Hey to you both,
Sorry for slow response, I hadn't checked the thread in a while and then every time I tried to post yesterday it kept booting me off. Here's hoping it doesn't do it again at the end.
So I had a scan last Thursday and all looked good. She was just under 2lbs at 24 + 4 (or 3). Next scan is not until the 16th but I feel it's too far away given the stage I a, at. My bile acids came back at 6, although my consultant said screening doesn't really tell them much and they can shoot up quickly. It's not a gradual increase which makes it harder to manage. He says he is making a decision about the next stage on Wednesday when I see him again. Not sure what to do for the best. If i can't have ctg monitoring as it's too early I'm not sure how useful it will be to go in and stay for them to just listen in with a Doppler. I would like the blood test twice a week so if it does go up I can start treatment but he seems to think weekly is enough. I don't agree.
Anxiety levels are through the roof, I know exactly how you feel Tasha. I am not really sleeping much and am them exhausted all day.
Can't believe you're 9 weeks already Hope, seems to have flown in!!
I also know what you mean about not knowing where you belong in this forum. I can't bring myself to post on the Parl thread. I read but I've found some of the discussions of late about miscarriage vs stillbirth/neonatal loss a bit insensitive. I know it wasn't framed like that but I don't think you can compare the losses. Having being on both sides of the fence, the trauma of losing Laurie far exceeds any early loss I have ever had. I wouldn't say that there though, because loss is so personal. But when you say losing a baby you gave birth to or sat with for weeks in NICU is the same as early miscarriage I do think it is a very naive statement to make, and one only someone who hasn't experienced it would make. Loss is so crazy isn't it, but the trauma and baby loss through stillbirth and neonatal loss leaves your life ripped apart, just as it would for any mother to lose a child. Losing the hope of a child is different to facing the reality of losing and burying a child. Our babies are our children, who kicked us for months, who we knew, who we laboured for or had our tummies cut open for. They are why we produced milk to feed them and had stones worth of weight to lose. Who we had to register a birth and a death for. Who we ached for from the bottom of a very very dark place, when you think you might have died yourself. I remember heartache at my early losses but I know the brutality of what happened with Laurie will never leave me, and whilst having another baby is all I desire I certainly know it won't heal my heart or the want that will never leave me for her to be with me and not in her little coffin in the cemetery.
I feel like we scare those women who don't understand. I know I don't belong there. I don't care if my breasts are different after a miscarriage. Mine were certainly different once they produced milk. I can't worry about that stuff. It seems too trivial. But I feel bad for feeling that those chats are too trivial for me.
The day Laurie died was the worst day of my life, and I've had a colourful life. But that day, is a day that changed me forever.
Sorry to sound so miserable girls xxx