I could get away with it. Sounds like you have a good plan with your purchases, I really need to start working out a budget. Want to clear my credit card before buba is here for definite. Not looking forward to going down to £128 a week maternity pay! x

Rachael Shopping is def the fun part! Hopefully your scan appointment will come through soon then you can go pick your fav pram x

Carly Aww I bet you will have a fab baby shower, I wish we had those here in the UK! They look so much fun. Thanks for the tips on creams, I will deffo give them a try :) How exciting about Las Vegas! You have so much to look forward to. Oh, and I deffo would love to see your baby bump! I can't wait to have one! x

Arlene How did you manage to get a midwife appointment before me :haha: mines is on Wednesday. I deffo think you're further on than you think you are hun, especially with what the clearblue digi said. Time will tell tho! As for your nights out, just tell them you are on antibiotics for a tooth infection. You can't drink with antibiotics and a tooth infection is something that they wouldn't think twice about as you don't show illness symptoms for it :) Oh how spooky about your Uncle! I love things like this. I went to a psychic last year who was spot on about everything she said. She told me she saw the number 5 connected with my pregnancy and assumed it meant I would be pregnant in 5 months (which would have been June) I thought she was obviously wrong when June came and went but it dawned on me that buba is due in May which is the 5th month, so I think that's what the connection with the number 5 was x

Well i'm taking it easy tonight, not had the best of days. Felt soo sick all day, I couldn't even have either of my coffee breaks at work cause the smell of coffee just made me want to throw up. Just had to force my dinner down as I really didn't want to eat and i've now got funny pins and needle pains in my stomach. Hoping this is all normal. Think I will just head off to bed now. Sorry this isn't a very exciting post from me. Just feel so rough x
Thanx again ladies for the support :hugs: Jus gotta try and stay positive until next Thursday!! Though at this very moment in time im literary takin the midwife's advice, sat here munching on a massive bag of sweet chilli sensations, drinkin pepsi while my OH's gone out for a jog :haha: Auron's been bathed and in bed 20min's ago, nice to sit down after playing with my dyson today (sound's terrible lol) as well as other bits around the house, on and off as my back didn't like it very much -sigh-

mavsprtynpink :thumbup: would love to see bump pic!!

arlene must be different everywhere with what happens at the first appointment?! My first appointment was confirming the estimated due date (until first scan was done), getting background info on both mother and father of growing bubba and blood pressure. Didn't have weight, hight or bloods taken untill my 12week scan :flower:

Wendy you poor thing :hugs: i hope baby starts treating you better soon!! As for the SMP, depending on what your used to for a weekly take home, it's not too bad with the child tax credits bumped ontop. Plus you might be entitled to the sure start grant, seeing as this is first baby (not sure if they do the healthy start grant anymore though) all depends on your income

Rachael :happydance: first scan!! Exciting!! Make sure to post some piccy's up for us to nose at :thumbup:
Rachael-Happy 10 weeks for yesterday! :happydance: yey for the scan!! Bet you cant wait for it!! I am so excited for you! Its the best thing to see in the world!!

Wendypops- happy 6 weeks :happydance: sorry you are feeling so sick! I sympathise with you as its not a nice feeling at all. Make sure you get plenty of rest. I was the same with coffee, I couldnt even be in the same room as it!! Its lovely people are getting stuff for you. I have barely bought anything for Pip so far as other people keep on doing :haha: I was a bit annoyed about the interview thing but I have found out today that my director doesnt agree with it either so think its going to change!

Carly- Ooh, put a bump picture up!! It will be lovely to see how big you are. I was thinking of putting a new one up soon. Hope you have a nice vacation!

Arlene- How weird about your uncle. You will have to let us know if thats what he was getting at when you tell him! Gavin never came to the 1st appointment as I was told it was just an hour long appointment to go through family history blood etc and was nothing major. Bless your oh for getting matching outfits! Thats adorable!

Adrienne- Glad to hear the diet is working for you. I never liked diets as I am fussy with foods as it is :haha:

Natasha- I have my fingers crossed for you. I am sure things will become good in the end :hugs:

Well as for me- I am feeling a little better and have gone back to work as being at home was winding me up! Whilst I was off I received and e-mail informing me that someone else would be interviewing for the assistant they are bringing in to help my assistant whilst I am off. When I spoke to HR they had decided that it was too stressful for me to interview 2 days in a row (one for a caretaker and one for an assistant) and therefore I was only allowed to do 1 set of interviews!! I was not happy and hit the roof with them. Apparently they have a duty of care to me to make sure as I am pregnant that I dont do too much. I said well funny that no one was concerned about me whilst I was working from 8am-10pm for weeks!! Anyway, when speaking to my director today he brought it up with me and said it was stupid that someone else was asked to interview and it would be changing as it is my site and my responsibility!! So that made me a bit happier!

We also got a phone call to say that Gavins nan has had a fall at the care home she is at and is now in hospital as she has broken her hip. We are going there in a few days to see her as she is about 2 hours away from us. Hopefully she will have the operation tomorrow but with the fact she is 86 there a re a few complications. Hopefully things will work out well as it is nearly a year now since my Nana passed and I am not sure I could really cope with loosing another one!

Anyway, been trying to concentrate on little pip and she has been very active these past few days whilst mummy has been poorly! She seems to jig about every time I eat a clementine lol!

Hope everyone else is doing ok :hugs:
Rachael yay for first scan in a couple of weeks. It seems like time is flying by for you. Before you know it you'll be in 2nd tri.

Wendy sorry you've been feeling so poorly. I guess your bean is just make him/herself home for the next few months. Hang in there.

Arlene that's so cool about your uncle. I wish there was someone in my family with talent like that.

Natasha being positive is the way to go. I'm sure everything will be fine. I don't know what sweet chilli sensations are but they sound GREAT. This coming from the girl on a diet. LOL Hope you're enjoying them.

Carly you do have a lot to look forward to. The next few months are going to be quite exciting for you, and I look forward to hearing all about it.
Emma I'm sorry about Gavin's nan I hope she has a quick recovery. I can't believe that work tried to leave you out of the interview process. I'm glad your boss steped in and set things right. 23 weeks you're more than half way there. Maybe your little one is going to be a dancer since she's been doing a jig in your belly. Just a thought LOL
Wendy the digi is definitely making me question when I ovulated, however where I'm sure I ovulated I had all the signs, confusing :dohh: I'm going to take my other digi tomorrow, can't wait any longer :haha: As for the antibiotics thing, theres been many occasions where i've been on them and they know I just don't take them that day, I'd get away with it for other friends but not my 2 closest. I'll just need to avoid nights out! I love getting readings, I don't always hold alot of belief because you don't know whos genuine but its fun all the same. Sorry to hear your feeling sicky :hugs:

Rachael :happydance: for the scan date, Its not far away at all :D I cannot believe your 10 weeks already, its going so fast!

2rockinboys I love my dyson too! Glad to here you managing to sit back and relax tonight :)

Emma an hour long?! I don't remember it being that long. I better phone up and ask because I'll be leaving work for this appointment and they don't mind appointments but i'd have to be away for almost 2 hours then! Thats great that your director is sorting that for you, I mean it would be different if you'd said yourself you felt it would be too much but to make that decision without you isn't right. Hope Gavins nan makes a full recovery from her fall :hugs:

Adrienne my family is full of them :lol:
Ladiess! Boob or bottle? And cloth nappies or disposables? just curious to which yous are maybe planning on x
Pinky I hope Gavin's nan will be alright :hugs: Keep us updated!
How much longer have you go left at work??
Perhaps LO want's to be called your little Clementine instead of pip :happydance:

Buster there crisps, or do you call them 'chips'? I get rather confused with it all lol. Diet?! I don't understand this word, it's not in my brain dictionary, a life without chocolate is NOT an option :happydance: fair play to you for being good though!! :thumbup:
Mmmmm, tricky! We wanted to try cloth with our first but we never had enough money to buy everything we needed to start off so disposable!!
Disposable this time too, washing 4people's clothes AND nappies would be too much!! And im gonna give a good go on the boob!! Tried with our first but i caved into bottle at 3week's as he was feeding for over an hour at time's, and would want more half an hour after coming off. I physically and mentally couldn't cope with it, though i don't feel like i produced enough for his need's, sometime's it happens! We'll have formula here ready just in case, but i've gone to the trouble to getting a boppy and a 'faye and lou' breastfeeding butterfly (so i can breastfeed in public with confidence!) so deff wanna try my hardest :flower:

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