Jkel, hope you get lots of rest hun and the m/s gives you a break soon

Jox, My symptoms apart from some nausea might as well not exist compared to my last pregnancy

. I bet its nothing too serious hun, maybe this baby is just going easy on their mama.
Elmo, how you feeling hun? Everything ok so far with the baby?
Loraloo, how are you feeling hun? Everything ok with your baby too?
Had my OB appointment. They went over the treatment plan this time around and I had a scan to check on baby! Baby is doing great! I was actually measuring 8+6 today instead of 9 weeks. So I am going to have to update my ticker. We are going based on ultrasound results for EDD because I did not know when my last LMP was. I go in for a checkup in 4 weeks, then at 16 weeks they are going to start me on progesterone shots (once a week) until 35 weeks. After 18 weeks (my anatomy scan), they will start monitoring my cervical length every 2 weeks until 35 weeks. If they notice any change in the cervical length they will do the cerclage. She told me that they think my cervix might have shortened because I was in labor for 3 days before I went in to the hospital. She said the premature labor could have caused my cervix to shorten. I asked her if they could have prevented my baby from coming early if I had known what I was feeling was contractions and gone in sooner. She said there is a chance yes. It just makes me feel even worse about it. How could I have been so stupid not to go in the moment I had those pains

. She told me that I have strep b as well, so when I go to deliver their going to put me on antibiotics so it does not pass to the baby. She said its a good thing they put me on antibiotics with Riya, because they had no clue I had strep b last time. Apparently they usually don't test for it until 35 weeks or so. I will upload the scan picture later!
My new due date is October 18th!