Pregnant with #1 ~ May Babies 2013!

Padbrat - I totally understand what you're going through - Madelyn cut her first tooth last week at 7 weeks old!!! Good luck :) redskins - haven't gone through that yet, but will be at the end if August.... I wish I could be a SAHM too... Good luck to you as well!
Bella what teething products did you use... am finding it hard to get something good for such small babies!

Red I have no idea chick.... I am taking a year mat leave and haven't even thought about leaving Leo yet.... I do not envy you one bit chick. Good luck x
Ya'll are scaring me with all the teeth talk! I want these gummy smiles to last a good long while =)

Red, is there anyway you could go to part-time? What kind of work do you do? Could you try to start freelancing from home through elance or odesk?
Thanks ladies!

I really wish I could go part time but I'm a special education teacher and our kiddos come back Aug. 13th. We may have worked it out today. My MIL is going to be keeping him 2 days a week and I'm going to tour a place on Friday. Almost all of the church kids go to this day care and there are only twelve kids total. She does fun trips when they hit the toddler age too so that makes me feel good. I know he won't just be sitting there watching tv!

I think Lucas is starting the teething process too. He's started drooling like crazy in the past week! Ah they are all growing up way to fast!
Padbrat - called my pedi & was told not to use meds. Apparently it's no longer considered safe to use products like baby oragel bc it numbs their throats and makes it hard to eat. I was told cold teething toys, a cold wet washcloth to suck on, etc. maddy liked sucking on a finger and the soothes pacifiers with a finger inside to chew on worked nicely for her. Good luck!!!
We're doing great, overall! My little man has his first cold though :(
Had a lot of anxiety in the beginning about going out in public with him, in case he cried, but it's getting better!

Redskins, I LOVE how much hair your little guy has! Everyone always comments on how much Levi has but I think Lucas has even more!
Hey :) we are good too. Alice is going through a really grumpy stage and I think her colic has returned as she starts her high pitched screams every now and then. Red face, tears the lot!

Very proud of herself as she can roll onto her front but then gets frustrated because she can't figure out how to get back. Lol. She's also getting good at holding her toys now :)

She lost a little weight a few weeks ago so I was advised by the doctor to increase her feeds to 4 hourly overnight....just as she was starting to sleep longer! She's pretty good tho at going down and sleeping.

We are still breastfeeding! Yay! Had some issues in the start but we are doing good now.

Everyone feeling back to normal now? I feel pretty good but my ankles are playing up!
Things are going well here! We just started the boys on cereal and they tried carrots for the first time today. I hadn't anticipated starting food so early, but they just weren't seeming quite satisfied enough on milk.
We're pretty much done with breast feeding, we're just working through what's left of the supply in the freezer now. It's been two days since my last pumping session and I think I'm officially done BFing now.
Even though the boys were preemie, they're developmentally on target, just a bit on the smaller side physically.

Jary, that stinks that you're having to do feeds that regularly at night. I hope she gains more weight and you can transition to longer sleep stretches at night again.
It's good they've got a good appetite pixie!

Yeah she had gained weight at Herat weigh in so the health visitors just said to maybe feed her just once in the night (mainly for my sanity lol) so I have tried doing that but the past few nights she's been waking up herself for feeds! Shame because on Friday night she slept 10 hours! I forgot to set my alarms!
Hi ladies!!! Great to hear from you all! We are doing well over here too. I've been back to work for 2 weeks now & Madelyn is in daycare. It breaks my heart because I want to be a SAHM so badly, but we simply can't afford for me to stay home. Madelyn does seem to like daycare & smiles at her teachers a lot. I'm still breastfeeding :) I'm determined not to give up after all the pain I went through to be able to do this, so she is EBF when I'm at home and gets my pumped milk at daycare. Pumping at work sucks but it's worth it for her. :)

Jary - poor you having to get up so much again! Pixie - glad to hear the boys are doing so well! Redskins, how are YOU??
We are good! Lucas is 4 months old today!!! OMG where has time gone? I've been back at work for 5 weeks! I'm only getting to pump once a day because of my schedule and the needs of my kiddos, so Lucas is getting around 6-10 oz. of formula a day but is breastfed the rest of the time! It was so hard to come to grips with him having to be supplemented but he doesn't seem to mind! Lucas is getting to stay with his Nana 2 days a week and is at daycare the other 3. He really seems to love the ladies that keep him!

AFM, I had emergency gallbladdar surgery July 31st and then was rushed to a bigger hospital for an ERCP due to my bile duct being clogged by a gallstone! Fun stuff! We had to supplement for 3 days while I was in the hospital. Hardest thing I've ever had to do..being away from my baby and not nursing!

Anyway! Bella I really wanted to be a SAHM too but just was not feasible! Right now I'm detesting the women who fought for equal rights! :haha: I would make a wonderful house wife! Working is totally over rated now that Lucas is here!
Hey strangers! Sorry I've been so MIA. This whole mommy thing is so much more time consuming than I ever realized. I can't believe how big all the babies have gotten. All of your photos are so excellent. NIce to hear some of you are teething too. I feel like Dylan is in such mouth pain sometimes, but my doctor says she's way too young.
Our nanny started Friday, and I'm not actually leaving her alone til Wednesday. So nerve racking to trust LO with someone else. Has anyone bought a nanny cam? We're in the market, but in the dark.
Omg redskins, I'm glad you're ok now!!! :( poor you! I totally agree about the women's rights thing hehe!

Sass - great to hear from you! I don't know much about a nanny cam - but if I had a nanny I'd be looking for one as well! Good luck :)
So I was thinking about the fact most of our babies are around 9 months old now! Crazy how fast time flies!

Lucas is crawling, pulling up, and even cruising! He will eat everything we give and is back to sleeping all night! He has 8 teeth and can say momma, papa, baba (bottle), and love!

What are your LOs doing?

Who's ready for the next one? I have baby fever like crazy! I was told by my OB that we can't start trying until May :(

Hope you all are doing great!
Levi will be 9 months on the 24th!

He army crawls, and has taken a few strides with regular crawling but doesn't really care about exploring that further, for now anyway. He's been pulling to standing since about Christmas! He'll cruise around if there's something specific he wants, but he's still pretty wobbly as far as that goes. Most of the time he just wants me, so crawls over and pulls up wherever I am.

He has 3 teeth, with more on the top on the way. Uggh I thought they'd cut through by now. He's miserable!

He eats everything. We've done finger foods/BLW from the start, and since have done some spoon feeding. He does well either way.

The only think he really says is "dada", and it's more on command than in context! Sometimes he says it just for fun but I don't think he's connected it with DH yet. He's pretty vocal overall though. Always likes to be making noise!
I'm so happy your little one is doing so well! I'm amazed that time has went by so fast! I'm already starting to think about his first birthday party! I'm thinking Mickie Mouse Clubhouse since that's the only show besides Wheel of Fortune he pays any attention too!
Your little guys seems to be coming right along as well! Time really does fly, doesn't it?

We probably won't be doing anything for his first birthday. Lame, I know. We're moving to another state that month... we might do something small with family, I guess, but we have two weddings to go to on his actual bday... in different states. So Levi will be with me, and DH will go to the other, unless something happens and I can't go, then we'll be with DH. I guess he can have a bite of wedding cake on his birthday, LOL! Then maybe the week after have a small party with either the ILs, or some close friends that live where we're moving to. Not both. I wouldn't subject anyone to my FIL on purpose!

Levi doesn't really watch TV, even when we are watching, so I wouldn't know what theme to do anyway. I guess there's always trucks/cars, hunting, sports, etc.
Hi girls! Time really has flown by! Alice will be 9 months on the 10th! She's crawling, pulling herself up and even standing on her own for a few seconds! No teeth yet but she's pretty good for eating and sleeps through now (tho only for about a month)

We'll be probably doing a tea party for Alice's first birthday. More for us than her but she has lots of little friends so it'll be nice :)

Glad to know all the babies are doing well! :)
I love that theme for a little girls party! Yay for sleeping through the night!

I hope your move goes well!!

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