Kiwi - so glad your baby girl is home! I know you had a hard time at the end of the pregnancy and hope you're getting on well at home.
jox - only 4 weeks, yay! You'll have a nice big healthy baby (that will hopefully sleep through the night sooner because she has weight on her side!)
jkel - with your last post you literally hit the nail on the head for me and how I'm also feeling. I found out at my 34 week appointment that my baby boy (Twin B) has slowed down in growth a lot. He is still a good weight (estimated that day to be 4lbs11oz) but he did drop down in percentile by quite a bit. From the 54th percentile to the 19th. So they're concerned and we're now doing 2 NSTs weekly and 1 weekly fluid check (by sonogram). We found out on Tuesday and I was absolutely freaked out, still am to be honest but learned to cope with the news better. I know the best place for him is inside until at LEAST 37 weeks but at the same time I really want to see him and be able to help him from the outside. There's only so much we can do for him while he's in there but we have some much great technology to be able to help from the outside. The plan is to induce (right now by way of c-section, but if he decides to turn head down we may be able to do vaginal birth) on October 4th at 6pm. I'll be 37 weeks 2 days pregnant and at that point the doctors don't think they will need any if much NICU time which ... I'm happy about but freaked out how making it that far. The day we go in for a NST or fluid check and things are looking lower than they were before is the day they take them out ... they said they won't mess around when it comes to getting him out if it turns out that he is struggling and drops in percentile again.
Oh and just for a quick update on my baby girl (twin A). She is doing great. Everything looks phenomenal with her. She is estimated to weight (at 34 weeks) 6lbs exactly, and she actually went up in percentile so ... they're really not concerned with her at all. We will still be keeping an eye on her but baby B is sort of the cause for concern right now.
I hope everyone else is having an uneventful pregnancy!