Prescription and/or High Energy Formulas Thread

Lottie86 - Well done Findlay making it onto superstrength formula :) be great just having to make his formula up like normal stuff rather than adding the calorie stuff. Bet it was a proud mummy moment!

Sleeping Bubs - Goodluck with the dietician, hope they are better than Poppy's who was truly pants!! The fruity bread we get is either from Sainsbury's or Asda or sometimes we make it, it is just fruit loaf (bread with sultanas and currants in) it does have sugar in & salt though :( but I tend to brush her teeth afterwards & she doesn't have it every day (much to her dissappointment). I think that the high energy formula was just filling her up so that she didn't want much food or actual milk, not that she has loads now but we definately noticed the difference when she was switched to normal SMA. Maybe McKenzie will always just be a slim boy :) it's hard though when doctors etc are putting on so much pressure for them put on weight and to be near to the 50th centile when all you want is for them to be happy and healthy :) How is the cold? I wasn't immune to Rubella so had to have the MMR last week and it made me feel lousy :( feel so sorry for babies having them!

Poppy wears tights with everything lol, find that when she sits down the dungarees/trousers roll so far up her little legs were getting cold bless her, plus she can pull and pull and pull and it still won't come off lol.
hello :flower:

it's been a long time since I've posted on here so apologises! I've just read through the pages and it's lovely to see everyone's LO's doing so well, so thought I would update on Chloe.

She turned 1 yesterday (still cant believe it!) and when she was weighed the other week she was 15lb 13oz. She can say mumma and cruises around tables and things and is super speedy at crawling now (it took her awhile to get the hang of it). She is still on the NP2 but no longer has gaviscon for reflux. We see the consultation every 3 ish months and then next appointment is dec and I think she'll take Chloe off the NP2 but after hearing so well Poppy is doing on 'normal' formula I'm not worried. She doesnt eat much, it has only been the last 2 months where she is actually swallowing little pieces of food rather then just chewing them and spitting them out. She as 3 meals a day and I'm going to start to introduce snacks, but she doesnt seem that interested. She still has 4 bottles a day and probably drinks about 20oz in total. She has 4 teeth and I am also going to delay her jabs till dec just to give her a bit of time to chunk up a bit and as she was 7 weeks early, giving them to her 7/8 later then normal seems about right! She's comfortably in 3-6 and some 6-9 month clothes, she's 68cm but quite skinny so we often find jeans and things that fit her fine around the waist end up being to short, so tights for us is always a winner!!

Ohh sorry for the long ramble! Anyway, I will check back more often as it's nice to chat/compare to mums who have babies about the same age and with the same issues if you like. I'd love for Chloe to go to a premmie toddler group as whenever we go to a baby/toddler club, everyone else is huge compared to her and they all try to treat her like a little 6 month old baby bless!!

Have a good night all

Michelle xx
I know how u feel mummy-mi about toddler groups everyone treat Mckenzie like he is 6months eventhough he is walking get a few coments like he is too small to walk, and everyone wants to pick him up and he hates that.

Your chloe is a bit heavier than Mckenzie but getting him weighed in a couple of weeks so hopefully he has put some weight on. I have now began to wash the 6-9month clothes he is wearing 3-6m trousers still though!

Can't believe how they are all getting on and how time flies,

Right now to get Mckenzie to drink his milk and go to bed. I really tired as Mckenzie is STILL having a bottle though the night!!
It's amazing how clothes sizes differ tho, Chloe can fit into some 0-3 month things and some 6-9 things, and in one shop a 3-6 top can be upto say 17lbs and somewhere else it's upto 21lbs, so random, but then again so is our women's sizing! Am glad it switches over to height for clothes soon but some things will be hit and miss with Chloe being tall but skinny.

What are everyone's LO's 'routines' (for lack of a better word!)?
Chloe generally wakes up anytime between 4 and 7am for a quick bottle and a change (her pee is so super strong smelling, it could knock out a horse!) but she normally goes back off to sleep till 7/8ish.
She has another bottle at some point in the morning and a nap which can be at anytime 11-4pm, depending on what time she got up, how busy we are etc. And it's usually for about 1 or 2 hours.
Sometimes she has half a bottle around 4ish but sometimes not.
Then dinner, bath every other night, and a bottle followed by bed around 7-8pm.

I guess I am really really lucky that Chloe seems to enjoy sleeping and even goes down without a fuss must nights! She was still waking for a middle of the night feed up until a few months ago but the gap got bigger and bigger and now the occasional morning she wont wake up until 7, a few times it's even been 8am but that's always been after a super busy day and if she's filled up on milk a lot the previous day. I can always tell when she's going to be waking up at closer to 4/5am if she hasnt had a lot of milk the day before.

It's nice to hear about your HV's, when ours came to do Chloe's check up she was going on about getting Chloe onto a sippy cup/beaker and gave us one to try etc. We ended up buying about 6 and she hated them all, so now we just use a beaker thing for water at meal times (which Chloe is nearly getting the hang of picking up herself and managing to drink out of) and we've stuck with our trusty NUK latex teats and bottles.

I am still sterilising (milton cold water bucket) but that's only because I said I'd use up the last of the milton in the bottle and then stop and it's happened to last forever!

Michelle xx
Great to hear from you Mummy Mi, glad Chloe is doing well :) did she have a nice birthday? Time flies by doesn't it and I can't believe Poppy is 1 already!

Poppy's routine is:
Wakes between 6-7 ish has a bottle (150mls) then usually goes back to sleep to between 8-9am, then she has a bath followed by breakfast.
Milk at 10ish
Snack at 11ish (banana, raisins, cucumber or breadstick usually) if she isn't having a nap which she does sometimes.
Lunch about 12.30ish
Nap anywhere between 1-4 (depending on if she had a nap in the morning and what we have been doing during the day) naps for about 1-2 hours.
Milk about 4ish
Dinner 5ish
Milk about 7ish (150ml)
Bed anywhere between 7.30 - 9.00, 8/10 nights she sleeps through but sometimes wants a feed at or just wakes up wanting a cuddle.

Sleeping Bubs - Poppy only started sleeping through when we moved house so about 3 months now, it was a complete shock when she did as had got so used to having to get up each night. She then started waking again for a while and I was a bit sneaky and dream fed her for a few weeks naughty I know but it worked. I hope MCkenzie starts letting you get a good nights sleep soon :hugs:

I've only been to 1 babygroup recently (need to rectify that soon) I do get a few comments in general of 'oooh wow she can pull herself up, or cruise around etc,.' I think because she still has pretty much no hair she looks alot younger than she is too.

As for a SippyCup, should Poppy be having milk in one? :shrug: took me so bloody long getting the right bottle and teat and for her to feed properly I hate the thought of going through it all again :( she does drink water from one though, bit hit and miss whether it goes in her tummy, or all over herself though! I must admit I don't sterilise anymore (last 3 months), but thats only because the new house has a dishwasher lol.

Gotta love tights for these skinny babies :thumbup: I wish they put that special adjustable maternity type elastic in all baby trousers though so you could make them smaller at the waist.
Hey Well Mckenzie's routine varies a lot depends but usually

bottle around 4-6oz 3-5am (goes back asleep eventually)
Breakfast between 8-9am
Lunch 12
Milk (5oz ish depends sometimes more) 2.30-3pm
Tea between 5-6pm
Milk 5-7oz around 8-9pm

Has a nap sometimes in morning or afternoon depends what baby group at usually between 1-2hrs. Mckenzie won't eat/drink anything unless there is a big gap between thus he doesn't have a snack normally inbetween breakfast and lunch! Maybe we will have to encouage him a bit more

We go to quite a few baby things 1 a day really lol, Mon 0-2s group, tue song and story time, Wed tiny talk, Thur Young parents group and Friday under 5s group. Mckenzie social life is better than ours lol

Well it tooks as a long time to get Mckenzie to drink from a bottle (back to tt ctn bottles now) don't want to upset him but sometimes tries his afternoon bottle in a cup he has a sip then chucks it so I pour it into a bottle. But he has now started drinking water from a different cuo Avent magic cup with toddler spout which is a start!
Yes she had a lovely time, was spoilt lots by all her nannies and now has a ton of new clothes that will last her for probably the next 12 months!

It sounds like Chloe and Poppy are both into a similar routine. Chloe hasn't got much hair either, which I guess makes her look even more baby like, just long fine blonde bits at the back of her head, she gets mistaken for a boy if she's in jeans and a non pink t shirt more often then not! We moved house last month and I havent been to the babygroup here yet (which I should sort out going to in the next few weeks!), it'll be odd having to make new friends again and explaining about Chloe being small/prem etc to everyone again all the time!

I tried milk in the sippy cups we had and Chloe hated it so she has milk in her normal bottles and a cup/beaker with no spout kind of thing with water in at meals times. She's getting better at picking it up and drinking from it but she has a habit of enjoying it so much she'll happily try and drink the whole lot in one go! I didnt want to force Chloe to use a sippy cup for milk as it took us months and months as well to get her happily drinking from her NUK bottles and when I asked Chloe's consultant about it, she said not to worry about getting her to use a sippy cup at the moment, just try her again with one every month or so, until she's ready for it.

We used to have a dishwasher but not in this house! I miss it so much, I would have probably stopped sterilising sooner if we still had one but nevermind.

I agree about the adjustable waist on trousers and jeans, Chloe has some Next and Pumpkin Patch ones that have it in but ones we get from Tesco and places dont have it in.

We got her feet measured the other day as I wanted to get Chloe a pair of shoes to keep her feet warm when we go out, I dont want her to wear a pair in the house, even if they are special cruising ones. But all they had was about 3 in her sizes, 2.5, and they were all pink, pink and white, pink and red. I just wanted a kind of more neutrally pair or even some little boots. This was in John Lewis (we were looking at stollers there) so I think I might just get something from mothercare or somewhere, she's not going to be standing/walking in them so I'm sure they'll be fine rather then a Clarks/Startrite pair!

Anyway back to getting the washing done! Have a good day everyone! xx
Just saw your post as I posted mine! There are so many beakers/sippy cups out it's a nightmare!

Mckenzie's social life sounds great! I must get info on what stuff is about here, I cant wait to get our new stroller, our travel system is so heavy pushing up hills which is why I havent ventured out much, am looking forward to the lightweight stroller!

Anyway catch you all later xx
Hey Mummy-mi Shoes were a nightmare for Mckenzie as he is walking needed proper walking shoes but he is size 2, and Startrite and clarks don't do walking shoes until size 3 BUT Mothercare does which are half the price with proper soles, so go Mckenzie a pair for fury gray boots from there for £10! He loves them brings them up to me to put them on.

I agree with adjustable waist bands with have one pair from pumkin patch which have them usually he wears a belt!!

Right better go and Pick him up from my mums as stayed there last night cos we went to the beer festival!!! hey mummy-mi we keep writting when each other are lol!!
Hey all a little up date on Mckenzie
Went to dietitian yesterday and yet again Mckenzie has lost weight (6oz in 3weeks) now 15lb 7oz under 0.4th centile still BUT he has grown taller now on the 2nd centile!!! He has been a bit sickly in the last couple of weeks and has a horrible cough!! Now having to re-introduce lumpy food again cos was gagging on it. Got to make sure that gets better if not back to ped as shouldn't be doing that any more.

Anyway dietitian said as he has been ill and thats why he lost weight wants me to get him weighed every 2weeks for the next couple of months and if weight drops or doesn't put any weight on need to phone b4 his next appointment cos will think give him duocal supplement in food but she doesn't want to do that yet. So she has given me high energy food booklet like putting cream, cheese ,milk etc in food. She said that his milk is helping him put the weight on/maintaining weight as he doesn't eat much so keeping with that until 18months, he will be 18months on his next appointment 8th march!! then will decide what to do next.

Anyway he has a really bloated tummy at moment thus got an appointment at doctors to look in to that as a symptom for cealic disease. Hoping it is not that.

How is everyone else??
Hi Ladies,

Sleeping Bubs - Sorry to hear Mckenzie has been a little poorly, hopefully this explains the weight loss and they won't need to put him on any special medication. It is good that they are keeping a close eye on him though. Hope the re-introducing the lumps goes well too. Poppy is not overly keen on lumps and some days refuses it point blank :( she will happily eat finger food though especially her fruity bread! Does he still have lots of milk? McKenzie looks such a happy cutie from his picture :kiss: How tall is he now? must be getting harder trying to get clothes to fit him bless him. Hope his swollen tummy goes down soon & its not celiacs, you must be so worried about it all :hugs:

Poppy is doing well (I think) since we moved in Aug we seem to have fallen off the HV's radar! I continue to weigh her monthly and last time she was 18lbs 8oz. I am trying to put her MMR off until jab off until Jan, but OH isn't to happy about it! I had the MMR last month and it made me feel lousy for a few days so feel awful for poor Poppy when she has it. She has recently started walking :) now just got to try and get her some shoes small enough.... Eating seems hit and miss, lumpy spoon food is a no go alot of the time, she has a few mouthfuls then spits the lumpy bits out :( have some cheese/spinach filled pasta (like ravoili iykwim) in the freezer as reserve and she happily eats these with her hands and is much happier eating finger food in general tbh. Recently introduced sweetcorn fritters too which she loves so also have these on standby. I feel very sad when Poppy eats loads less than my friends 9-12 months old and people are always shocked at how little she eats and it makes me feel such a bad mummy!

Is everyone ready for Christmas? I got my first couple of presents today - eek! time has just flown by. How is everyone surviving with the snow? we only had a little scattering here luckily.

Take care and hope to hear updates soon x
Hey Willow77 well he had a 10m jar tonight had to mash it a bit though and he ate some. Does ok with finger foods but has a habit of putting it all in his mouth chokes and then is sick!!

He is now 72.9cm tall he is wearing 6-9 vests (a bit long) and tops but 3-6m trousers. what size shoe is Poppy? Mckenzie is size 2, the only place I have found which does size 2 walking shoes is Mothercare.

Poppy has put on loads of weight!!! How old is she now? I really need to make a load of food and freeze it as still mostly having jars ect I think Mckenzie has quite a load of food considering his size but just doesn't put any weight on :nope: I sure Poppy is having enouth food considering her weigh :thumbup:

I finished christmas shopping a few weeks a go just got to program Mckenzie's (scout teddy) before I wrap it,
hey all haven't been on here for a while

A little update of Mckenzie still on SMA high energy now 18months and weighing 16lb 14oz under 0.4th centile still height 73.5cm, head c 44.5cm so still small.

Went to dietitian a couple of weeks ago and she said she can't put him on next milk as he has to weigh 8kg for it he weighed 7.67kg!!! But the milk comes in different flavours and in little bottles with straws. So next appointment 14th July he will be 22months and prob will change to that milk.

How are everyone's little ones doing now??
Lovely to hear from you Sleeping Bubs. Is Mckenzie dinky but still a happy little boy? Won't be long before he is on the flavoured stuff and hopefully he will love it and pile on the pounds :) bet you will be glad to not have to make up anymore bottles, does he eat and drink much milk but very active still?

Poppy is doing well and weighs about 9kg now and on the 9th centile, head wise I think she is off the chart :shrug: She wears alot of 9-12 month clothes now (with turn ups lol) so think height wise she is doing ok. Food wise she still doesn't eat much & has aboout 14oz milk a day (mixture of SMA 1 year+ and cows milk). I can't believe she is nearly 18 months already, where did the time go?!

its mad isn't it can't believe how quick it has gone!!

Mckenzie does eat quite a lot well some days lol he had a big bowl of porridge mixed with his formula at 6am going to give him a bottle about 9am. he has around 15-20oz of milk a day and 3 meals ish and snacks.

Yep he is small but really active to nothing much wrong with him but slow to put weight on!!

Wow poppy has done well with her weight gain :) its mad how different clothes varies Mckenzie is wearing size 3-6month dungarees today lol and they are a bit big lol

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