I'm nearly 27 weeks pregnant. My supply completely disappeared and LO carried on "feeding" once a day. Over the past 2-3 weeks colostrum for this pregnancy has appeared and after an initial yucky face LO has decided its quite nice and has increased her feeds to 3 times+ a day. And the feeds are getting longer. And I'm getting very tired and lathargic.
Around this time last pregnancy I was found to have low iron levels. My iron at booking was to quote my midwife "not brilliant". I'm getting my levels done on Monday, but I'm expecting a low result.
When I've tried to google BFing, pregnant and Iron levels I get a lot of information, mostly from C&G telling me that my toddlers iron count is low and I need to give toddler milk, or other information about babies iron levels, but nothing about the impact on mothers iron levels from being pregnant and breastfeeding at the same time. Does anyone know what the likely implications are on iron and other vitamin stores for being pregnant and still BFing?
I'm hoping that I can get some tablets prescribed and stop feeling so tired. I want LO to self wean and we are already doing don't offer, don't refuse. She clearly isn't ready to self wean yet and I'm expecting she will continue to feed up until the new baby arrives.
Around this time last pregnancy I was found to have low iron levels. My iron at booking was to quote my midwife "not brilliant". I'm getting my levels done on Monday, but I'm expecting a low result.
When I've tried to google BFing, pregnant and Iron levels I get a lot of information, mostly from C&G telling me that my toddlers iron count is low and I need to give toddler milk, or other information about babies iron levels, but nothing about the impact on mothers iron levels from being pregnant and breastfeeding at the same time. Does anyone know what the likely implications are on iron and other vitamin stores for being pregnant and still BFing?
I'm hoping that I can get some tablets prescribed and stop feeling so tired. I want LO to self wean and we are already doing don't offer, don't refuse. She clearly isn't ready to self wean yet and I'm expecting she will continue to feed up until the new baby arrives.