Pregnancy Group open for anyone at any stage of your pregnancy. All Welcome!

Arlene, mine is:

And if anyone else wants to add me, feel free!
Amy she is just gorgeous! well done you!

Shona they are great :) Kyle is the best big brother, hes made it such an easy transition from having the one to two kids. How is you LOs? Zoe is a big girl! Alot of her 3-6 months clothes are too small :dohh: HV said shes the tallest baby at the clinic just now. Has hubby taken the news of another one so soon well then? I think Damien would pass out if that happen now for us :haha:

Nat hope your keeping well in your pregnancy!

I also got FB now, but im not the best with it. How would I find you ladies? xx

if you have Nats hun Im on hers you know my name dont you if not I will privately PM you it incase anyone I know on here and its a wedding pic with my neice and hubby

To say we were both shocked was an understatement Olivia only getting a bit easier now through the day and has a bit more of a personality shes the same think she will be tall and in clothes bigger than her age. I had a big night out last weekend and drank more than usual and my dad was over too the first thing that started was dead strange I was getting heartburn with white wine then forgot all about it and had a couple of real bad heads then 2 dizzy spells then I thought no way and then the next morning I had a ham and cheese sanny with salad cream at 9am ooooops. I text hubby to get me a test so I could prove both of us wrong that im not wasnt even paying attention to the test and the line came up straight away. We defo wanted one more but in a year or so shocked cos always took us so long and werent even trying. We are coming round to the idea now xx
I added you Amy (link worked for me)
Thanks Nat & Amy :)

Seems to be when I click the link it adds at start and end of link. Did it through Nat's. Anyone got Arlene's? xx

I was just thinking about you and wondering how you were doing. Looked you up and saw your new signature!!

CONGRATULATIONS!!! Love their names, and I hope everyone is doing well! :hugs:
Oh my Adrian was half his brother's size! Are they home yet? Hope you get a chance to update us soon my dear.
Hi Everyone,
Sorry I haven't had a chance to update sooner. I do have good news both boys have been home as of last Saturday. Alejandro came home first and we had him for almost a week before Adrian came home. So far the hardest thing for me to get use to is the lack of sleep. They are good babies and for the most part they only cry when they are hungry. But they don't give you much time to heat up their formula once that cry comes on. LOL

Still recovering from the c-section. Doing pretty good, but I still have to remeber that I had major surgery and sometimes I tend to push it a little too much. I hope you ladies are all doing well and enjoying your little ones. I'll try to get on here as much as the twins will allow, but don't worry if I disappear for a little while it won't be for long, because I can't be without my BNB girls. Take care everyone!!!
Oh super congrats Adrienne and cant wait to see pics! Are you going to do a journal?

Just get on when you can.

Nat Happy birthday!! I am right arent I?

Yes thanks Shona :). 28 today.
I've just added amy and nat, i'll try and find shona just shortly.

Congrats to adrienne!! So glad you have both your boys home. Hope they are doing well and not tiring their mummy out too much :) How wonderful to have twins :happydance:

Shona hows this pregnancy going?

Happy belated birthday nat!

I hope everyone had a wonderful christmas, and that santa was good to us all! :)
Nat you are a spring chicken!!!

Arlene thanks for adding me, I must check out all of your pics.

Hmmm.... sicky all the time think its getting better then boom. Quite bad headaches but only 2 that have been chronic as the last pregnancy so far the fact I have cut out all caffeine and that sweetener aspartame :shrug: achy and pretty tired alot but all normal.

I dont know if I uploaded my scan heres a few pics had it on xmas eve, remember no announcements on FB as sis not due for another 5 weeks or so!



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Oh just as well I came and had a look here tonight Shona I didnt realise there was no mention on fb! :dohh:

Adrienne, Emma, Natasha, Carly, Rachael, Karen and Naomi..Hope you guys are all doing well!

Nat & Shona I need honest opinions here, OH asked tonight when we are having our next/last baby and I simply can't decide when I think is best. We wanted our kids within a reasonable age gap, so that when they are older and able to 'flee the nest' so to speak we still have plenty of life in us to go and enjoy ourselves, problem being we want to be married april 2015, to have a baby before then would mean trying pretty soon as i'd like time to get fit again before a wedding. I've never gained more than a 14lb while pregnant, and have lost all that during the birth, but just to tone up a bit, knowing my luck this would be the time I gained silly amounts of weight :dohh: And to wait till after means leaving a gap that isn't ideal.. So what I wanted to ask is how are you ladies coping with being pregnant and having such young ones too? I want to be able to enjoy watching her grow, and enjoy being pregnant just not sure I would be able to do both!
Well I've ha an extremely easy pregnancy thus far so being pregnant with a little one hasn't been a problem at all. I can imagine that someone who spent the first half puking would have a very different answer though. Personally I'm quite excited about the age gap though terrified as well lol.
Thanks Nat. I'm scared that I may not be able to give them both the attention they deserve. Ah theres so many pros and cons, this isn't going to be an easy decision :dohh:
I get what your saying hun and these were all the thoughts and doubts I had when our oooopsy happened but now that it has Im over the moon and so excited with the prospect of having two kiddies so close in age that no doubt will be so close to each other. I feel so sad for Cody sometimes as Josh doesnt want to play with him and cos of the age gap and hes dying for Olivia to play with him but he wont have to wait too much longer but at least now aswell when Cody is in school Olivia isnt in the same situation of being on her own. We realistically were going to wait til Cody was in school but so glad its worked out this way now as like you say we can enjoy them and when they flee the nest we will still be young enough to enjoy our life together too. As you know this is another terrible pregnancy but even with that and the other kids and feeling crap and the fact Im back at work for the last month already its amazing if you are in a routine how much time you still have to enjoy all of the kids together and seperately. I wouldnt change it for the world now esp since seeing my little baby at my 20 week scan but you have to do what feels right for you. I was so worried esp telling work since just got back but just proves things work out in the end

Just to update for anyone whos not on my journal, I had my 20 week scan monday and baby measuring perfect and shock horror another girly! I knew that was coming lol. Heres some pics.


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Congrats on another girl! You waited so long for one and now you get two!
Hi Ladies hope everyone is doing well. It's taken me awhile to put together but for those who are interested I finally got my birth story done.

Here is my birth story...
At 2am on November 28th I woke up as usual to use the bathroom, one of many trips that pregnant women make to the bathroom while trying to sleep. I noticed I had a slight backache. Not thinking that is anything unusual as my whole body has been sore during these last few weeks of pregnancy I went back to bed. I then noticed my stomach was starting to hurt. At this point I'm thinking oh no I think I have a stomach bug. Great one more thing to deal with while being pregnant. So I just try and go back to sleep.
At around 2:30am I realize that the stomach and back pain are not going away. In fact they seem to be getting a little bit worse. I'm in and out of bed trying to get some relief and trying not to wake dh as he has to go to work in the morning. Things don't seem to be getting better. I'm starting to think to myself could I be having contractions? Then I think of course not, I'm only 34 weeks and I'm sure contractions hurt a lot more than this. So I get back into bed and try to get some sleep yet again.
By 3am my back is hurting A LOT. At this point I decide to wake dh and tell him that something doesn't feel right and that I have been having stomach and back pains. I ask him to rub my back as that's what is giving me the most pain at the moment. He does and then suggests that I try using the heating pad to help with the back pain. I do and it does give me a little bit of pain relief but now the stomach pains seem to be getting worse and coming quite often. Could these really be contractions? At this point dh decides to get up and starts to pack some clothes for me just in case we may need to go to the hospital. I have a doctors appointment later on in the day so if I could just last until the office opens at 8am we can get some answers then.
4am at this point shit gets real (pardon my language). I'm in serious pain now. My stomach really hurts. I tell dh to hand me the phone because I need to call the doctor. I put in a call to the doctor and the answering service told me they would have the doctor call me back but if I don't hear from the doctor in 20 minutes to call them back. What do you mean if I don't hear from the doctor in 20 minutes? I don't have 20 minutes. I need speak to the doctor asap. Anyway as I hang up the phone I get another severe stomach pain and then I feel something wet between my legs. Oh no, I say to dh, I think my water just broke. Dh lifts the cover up off of me and takes a peek and says oh yeah it did. Go get in the shower. Ok, my water has just broken confirming that I have gone into labor and the first words out of his mouth are go get into the shower? I thought that was a strange response. But I slowly get out of bed and head over to the shower. While I'm getting undressed I have another contraction and more water starts to come out. At this time there is no question, I AM IN LABOR. Now it's time to freak out. All that's going through my head is that this is not suppose to be happening now. I'm not suppose to go into labor. This is not part of the plan.
Just as I get into the shower dh comes into the bathroom and is on the phone with the doctor. He asks if I have felt the babies move. I respond that the babies have been moving all day. The next thing I know is that dh is telling me to get out of the shower cause we are heading to the hospital. Again I keep telling myself that this can't be happening. This is not how things are suppose to go. Dh is franticly trying to put a bag together so that we can be on our way and then I proceed to tell him that I am about to have a major freak out. He says no time for that just get dressed so we can go. Spoken like a person who never had a contraction before.
So off to the hospital we go and I still keep saying that this is not suppose to be happening now. This is how I know that denial is not just a river in Egypt folks, it seems to be what I was in at that moment. LOL It's a little after 5am once we arrive at the hospital and the security guard gets a wheelchair and takes me right up to labor and delivery while dh parks the car. I check in with the front desk and dh soon joins me. Mind you I'm still having contractions and the receptionist is asking what seems like a million questions.
From there a nurse comes and takes us to a room where I can be evaluated, not the most comfortable of examines. At first the doctor can't tell how dialated I am so he does the examine again only to find out that I'm already 5cm.
By this time I am happy to see that one of the two doctors who have been taking care of me through my whole pregnancy is on call. As they take my blood pressure it is coming out to be very high. This is of concern because if my blood platelet count is also high I'll have to be put under general rather than have a spinal. This makes me nervous becasue I don't want to be put under general because it takes so long to recover afterwords. So now we are playing beat the clock, becasue I'm 5cm dialated they want to start the c-section ASAP because of the possibility of uterine rupture due to my past surgeries, but at the same time we are waiting to hear back from the lab about my blood count. Also I'm still having contractions and I have no pain relief.
In the mean time they give me some medicine that is to act like an antiacid so that I don't have any reflux during the surgery. They weren't too concerned about that since I had only had water since 8pm that night. (as I look back something told me not to eat too late that night, maybe my body knew something was going to happen that night) Unfortunately that medicine didn't sit to well in my stomach as I almost threw up on the nurse. By this time everyone there is waiting on pins and needles to hear back from the lab and dh decides to ask the question..."So this is happening tonight?" The nurse turns to him and says "this is happening in the next 15 minutes". (Do you think someone was in denial? LOL) Right after that we get the results from the lab that my blood work is good and they start to wheel me towards the operating room. It would have been scary except I was so focused on the pain of my contrations I didn't have a chance to be scared.
Once in the operating room things moved real quick. There's lots of nurses and doctors buzzing around as they get ready to give me my spinal. They explain to me how to arch my back to prepare for the shot and trust me they didn't have to tell me twice as I was ready for my pain relief. To my surprise the spinal didn't hurt at all. I guess after dealing with all the needles from IVF shots just don't seem to bother me anymore. Once I've had my shot dh comes into the room and sits by my head. I think we are both still in shock that this is happening as it is 4 weeks sooner than we had planned. The doctors and nurses were great in fact the nurse that was monitering my vitals was also the mother of twins so she was talking me through the whole surgery and had first person experience. Unfortunately not long after the surgery started I became nauseous from the spinal which is totally normal and threw up and dh was in charge of cleaning me up. I was lucky that I didn't have anything on my stomach so it wasn't too messy, or I should say dh was lucky. LOL
My doctor was wonderful and talked us through everything that she was doing and in about 10 minutes she announced that Baby A was about to come out. Next thing I know I hear a little squeek and I look at dh and say "is that him?" As I'm expecting to hear a loud cry and the doctor says that's him. As I'm waiting for them to show me the baby they yell out his weight an I hear 2lbs 13oz. I was a little shocked because at my last growth scan the baby was estimated to weigh 3lbs 1oz and that was a couple of weeks before. I then realized I wasn't going to see my baby at that time as they were going to quickly acess him and take him to the NICU. But I didn't have time to dwell on that because a minute later Baby B was out. Then I heard a loud cry. That was a relief. I looked at dh and say "oh my god, we have two babies" At that point tears of happiness started to roll down my cheeks as I almost couldn't believe this was real. After everything we had gone through we now had our two baby boys. They then announced that Baby B weighed 4lbs 7.5oz. Dh and I looked at each other and were like holy crap what a weight difference. Then we got a surprise the nurse brought the baby over so that dh could hold him. We weren't expecting that since they had taken Baby A to the NICU right away we expected them to do the same with B. What a treat he was just perfect and I've been in love ever since.
After they took Baby B down to the NICU dh left the OR to change and to call my parents and his mom while they finished sewing me up. I was on cloud 9. Both my boys were here and even though they had to go to the NICU they were both doing great. Once they had me closed up the wheeled me in to the recovery room where dh and I finally had time to reflect on the last few hours. I would say that I think I was still in some level of disbelief as to what had just happened. Then they wheeled in another woman who had just had her baby into the recovery room. As she went by I could see that she had that same happy look on her face that I had except she had one thing that I didn't and that was her baby. It was then that tears started to stream down my face. Dh asked what was wrong and all I could say is that I want my babies. Even though I knew that my babies were doing ok it really hurt my heart that I couldn't be with them at that moment. Don't get me wrong the nurses were great at giving me updates on how the babies were doing and kept reassuring me that as soon as I got feeling back in my legs I could go down to see them. But it just isn't the same as having them there with you. But leave it dh to snap me out of by blues by asking me if my crying was due to hormones. Who says that? LOL
Well to wrap things up it was a crazy night that led to the birth of my two beautiful boys. Baby A Adrian Javier born Novermber 28th 2012 at 6:49am and Baby B Alejandro Joel born November 28th 2012 at 6:50am. Even with them coming early and having them have to go to the NICU I had a wonderful experience and I have to give lots of praise to the hospital staff. They not only cared for my physical needs but also took very good care of me emotionally.

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