Pregnancy Group open for anyone at any stage of your pregnancy. All Welcome!

Adrienne so sorry you havent really got to enjoy the pregnancy so far you must be so tired, you do whats best for you :) Could you cut down your hours or take early maternity? Your job does sound so stressful. No sign of her coming yet hun, either contractions or really strong painful BH for the last fortnight but nothing else other than losing plug every now and again. Im so ready to meet her, have my sweep this morning so Im hoping something happens this weekend.

Amy sounds like a lovely holiday Are you away anywhere or staying at home? Shes stubborn hun still waiting :haha: I start to get so tired about teatime ish and then 10pm I get bursts of energy and cant sleep then knackered in the morning lol.

Cant believe Im 40 weeks!!!

Thanks Shona. I hope the sweep does the trick. It's time for that baby to get her eviction notice. LOL
Thanks Shona. I hope the sweep does the trick. It's time for that baby to get her eviction notice. LOL

haha if only hun! She couldnt do it she is back to back and cervix laying at funny angle she tried to pull it forward to no avail ouch! Booked to try again on tuesday :( TMI but shes so low it only took her knuckle to reach her head and she says Im really soft so goodness know why I havent gone yet xx
Oh goodness Shona! Hope the next sweep will get things moving along!! :hugs:
Oh goodness Shona! Hope the next sweep will get things moving along!! :hugs:

Thanks but no such luck :( her heads still too low down that she couldnt do it as was at a weird angle and was agony! Waiting for induction date now :( xx
Oh man, I'm sorry. :( Keep us updated with your induction date! Hope she comes soon! :hugs:
Thanks hun!

Just to let you know my induction is booked for fri morning yay! Will keep you posted. my journal is at the bottom of my siggy if you want to keep in the loop that way :)
Yay Shona. You have an end in sight. I hope she comes before then, but if not Friday is not that far away. Good luck hun!!!
Just came on for a quick nosey before bed, congrats shona!! Olivia is a lovely name! Hope cody is enjoying being a big brother :)
Thanks Arlene hun.

Sorry I havent been around girls been hectic as you can imagine with a 10 year old, 3 year old and newborn :)

Olivia Marie was born 20/07/12 7 days before her big brothers birthday ended up being induced as you know. 7lbs 8oz such a great birth experience aswell. Here it is sorry so long :haha: and a piccy. Will need to setup a parenting journal soon


Ok so here goes, got the good news on the weds I was going to be induced on fri morning so was admitting thurs nite. The nesting kicked in big time so got everything sorted and my mum picked me up at 8.30, sed goodbye to hubby and then went shopping with mum to waste some time before going into hospital for 10pm. Was a bag of nerves I think cos I knew this time how painful it was and she was back to back. Well got settled and was on the monitor for 30 mins listening to babys heartbeat and took all my obs. Everything fine and watched telly, every other appt I had been to the ward was full but I had an entire ward to myself like with Cody and had all the MW's attention. I have to say the Mat ward you cannot fault them, they were all so lovely throughout and so kind and lovely its what makes the birth experience so fab. The MW looking after me managed to see it through with me til the end

So anyways didnt get a good sleep and typically had a migraine throughout the labour so was very tired. Had my first gel at 6am and was on and off the birthing ball, it hurt my legs at times. Sometimes I was getting tightenings and other times contractions but was managing all day with no pain relief. Was very calm was fab just doing my breathing. Maybe about lunchtime I did the tens machine (thanks Caro it was fab by the end I had it up to number 8 ). About 2.30 she checked me by this point I had had Cody 45 mins earlier than that time so felt it was going to be an all nighter. Contractions were painful but not reaching the top of my tummy. She gave me gas and air as my cervix was still at a weird angle and posterior and was just too painful without, so she managed to sweep one side and spotted straight away and stretched it to 2.5cms. 2.5 in the space of 8 hours lol. They got a little bit more painful and was on and off the monitor throughout the day so she gave me some diamorphine, to be honest I didnt feel like it did much but it must have done cos will sed I was talking rubbish lol... and when texting back family they sed didnt make sense, before this I went for a bath they sed sometimes it can stop them or make them worse and seemed to make them a little worse. By 6.30pm I sed to Will to go away for an hour and get something to eat he wanted to stay at hospital but told him to nip into town and get some fresh air. Well he nearly missed the birth he left at 6.30 luckily 5 mins later mum popped her head in only lucky she did. I was talking to her for maybe a min and I sed pains were getting way worse text will telling him not to be too long as they were getting worse but didnt realise how quick things would progress. The next min I couldnt even speak and each contraction was coming on top of each other all this in the space of 5 mins when Will had left. I sed to mum your not gonna believe this but get Will cos I need to bear down. She got the MW and rushed me into the labour room but told me not to push yet as wanted her to travel slowly down the birth canal. Will got her 10 mins before she was born so glad he made it but proud of myself for doing the 30 mins before by myself. I only pushed for 10 mins whereas with Cody was an hour. I had a superficial tear but in a real tricky area that would have been agony to stitch and they sed would heal itself if I was happy its nearly healed completely already and not sore like Codys was and the afterbirth was well easier to give birth to this time too.

So all in all I only had gas and air for 45 mins but they sed I had alot and diamorphine!

Sorry so long but thats my birth story for my precious Olivia Marie, born at 7.14pm 20/07/12 7lbs 8oz

I feel quite down today but no reason to be as I have my rainbow baby but guessing thats normal. A bit tired but she only got up once at 4.30am then slept til 9am she is such a content little baby night before was 2.30 then 5am. My bb's have started to build up and really hurt, cant remember how long that lasts for. The pillows have moved from inbetween legs to under boobs now

Cody seemed to be fatter than Olivia she seems longer and skinnier but shes Codys double but she seems to have quite a lot of charateristics that I have but shes not scatty like her mummy. Im so in love I could cry quite hormonal and emotional today.

Im so in love!


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CONGRATULATIONS!! :happydance:

She's absolutely gorgeous!! I'm glad you had an easy birth!!
Congrats Shona, she's beautiful!! What a lovely birth story I'm glad Will made it there in time. Take it easy and enjoy your new addition to the family.
Thanks Adrienne & Amy - was fab had such an easy birth I was so nervous but my little girly was easy ish on me :rofl:
little help please.
we are parents about 1 month about.. everything was great till its started 2 weeks ago.. she just start snapp and be moody with me all the time. she stoped eating.. i notice that onece we had a sunday luch where she ate about kids portion.. thought its might be just a that she is looking after her weight..
next day we went for a day out.. we both and baby.. again we went for a lunch and she ate just a small fish and chips.
she was in a mood already since morning.. i can unerstand u need to get ready for day and things like that.
after in night everything was fine we both wre tired and we went to sleep.. we both wake up during the night to feed and get changed our lilttle one. so i help her us much as i can. and im doing it always.
and then in a next mornign she snapped. i went to work and we even didnt txt during the day.. after i was trying to speak with her but she just didnt want to..
all i m saying she went horrible to me.. well not only to me, to everyone..
not long ago she ended our realationships cos she dont think we should be together apperently everything pissed off..
at the moment we are not talking. im not living with her in one house im away from her and baby.. i was reading in internet about depression and baby blues. and looks like she had 9 simpthyoms. what is shit loads.
she is not playing with our baby anymore what she used to do..
so.. im turning to u all mums and dad and hopefully somebody can give me little advice what i should do?. or how u get over with that.. cos i hate sleep on my own to be honest and i want her back. i know everyone is different but there is always something similar.. anyone?
Thank you..
Hi Spiriits. From your description it's hard to say whether it's PND or normal baby blues. Hormones are still really out of whack for a few months post- birth. It's really good that you're being on the look out for PND because it can have devastating effects. If it's really concerning you I would advise you speak to a health professional about how to get her properly evaluated and treated.
Hi ladies! Being a full time Mummy is definitely more time consuming than I imagined! But I just wanted to pop on and check up on our still to be Mums, I haven't forgotten about you ladies :flower: How are things Adrienne & Amy? Hope things are going well for you both.

Hope all you other Mummies are keeping well too. I manage to keep up with most of you on Facebook apart from Arlene cause your not on there, how are you keeping hun?

All is well this end, can't believe I have a 14 week old! How quick does time go. She's a wee sweatheart though, got her christened last week x
Great to hear from you and I'm sure your little one is keeping you very busy. That is a beautiful pictrue of you and your little one.

I'm doing ok. MS, constipation, and pelvic pain seem to be my biggest problems lately, but I guess that comes with the pregnancy. Doctor is going to try and schedule my c-section some time during the week between Christmas and New Years. That will be 2 weeks before my due date, but if things start moving sooner she said I could have the c-section as early as the begining of December. When I look at it that way it doesn't seem that far away.

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