Pregnant with #2 and need some encouraging words


Mummy to 1 & pregnant :)
Apr 18, 2013
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Hi everyone! i am currently pregnant with no.2, had a scan the other day and all is looking well with baby so i have started to think ahead of time about breastfeeding etc!

Really i'm just looking for some encouraging words. I was very determined to bf my daughter but sadly it failed miserably due to mucus issues, bad jaundice and lack of help. I would really like to give BF another go this time and if all goes well what i would like to know is how easy is it to do with a toddler to look after? I wouldn't want to be putting a ridiculous amount of strain on myself. How do all you ladies with toddlers manage? Any tips, advice or encouraging words would be much appreciated.

Thank you.
Haha this is what I've just been asking. Dilemma between really wanting to breastfeed this time but ensuring my relationship with dd doesn't suffer. My little girl is the same age as yours :). How many weeks pregnant are you? I had my 12 week scan on Tuesday x
Oh really? haha! Glad im not alone with worrying about this :) I will be 9 weeks on Sunday but can't help thinking ahead already! My little girl is quite a handful at times so im just wondering how i will cope! xx
My ds is 23 months and my dd is 4 weeks. I had a horrible bf experience with ds and was very nervous about bf for the second time. Truth is it's like night and day dd feeds beautifully and has done from day one! I suppose it all depends on the type of baby you get! Ds was ec-sect, jaundice and undiagnosed lip and tongue ties plus a vast array of food allergies. I haven't found it a problem with regards to my toddler though the 3week growth spurt was hairy for a couple of days, not looking forward to the 6 wk one! I'd say try not to overthink it and just see what happens and decide at the time what will work best for your family.
If you are super determined the first few weeks bfing will almost always work out. I say almost always because not always but def most of the time. Bfing while I have my 15 month old running around isn't hard at all. I have baby gates everywhere though and a toy box in every room.
If I could exclusively BF, then I wouldn't have an issue with managing BF my newborn and handling my two year old. However, due to IGT, I have a small supply and have to supplement with formula after every BF session. That makes feeding very time consuming and was stealing precious time away from my first daughter. I have cut back to only BF when my daughter is asleep or at daycare and when I'm not stressed or too tired. I also pump several times a day and add that to the bottles.

I would say give it a try, but don't feel horrible if you feel like it takes too much away from your toddler. I love breastfeeding my daughter, but only when it's a low stress situation.
Sorry it didn't work out last time, but there's no reason you can't succeed this time!

1. Familiarise yourself with what a good latch should look like
2. Do not feed for longer than 10 minutes at a time in the beginning, to give your nipples a chance to adapt!
3. Apply lansinoh after EVERY feed!
4. Put your child to the breast as often as possible.
5. Don't expect the MW to be of any help. BFing is really low on their list of priorities when they're busy, which is usually the case nowadays. If they are helpful, it's a bonus.
6. Find out about cluster feeding, wind, etc.
7. Stalk this forum!

As for having a toddler while BFing: my older LO is 2 and younger LO 4 months. He is at nursery during the day but wasn't for the first three months. I'll just copy and paste what I wrote in Flower15's thread:
I was able to feed LO#2 while out and about with LO#1 (2 yo) with an Ergo and newborn insert. You just need to tip them to the side a bit and wear clothes appropriate for nursing.

But while it's important to give your older one your attention too, I'd make it clear from the beginning that feeding time happens no matter what. It may be that your toddler wants to cuddle up to you when you're feeding or suddenly wants to be on your knee, but it's best if they also know it's the little one's time with you first and foremost, and sometimes that means lying or sitting down quietly. Some toddlers have tantrums when younger siblings are being nursed and it's something to be aware of that can happen!

It's a challenge, but we're at a point where LO#1 is aware that LO#2 is hungry and feeding and just accepts it. He gets a book to read together or does stickers next to us. It's easier in the long term when older siblings, especially with a small age gap, know that sometimes what they want has to take a back seat. If they sense any unease, they will take advantage!
Good luck!
I had an awful time breastfeeding my first lo, I had a terrible postpartum infection for about 2 months before it cleared up which then killed my supply. I ended up relactating and pumping until she was 13 months old. This time around I was terrified that not only would I have problems again but that it would be a million times harder with a toddler. It's only 6 days in now since my second DD was born but so far I've found breastfeeding with a toddler easy we just read or colour while her sister is eating, also I got a nursing pillow that I can use while up and moving if I need to. Breastfeeding was so easy this time around I still feel like it can't be real. If breastfeeding is what you want to do go for it, it can definitely be a lot better the second time around.
That is just what i needed to hear! Thank you xx
Breastfeeding is probably the thing which made life with 2 under 2 easier for me! Being able to wack a boob out in seconds meant DD was more content and DS had to wait a much shorter time for me to do whatever he wanted me to do right that very second :).

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