Pregnancy with one blocked tube and PCOS after HSG test????


Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2011
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Hi i was just wondering if any of you lovely ladies have gotten pregnant with pcos and a blocked tube? With or with out having a HSG test! I so or if you know someone who has could you please share you story!

I just had a HSG 5 days ago and i have pcos and a blocked tube...and i could really use some hope and some on advice on what to do to help me get pregnant!

Thank you so much for take the time to read this and answer:hugs:
hi hun.

I did not want to read and run. I do not have pcos but i do only have one tube. I had an ectopic in april 09. I have been pregnant three times with this one tube since this date. The first one was either another ectopic or a failing pregnancy that was treat with methotrexate.
But then i got pregnant with my son who is now 10 months and i am 12 weeks pregnant again. All with one tube. I would say having one tube has not effected my fertility in any way.

Good luck hun. xx
I also don't have pcos but I do have one bloacked tube and DH has a low count but we were able to conceive this baby on our own after only 10 months of trying.. our first baby was conceived via IUI..
thanks ladies i really appreciate the time yall took to read and reply! also gives me mucho mucho hope!
Hi, I have two tubes but have pcos....after losing about 68 pounds and fling clomid I finally got pregnant after trying for 2.5 years. I am now 6 weeks 5 days along. There is always one point I truly felt like I lost all hope, but hang in there and be your own advocate with the dr....if your current dr isn't listening, find another one, that is what I did:)
I dont have PCOS, but i had my HSG 2 months ago....they could only see one tube...the other possibly blocked. i reckon both where blocked but the dye cleared one of them! I got pregnant the 2nd cycle after the hsg and that was after 13yrs ttc! And i only dtd once!
Never give up hope! As long as you can manage to ovulate...chlomid?? Then you are in with a great shot! Good luck!!
I lost the weight with a low carb Atkins type fo diet. It is the only thing that has ever worked for me. A lot of my pcos symptoms go away on this diet and my dr approved it during pregnancy. It is super tou to stick to at times and I have cheated...just got on it again full force today.

I have done some extensive research on causes behind miscarriage for PCOS and found articles linking it to blood glucose abnormalities. From what I have found sticking to a lower carb diet and taking metformin during first trimester greatly reduces miscarriage rate. So that is what I am trying to do. Please let me know if I can be of any more help.

Oh also if you are testing for ovulation, get the cheapy wondfo strips on amazon as I ovulated much later than I would have guessed. With these strips I could afford to keep testing until I. Gt a positive result.

Also I did take clomid qt my heaviest once and it didn't work...that is when I got serious about the weight loss. First cycle after weightless it worked like a charm. Holding my breath until next fri and my 8 week scan!
Sorry for the spelling errors...on an iPad and auto correct kills me.

Btw I am still heavy, about a size 20/22... So you don't have to be skinny to get pregnant:)
I have a appointment next week to start on metformin then after dh gets his s/a i will start on clomid!
I have pcos. i was offered medication n stuff to start periods blah blah i just refused i hate feeding my body with meds when im not sick, i wasn't trying to get pregnant, but wasnt preventing either for 2 years as doctors said you probably wont get pregnant as you have no periods. anyways i wasnt over weight i was actuaally underweight so i just ate healthy got my weight right, i smoked but i never drank alcohol so my body wasnt perfect but boom i got periods, my cycles were like 40 to 50 days long and i always checked if i ovulate because i didn't actually wanna get pregnant yet but i didnt wanna go on the pill as i found its what made my periods stop in the first place and asking my OH to use a condom years into a relationship seemed odd lol. anyways the month i got pregnant i must have missed the ovulation completely lol i only tested because i had a dream i got a + test and my boobs were the sorest they have ever been and the dream just came to life really.
i honestly believe that not putting stress on my body and just being healthy helpped me, i had the shock of my life when that test came back positive because of how i used to scared myself silly with the stories i read online, i thought it wouldnt happen for me, but it did.
dont give up trying hun it will happen :) just relax and try be positive xxx
did your doctor do a hsg on you before your dhs sa?
They would always do the sa first over here. Good luck
Hello. I had a lap and dye test done.If you dont no what this is , its the same as a hcg excepe your put to sleep and trhey use a camera through your belly button instead of a xray. I had this done in november 08. My resultys where bad. i was told i had pcos and i was also told that both my tubes where blocked. No dye went through them. I was told that my only hope was ivf. I was due to start ivf in december 09. However (the good part) i conceived naturally in june 09. I was told it would be ectopic. But had my scn and there was my healthy little bean. I carried to 39 weeks and brought my beautiful kavcey into the world. then when kacey was 6month old we some how conceived agagin and 13 weeks ago sophie entered the world. So please please dont give up. wish you lots of baby dust xxx
Thanks ladies...dreamqueen he will do the s/a on tuesday! I had the hsg test last week! thanks little blonde thats awesome congrats to all yall! i will never give up just get a little down sometimes i kind of feel like this might be might month! im actually really excited
im gonna test in about two weeks for the first time in 10 months!
I am almost 11 weeks pregnant. Have a blocked tube and have PCOS. No worries...pregnancy is very possible :)
I have PCOS and my right fallopian tube is blocked. I had been using 5mg Femara CD3-7 and ovidrel around CD 11. First I tried clomid one month but my lining was super thin so I never used it again. Then I used Femara alone for 3 months. Then I used Femara with Ovidrel for 2 months. I got pregnant on the second month of Femara and Ovidrel which is the same month I had my HSG and found out about my blocked tube. Prior to this I thought I only had PCOS. I was so happy I happened to get pregant cause my doctor was about to start me on injectables which would have been MUCH more expensive than what I was taking.
Hi i was just wondering if any of you lovely ladies have gotten pregnant with pcos and a blocked tube? With or with out having a HSG test! I so or if you know someone who has could you please share you story!

I just had a HSG 5 days ago and i have pcos and a blocked tube...and i could really use some hope and some on advice on what to do to help me get pregnant!

Thank you so much for take the time to read this and answer:hugs:

I only have 1 functioning ovary & tube and pcos and I've had 4 pregnancies I'm currently pregnant with baby 4 atm

be positive and hang in there it will happen :)
Hi Ladies..
I have been ttc#1 for 2yrs and only have one tube after ectopic and i'm quite sure i have pcos,i have all the sypmtoms plus erratic cycles ranging 28 to 76 days :( I had day 21 bloods on day 23 of a 39 day cycle and they came back ok not sure how! I have me first app with specialist mon 31st & so hope they'll refer me for HSG!

Good Luck bluidgrl :)
Hello bluidgrl87,

I also have PCOS and one blocked tube. My husband and I have been trying to conceive for almost 2 years now. It has been such a rollercoaster. We started taking provera to start with then added metformin. That wasnt working so my doctor put me on clomid and metformin. I went to have a dye test and found out one of my tubes are completely blocked. We have been on clomid for the last 5 months. My doctor said we have one more month of clomid and then we will have to go to a fertility doctor to start ivf. I just wish it could happen for us. My husband and I both wants a baby more than anything. But I just need to know that it will work for us to do ivf. I am so emotional all the time. I hope that you are able to get pregnant. I am sending baby dust your way =) Tiffany

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