Pregnitude/Inofolic Success?

Hello, everyone, I have been hearing a lot about Pregnitude, Can anyone tell me how i can get some, as no pharmacies do it here in the UK, and the US don't ship abroad. How did you guys get it, would really love to try it, as everything else has failed
I got mine shipped, but I am in the US. :/. However, I believe it is sold in the UK, but under a different name. Look for Inofolic, I think. I tried to look it up but can't find where I originally found it. Hope this helps!
Yes, it is called Inofolic or you can get Inofolic plus if I recall. The plus adds melatonin I think? We cannot get that in the US, but that is what I read.
I bought Isofolic, but it doesnt say how many pockets a day i should drink and if i need to stop during my period. Can someone halp me? My doctor not sure, because she newly start working with it.
We fly to London 23.12- 2.01. If someone need, i can bring with me Isofolic
I was diagnosised with PCOS 8 yrs ago and for 8 yrs I have not done the things needed to take care of my self often feeling upset that I caused this or something. I have recently been spending alot of time trying to right my wrongs of not committing myself to trying the heal myself from the inside out. I constantly do research about PCOS and happened to come across a few articles on Pregnitude. I was instantly excited about being able to take something more than just metformin, which in my opinion was not working. So I tried and in my opinion failed at taking the suppliment consistantly for the month of November only really taking it for 3 weeks. But to my surprise I started my cycle on my own and that excited me and has given me the boost to keep believing and keep taking it. I hope and pray this works. I am supposed to have surgery next month to get my cycst removed from my ovaries and hopefully after that I can conceive with the help of my original meds and pregnitude. I will keep working. I am glad that group is here I have thought all these years I was alone in this not knowing there is a whole lot of ladies going throught the same thing.

Hi, yes really interested in trying INOFOLIC since i can't get Pregnitude shipped to the UK. As far as i know you need to take two sachets a day- morning and evening, but you need to persevere for a good few months.
LydiaInce that is is a really lovely gesture from you, i would be so grateful if you were able to bring some with you. I don't know how many sachets are in each box, how many boxes are you willing to bring, and how would we go about with this? Best Regards
I am sure Inofolic is the same as Pregnitude in terms of dose. 1 pack with water in the morning and 1 pack in the evening with water. Some women say if they take it during their period they experience a painful AF, so they stop taking at that time. I have never had that issue. I am sure everybody is different. If you get pregnant you need to stop taking when you find out because it can cause uterine contractions which can cause miscarriage in some women. I think it is pretty rare though because I also read of women who took it their entire first trimester just to make sure their progesterone levels were good. So I guess, who knows?

I have been taking it for 5 and a half months and just a couple weeks ago I stopped Metformin altogether. At least for now. I did not have results with metformin, but after 2 months of Pregnitude things started to change. My cycles got shorter. Yay! BUT the TTC stress is not helping me to eat properly... if Pregnitude can help even with a poor diet, imagine what it will do with a good diet! :)

I have heard of a lot of women wanting to give up on it after a month or two because their cycles were longer and acne worse... and so on. Do not get discouraged, it may be negative but it is showing you that it is working. 'Adjusting' your hormones and such! My first cycle on Pregnitude was the longest it had been in years, but the next cycle was much shorter.
Good luck ladies.
thank you very much for unswering. i looked at my Onofolik- it says 1 pocket has 1 gr of ionosil and 1 gr of folic asid. So i guess i need take 2x2times aday. i also pray it works :)) I got follicule grove good by useing Ovarium Compositum HEEL. its homeopaty. But it works only when u use it, not realy fixing the problame. Try to find online about it too, might be interesting as well
Hello to all of you! I have PCOS. I got pregnant with metformin & clomid after taking Metformin for more than a year. But TTC again but no luck. I don't like to take metformin again coz it's really making me sick, so I'm taking pregnitude for 6 months now, so far, not pregnant yet but it's keeping my period regular. But if Pregnitude is not gonna work after 1 year. I will take the Metformin again. Thanks. God bless us all.
Hello to all of you! I have PCOS. I got pregnant with metformin & clomid after taking Metformin for more than a year. But TTC again but no luck. I don't like to take metformin again coz it's really making me sick, so I'm taking pregnitude for 6 months now, so far, not pregnant yet but it's keeping my period regular. But if Pregnitude is not gonna work after 1 year. I will take the Metformin again. Thanks. God bless us all.

Do you take the regular metformin or metformin XR? The XR was a LOT easier on my tummy! I thought Pregnitude was doing wonders for my body and it was, no doubt, helping... but doc and I decided to stop metformin in early November and see if Pregnitude was enough for me. It wasn't. I still ovulated earlier like I had the past couple months of taking Pregnitude... but my temps were crazy post-O! Lots of dips which tells me stopping metformin was bad. Plus my sugar and carb cravings went through the roof!!! Starting the metformin back up tomorrow!
I believe that Metformin worked for me but it's really making me sick. I was taking the regular Metformin. I will ask my Doctor about the Metformin XR. Thanks. I'm still taking Pregnitude. I'll let you know what the outcome.
Just wondering if anyone had any success stories to report? I think I ovulated earlier than usual last month, but still bfn. I'm not sure though. My temp went up and stayed up, but then a week later, I got my normal o pains. No idea what happened there. I'm either 11 or 5 dpo, but probably 11.
Hi ladies, I also take pregnitude. I've only been in it a couple weeks so far. I also have pcos and take 1500 mg of regular metformin. I've noticed a little more cramping and some soreness, which I never get unless I'm close to AF. I should also add that I don't see AF unless I'm on progesterone or vitex.. We will see, but so far I'm gonna stick with it! Good luck everyone!
Hi ladies, I also take pregnitude. I've only been in it a couple weeks so far. I also have pcos and take 1500 mg of regular metformin. I've noticed a little more cramping and some soreness, which I never get unless I'm close to AF. I should also add that I don't see AF unless I'm on progesterone or vitex.. We will see, but so far I'm gonna stick with it! Good luck everyone!

Really? I posted about a herbal supplement that contains Vitex on another thread and was cautioned against it.. but I have read a lot of articles that Vitex can help regulate your cycle if you have low prog levels. Do you find that this is the case for you? (reference: Planta Med. 2012 Nov 7. Vitex agnus-castus Extracts for Female Reproductive Disorders: A Systematic Review of Clinical Trials. van Die MD, Burger HG, Teede HJ, Bone KM.)
Hi ladies, I also take pregnitude. I've only been in it a couple weeks so far. I also have pcos and take 1500 mg of regular metformin. I've noticed a little more cramping and some soreness, which I never get unless I'm close to AF. I should also add that I don't see AF unless I'm on progesterone or vitex.. We will see, but so far I'm gonna stick with it! Good luck everyone!

Really? I posted about a herbal supplement that contains Vitex on another thread and was cautioned against it.. but I have read a lot of articles that Vitex can help regulate your cycle if you have low prog levels. Do you find that this is the case for you? (reference: Planta Med. 2012 Nov 7. Vitex agnus-castus Extracts for Female Reproductive Disorders: A Systematic Review of Clinical Trials. van Die MD, Burger HG, Teede HJ, Bone KM.)

I liked the vitex and it worked for me because I don't have a cycle at all. If you have a pretty regular cycle that ranges within 35 days, I probably would also advise against it. I stopped taking it because I have seasonal affective disorder, and the vitex was making it a little worse. If you have pcos, the recommended dose is 1000-1200 mg. I was taking 1200 because the ones I have are 400mg apiece. It really depends. You can try whatever you want. You never know, it might work! I also take metformin, and that usually combined with weight loss usually can bring AF back for most women with pcos. Not me :/
Ah, sorry to hear about that.. yeah my PCOS is on the milder side but I really do feel that the herbals are helping. No weird mood swings this month at least! I only take 1/2 the dose recommended (they're expensive) but we'll see how things shake down for a couple cycles. There is also saw palmetto in what I take, which is helping keep my hair loss in check (thanks, PCOS!)

PCOS is really the crappiest thing ever - if it's not enough to have compromised fertility and thinning hair, the insulin resistance is the pits! makes weight loss almost impossible unless you starve yourself or run marathons...grr. Anyway I totally sympathize, best of luck to you!
I've been taking myo inositol and folic acid for 3 months now - I don't have PCOS and my cycles before taking the supplements were on a pretty regular 26-27 day cycle. Since taking the combination my cycle has increased to 28-30 day cycle and I think my luteal phase has lengthened 1-2 days. I'm good if my cycle stay 28 days but I'm worried if it increases out much more than that.....Anyone have any experiences on myo inositol that don't have PCOS. I also read on this website:

Our findings suggest that the addition of myo-inositol to folic acid in non PCOS-patients undergoing multiple follicular stimulation for in-vitro fertilization may reduce the numbers of mature oocytes and the dosage of rFSH whilst maintaining clinical pregnancy rate.

Okay so my concern is REDUCE the numbers of mature oocytes... because don't we want to have more mature oocytes???

By taking myo inositol if you aren't undergoing IVF and don't have PCOS are we reducing the amount of mature eggs????

Does anyone understand this research?
I've been taking myo inositol and folic acid for 3 months now - I don't have PCOS and my cycles before taking the supplements were on a pretty regular 26-27 day cycle. Since taking the combination my cycle has increased to 28-30 day cycle and I think my luteal phase has lengthened 1-2 days. I'm good if my cycle stay 28 days but I'm worried if it increases out much more than that.....Anyone have any experiences on myo inositol that don't have PCOS. I also read on this website:

Our findings suggest that the addition of myo-inositol to folic acid in non PCOS-patients undergoing multiple follicular stimulation for in-vitro fertilization may reduce the numbers of mature oocytes and the dosage of rFSH whilst maintaining clinical pregnancy rate.

Okay so my concern is REDUCE the numbers of mature oocytes... because don't we want to have more mature oocytes???

By taking myo inositol if you aren't undergoing IVF and don't have PCOS are we reducing the amount of mature eggs????

Does anyone understand this research?

I have never heard that? I heard it was good for non-PCOS women as well because it improves egg quality. It is recommended for women over 35 for that specific reason. This supplement definitely targets PCOS women, but it should not hurt anything.

Also, I have read where it has improved the quality of women's eggs when they were about to undergo IVF egg retrieval. So if it helps to mature more eggs in this case, it wouldn't make sense for it to reduce. BUT typically we only release 1 egg per cycle anyhow. Only the dominant follicle ends up releasing an egg without the assistance of fertility drugs. (Except in the case of twins, then sometimes 2 dominant follicles are selected.) what Pregnitude does is help the quality of these follicles/eggs to help ensure that a good one gets released as opposed to us developing numerous low quality follicles that release an egg that won't be able to be fertilized and implant.

That is how I have understood Pregnitude. By helping the follicle mature it is promoting good progesterone production from the corpus luteum once the egg is released. That is essential for a healthy luteal phase and allowing that little bean to implant. So bringing your cycle to 28 days could be a good thing for your luteal phase. As long as a cycle does not exceed 35 days it is considered normal.

Hope that helps!
Thanks Elpha --

So perhaps it helps with the quality of eggs but not the quantity of eggs??? But as you said we don't want more than one egg unless we are doing egg freezing or something...

I do notice my temps are higher and stay higher when I take inositol....

I guess I'll stay on it again this month but really be diligent with temping so I can pin point my ov more accurately - I got lazy and only did OPKs last month for the first half.

I'd like to believe it is doing something good - but am concerned that the research with non-PCOS women seems to be non-existent....

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