Pregnant, leaving my baby daddy & husband of 9 years *LONG*


Mother of Dragons
Nov 16, 2012
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(UPDATE 12-11-2013: I asked for a divorce.)


My husband and I married young. I was 21 and he was 22. He's always been a little on the immature and naïve side when it's come to adult matters, and when we were young, I think I just assumed he would grow out of that.

He didn't. Over the years he has proven time and time again that he simply does not "get" adult matters, especially when they pertain to finances. Every 3-6 months, he does something financially that gives me a huge headache that I have to fix. For example, last year he spent our rent money on a $400 work expense and didn't tell me about it. I learned of it a few days later when I was looking in my online account and saw that there wasn't enough money to cover the rent check I had just written. He also signed up for weight training lessons, telling me that they would cost about $200. I told him we couldn't afford it and to get that money back. A few weeks later, when I was cleaning out the car (and he still hadn't gotten the money back yet), I found his weight training contract. It was $204 a MONTH for 4 months for a total of $816! "About $200" my ass! I wound up having to put a stop on the payments and do a chargeback on the initial charge of $204 because the gym was refusing to give the money back at that point.

As irksome as all of this was, like I said, it usually only happened every 3-6 months. It was a headache and I would fix it and that was that.

Until this year. I conceived on or around December 28, 2012, and almost immediately after I got pregnant, DH went off the deep end with the irresponsibility. He began making absolutely terrible money at work, less than minimum wage (his loser boss pays him on commission when he shouldn't---that's a whole other story), and he's gone 6 days a week using our only car to work an awful 12 - 9 PM shift. In March he brought home two absolutely terrible paychecks amounting to $6-$7 an hour in wages for the time he put in, and I told him enough was enough and he needed to look for a different job, but he refuses. He loaned his loser boss $200 in January so that loser boss could go on a date (!) and hasn't been repaid yet; he refused to even ask him for it until I said I was leaving. A martial arts studio that he had taken a few lessons at began fraudulently debiting our account in December, and he hasn't gotten all of that money back yet, but is adamant that I not file a chargeback against them.

But the biggest problem has been a woman whom I'll call Bimberly.* Bimberly moved to Illinois from Utah quite recently, and for reasons I cannot fathom, Bimberly put in an application at DH's place of employment and got hired. The problem: Bimberly lives 20 miles away from her job and does not have transportation to work. She has no plans for getting a car anytime soon. Instead of letting Bimberly reconcile this problem on her own, DH leaped in on a white horse and said, "I'll drive you to and from work! Every! Single! Day! And you don't even have to pay for your gas or tolls, I'll do it for free!" Lucky, lucky Bimberly.

DH did not consult me on any of this. He just said, "Oh, there's a co-worker who needs rides, I'm going to help her out." He didn't say, "This co-worker lives 20 miles away and it's going to cost us $11 a day in gas and tolls every day that we do this and I'll be gone an extra 2 hours a day on top of my already horrible work schedule, is that okay with you?" He just started doing it, and I watched in shock and horror as our gas evaporated and the odometer on our car skyrocketed. There were some half-fulfilled promises for Bimberly to at least begin paying for her gas and tolls (never mind the wear-and-tear on our car), but that ended quickly.

I tried to intervene. I sat DH down and showed him how much extra mileage this is putting on our car (which currently sits at 109K miles and required several thousand in repairs last year). I showed him the astronomical costs of all this. I explained to him that there is no way we can sustain this level of spending, not even with help from SSI (our daughter is disabled) and tax refunds and student loans. I eventually put my foot down and told him that the rides needed to stop. I pointed out that we are moving this summer and we need to save for a deposit and first month's rent payment on a new apartment.

He refuses to stop. He also refuses to look for another job, and lately he has been staying out every weekend until 3 AM or 6 AM with Bimberly and his boss and his other irresponsible single co-workers (I'm sure his coterie of freeloaders are a lot more fun than a pregnant wife and disabled daughter). And while there are things I could do to be subversive and make him stop, I'm done. If he won't listen to reason, maybe he'll listen to the embarrassment and hardship of declined debit cards, apartment applications, etc.

So two weeks ago, we went to our bank and took his name off the account, and I gave him his half of the account, minus what his freeloading friends owe him. I'm looking for work. I have a bachelor's degree and (almost) a master's degree, although not in horribly marketable fields, but I believe I will be able to find something. My daughter's SSI is still mine and he has agreed to pay child support, so I'm not entirely without income, but I can't survive on this forever. I have a way to get my own car just as soon as I get a job. We're still living together until the lease on this apartment ends on July 31st, with each of us being responsible for half of the rent. Once we are out into our own apartments, I will file for full legal separation.

It has already begun. His half of the account should have been more than enough to last the past two weeks, but he is completely out of money now and has been trying to pinch gas and food from me---I guess the poor baby spent too much money on Bimberly's birthday two weekends ago. I've made it clear to him that so long as he continues Bimberly's rides and refuses to reclaim the loans from his other freeloading buddies, he'll get not a dime from me.

I don't believe that my marriage is over. We're not really fighting at all and at times are still very affectionate to one another, though I've stopped sleeping with him. I consider this to be a call for him to repent. He needs to be putting his family first, spending as much time as possible with us, and saving up for our needs (apartment deposit and first month's rent, new baby stuff, a second car, etc.). NOT Bimberly's needs, not the needs and wants of his freeloading boss and other co-workers, not anyone else. I have days where I feel angry and sad, but mostly I just feel determined.


* Name changed to protect the guilty, but Bimberly is a real Utah baby name, so I think it's fitting.
Good for you for standing up for yourself and your daughter .
Oh dear, he sounds so immature. You are not his mum and you should not be responsible for organising his finances... In hope he wakes up, smells the coffee and becomes more responsible!
Wow... I am so sorry you are going thru this. You and your children deserve way better than what he has given you. The whole situation with Bimberly does not sound good either.
I hope he grows up and gets counclimg and you can be a family Hun. But I think you are taking the right steps for you and your little ones.
Can you not stay with some family?
Good lord. I just can't believe this man. He is treating you like his mother that gives him pocket money not a partner. I think you are doing the right thing and in all honesty, reading your post, I think your life and the lives of your children would be better off without this man permanently in it. I hate to say it but do you think he is having an affair with this 'Bimberly'? What the hell is he giving her free rides for? And spending that amount of time with her?

Cut him dead sweetie. No matter now much he begs. This guy has to learn the hard way that what he is doing is off the charts unacceptable. I couldn't cope with someone like this, kudos to you for being so mature about it all. I probably would have burnt all his credit cards and sold all his stuff to pay debts.

Big hugs xx
Can you not stay with some family?
They live in Washington state and I live in Illinois. They were pretty much begging me to come home as soon as this happened, but honestly, they all have full-time jobs, and even when I lived close to them, they hardly ever gave me any help with watching our daughter for me. FOB may be completely unable to provide, but even if we are separated, he will come over to my apartment in the mornings to put DD on the bus and get baby off to daycare while I go to work since his shift doesn't start till noon, so I'd rather stick close to him. Dropping a baby off at 11 AM is going to be cheaper than dropping him/her off at 6:30-7 AM.

I hate to say it but do you think he is having an affair with this 'Bimberly'? What the hell is he giving her free rides for? And spending that amount of time with her?
I haven't ruled out an affair, but I don't think it's happened yet. I think he's infatuated though, that it's probably an "emotional affair" at this point, which is why he's reluctant to let it go.

His behavior lately has just been really scrubby. On Sunday I gave him my cashback-on-groceries credit card and asked him to pick up 5 very small, cheap items from the store while he was out. He came home with two bottles of sparkling juices claiming they were for me. Oh, you bought me treats with my money... how chivalrous of you!

Should have listened to TLC in high school:

He doesn't have any credit cards, and his credit is bad. Mine wasn't great years ago (I made a lot of bad choices while my mother was dying of cancer), but has steadily been on the mend. He's going to have a hell of a time getting into an apartment on his crappy salary with bad credit, and he knows perfectly well that we've had a hard time getting into apartments in the past because of our credit, but when I explain these things to him, he just doesn't seem to care.
Best thing for both of you is to let this man fend for himself.

I am sure he will start appreciating what he has and what you have done for him. If he doesn't, well then he deserves whatever fate awaits him. Some harsh life lessons are needed for this man ( or boy? He behaves like a hormonal teenager)
I'm very sorry you're going through this. What a horrible situation. I definitely think he's deeply infatuated with this 'Bimberly' and he's letting it hurt his marriage and his family. My mom had a lot of these problems with my Dad that intensified as he grew older.
Gosh, that sounds awful. Unfortunately, it seems like if he hasn't changed in all these years, it seems unlikely he will now, at least not in any kind of permanent way. Hope it all turns out well for you!
I invited DH on a little movie night last night. I got a movie from Netflix I thought we would both like (Children of Men), popped popcorn, had DD in bed and asleep, sodas and movie candy ready, etc. Sweet and simple. It went okay, but he made one comment that upset me. He said, "next time you want to schedule a date, schedule it on Tuesday or Thursday or Saturday, because Bimberly and I are rehearsing on Monday, Wednesday and Friday nights."

Shame on me. How dare I try to cut into one of Bimberly's nights to have a little time with my husband! What was I thinking?

I am so done. If he has any desire to save this marriage, it's going to have to come from him, because obviously I just can't compete with his overweight freeloading dance partner.
Omg. That is just awful :hugs: I'm so sorry. I can't believe him. What a complete asshole. You go out of your way to suggest something nice for quality time and he tells you it should be scheduled around his time with some other woman? I have no words. You deserve WAY better than that and I'm so glad you realize it!
Only you can decide what's best for you. It sounds to me like you are already a strong independent woman, you don't need to carry this man anymore. It takes two to make a relationship work and he isn't helping. You and your children deserve to come first and not second to free loading Bimberley! What kind of woman is she anyway to encourage a man to be away from his family?!

It sounds as though you are doing a fab job as it is. Grab yourself some happiness even if it means going it alone. Maybe the reality of it all will hit him like a tonne of bricks and he may even grow a pair! Good luck for now and your new future whatever it may bring.
Cannot believe this! :hugs: .. You seem determined and strong enough to 'call it a day' with him, you deserve so much better!! Xx
Wow douche central! Where do I apply to be Bimberley, like seriously???? How can both of them be so disrespecful. Hang in there. I advise you not to put any effort into anything at all with him. Sadly I do not think you can base any plans around him in the furture to depend on "daycare drop offs". He cannot be relied on.
Leave him to Bimboerly.

She will end up having to finance his life in the end as the novelty will soon wear off when she realises he is broke and had to rely on his wife for his cash. He's just not worth it Hun. Not after saying that to you, the tool.
What a moron! You seem a strong headed lady and will so just fine without him! Go be happy and leave him to this free loader!
I don't think I've mentioned this in the thread before, but hubby is Mormon. If you do not know a lot about Mormons, they have something called a "temple recommend." You can apply for a temple recommend sometime around age 18-19 if you are getting married or going on a mission; otherwise, I think there's a minimum age requirement (21 or 25 or something). Having a temple recommend allows you to enter Mormon temples and observe Mormon weddings, as non-Mormons and Mormons without temple recommends are not allowed to go to temple weddings. Having a temple recommend basically means you are an adult member in good standing and grants you the privilege of being able to enter a Mormon temple. You have to be attending your meetings, not drinking alcohol or coffee, paying 10% of your income to the church, and doing other things if you want to hold a TR.

Anyways, as someone who served a Mormon mission, DH first got a temple recommend when he was 18-19. The church first took it away from him 8.5 years ago (when he was 23) when he suddenly and from out of nowhere tried to divorce me. He did not bother to get it back until 2009, when he was 28. Though I am not Mormon, I have always encouraged him to participate in his church activities and hold a temple recommend.

DH's temple recommend expired over two years ago, and he did not attempt to get it renewed. This had nothing to do with me. He seemed disinterested in maintaining regular church attendance, and my encouragement wasn't moving him, so I didn't bother.

So, DH's sister is getting married in the Atlanta, GA temple on June 1st. Without a temple recommend, DH will be the only adult member of his family stuck standing outside the temple with the rest of us heathen, unable to see his sister's wedding. Even though he has spent the last two years periodically sleeping through meetings, wearing jeans and t-shirts to church, and often times skipping church altogether, I noticed these past two weeks that DH was putting on a suit and tie and actually going to his meetings. Sure enough, he mentions today that he has a meeting with his bishop and stake president after church to try and get a temple recommend.

Guess what? They wouldn't give it to him. They want to talk to me first. I couldn't be more pleased. I am seriously, seriously happy with the Mormon church today. I will be meeting with his bishop (and maybe his stake president?) next Sunday.

I am going to do everything in my power to see to it that they do not give him a temple recommend so long as he is giving Bimberly rides. I am going to tell them that I believe he is having an emotional affair with her, that he has been seriously neglectful of his family responsibilities almost since the first day that he began hanging out with her, that he has been going out and partying with her until 3AM-6AM so that she could drink her face off and he could be her designated sober driver (Bimberly is also Mormon, so they are probably not going to like hearing that he is helping a fellow member of the church break the rules), and that he has basically forced me into letting him give her rides that I don't want him giving out and waste money that I don't want him wasting (Mormons would call that "unrighteous dominion" and it's a big no-no for the husband to do that to his wife).

I believe that the other problems in our marriage could probably be reconciled IF we could just get rid of Bimberly, but Bimberly is an impasse. She has to go. I'm hoping that pressure from his church leaders and the potential embarrassment of not being able to see his little sister's wedding will help.

Pretty darned happy today. Reckoning is coming.
I think what concerns me is that I don't see Bimberly as being the cause of the problem in your marriage; the underlying cause is your husband's priorities. If she were to drop off the face of the earth tomorrow, it wouldn't change him one bit. She may be gone but some other pretty thing may come around another time and you may feel jealous, paranoid or just plain worried that he would start treating you like this again. Her leaving wouldn't change how he's treated you this whole time and it wouldn't solve the problems of him being disrespectful, irresponsible and probably unfaithful.

I have a hard time believing that nothing physical has happened between them. I guess I've seen, heard and even been in too many situations where there drinking and chemistry usually lead to something. But I dont want to speculate.

Your husband doesn't deserve this TR so I think you're right to tell them the truth! It may embarrass, humiliate him and may motivate him to change his ways. However..I guess the thing that would bother me is that even if he does shape up because of that, Id have a hard time believing that he did it for me :(
I have a hard time believing that nothing physical has happened between them. I guess I've seen, heard and even been in too many situations where there drinking and chemistry usually lead to something. But I dont want to speculate.
Maybe this was wrong of me, but I stole his phone and checked his texts. I'm satisfied that it isn't physical. It could become physical, as they're obviously buds, but I don't think it's there yet.

I do agree that there are underlying problems and that Bimberly is more of a symptom than a cause, which is why I've never tried to contact her directly (which a few friends have suggested). At the same time, we've been married almost 10 years without anything like this happening. Bimberly is the result of a perfect storm of circumstances that are unlikely to repeat anytime soon: they're both Mormon, they both dance, she's needy and stupid, he may be regressing to an irresponsible singlehood status over anxiety about another child that he does not feel he can care for, etc. That doesn't mean the underlying cause shouldn't be addressed, but get rid of Bimberly and maybe I can find time to work on the problem.

I've been reading on how different couples navigate shared finances and I have some ideas on how we can reconcile my other issues with his financial irresponsibility. But it's all moot if I can't get rid of Bimberly. So I really hope his leaders take my side and pressure him to drop her.

In the meantime, I am still preparing to legally separate from him and live without him. I want to save my marriage if I can, but I sure as hell do not need him. He has work to do if he wants to be a part of my life, and I will make him do it before I even consider taking him back.
Good attitude! I think he definitely has some redeeming to do if he wants to forgive how he's treated you and resume a marriage with him.

I'm glad you're satisfied there's nothing physical between them. I believe "the wife always knows" and obviously you know him best. Stealing the phone is a good reassurance too. He just has a strong lust for her I guess, and as you said, his life pressures are probably pushing him closer to what he finds comfort and fun in. I'll bet he feels like his old self when he's around her and can forget about his problems. I just wish he would think about how this is making you feel and where his actions are taking him. Does he realize how serious you are about planning for separation?

Also surely he must know that the bishop wants to have a word with you? If so, Id be surprised if he didn't assume that you probably wouldn't have good things to say.

I hope that the added pressure from the church causes him to drop her like you said. I just hope his biggest reason for dropping her is to be true to you more than anything else.

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