Pregnant again

Mine are 19 months apart :)

It's tough but I wouldn't change it! I love watching them play and cuddle :flower: I have found it better than I thought most days!
Mine are 10.5 months apart, best thing I ever did, it's hard at times but so so worth it xx
My son is two weeks old, and my daughter is 17 months old. It's hard now, but once my little man gets bigger, I can't wait to see how they grow together and interact!
I think a great tipping point for us was when my daughter started sitting up unaided, it meant they could play together a lot easier. And since she's started crawling, well, it's good for her but he can't pick up the toys he doesn't want her to play with fast enough hahaha. ;)
My DD is 1 on Tuesday and my 2nd is due in 10 weeks- so there will be about 15 months between them.

I didn't want another one, then we decided on one more- I didn't want another this soon but now it's coming i'm quite excited.

Congratulations!! If pwoolen judge screw them - all that matters is that you and your OH are happy x
In a couple of years they will both be settled into nice routines and you won't have to start the sleepless nights again (if you settle at two!) so I think it's great having two so close in age - while you are 'on the go' and in baby mode, why not.
And whatever your family think is irrelevant's just you and your partner that count.
Congrats and good luck. x
People will always judge. Do what makes you happy and listen to everyone's "advice" with a smile and a nod... Then forget it. You'll always cope, some days will be hard and some will be fabulous, but I think that would be the case with any age gap.

Ps we have a 13 month age gap and are currently TTC #3 (youngest is 18 months).. We love it. X
I fell pregnant with baby number 2 when my eldest was 6/7 months old. It did feel like it was a little soon and I knew I'd have my hands full but OMG I love it!!! My boys are so, so close. They absolutely adore each other. Having two so young does make you realise how easy it was having just the one but I wouldn't change it for the world! Congratulations, you'll love it! I also think it helps having 2 close together as it's not long since you went through all the sleepless nights. I found them nowhere near as tough second time round. After my youngest was born, I was just in this massive happy bubble for ages! I just felt so lucky and my family felt complete (even though we'd like one more) x
Congratulations!! Great age gap!my older two are 17 months apart, 6&7 now and are the best of friends, love it! We are debating number 4 (and final) at the moment as want out nearly 1 year old to have what they ve had xx
I agree with pp--no matter what you do, people will judge. I have 12 months between mine, and yes, it is tough at times, but now they finally play together, and it's awesome. Yesterday, they were playing "tag," chasing each other around, squealing and laughing and I just love it.
Awwww congrats! Who cares what other people say/think. All
that matters is that you and your oh are happy, it's your fam!
Congrats! I'm also expecting #2 and dd is not even 9 months old yet. :)
Look at my tickers ;)

#1 was six months old when we fell with #2. We've heard aaaallll the HILARIOUS comments... Just
let them wash over you... Xx
Congrats hun!! We are in the 2 under 2 club as well, ds will be 16 months when ds#2 joins the fam. I share some of the same worries as you, but I am excited for them to play together and have eachother so close in age.

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