Yeah I know what you mean, I don't feel like I have slept properly even if I have a really good night's sleep. It may be to do with melatonin production, if you're not making enough of it then you won't sleep properly, and I would imagine it could easily contribute to restlessness and being unable to go into a proper deep sleep. You can buy it online but it isn't available over the counter here, there apparently hasn't been enough trials to ensure its safety but I don't really understand that since it's something we make naturally, or should make, but some don't make enough of it so it seems sensible to supplement with it until you're in a good sleeping pattern. It seems more logical than sleeping pills and stuff. I think it can sometimes be prescribed but it depends on the doctor I think.
I see what you're saying, my husband worries about having appointments about his back issues and the meds he's on masking things etc.
There are lots of alternative therapies you can try out though, some available on the NHS, I believe acupuncture is in some places here for physical problems like nerve pain. It isn't available for mental health though which is a shame as it's really helpful but also expensive when you're looking at six sessions bare minimum. Ideally ongoing.
If we ever do get a sticky baby then I will gradually lower the diazepam, which in theory should be easier pregnant than not pregnant because of the constant elevated levels of progesterone.
It's weird isn't it, when it seemed so easy before to conceive and have a healthy baby and then one day it just is the complete opposite. We didn't expect it to be like this. Youngest is four so it isn't like it's been decades since we had a child.
I'm a firm believer in these things, I'm sure many think I'm crazy but I don't care lol I think the timing of pregnancies when you lose someone close to you isn't a coincidence. I've heard this so many times, couples expecting right when they lose someone significant, and it really helps them through it. I'm sorry you lost your mum, though. That must be incredibly hard
The dip could be another oestrogen surge so hopefully they'll increase again, or not dip any lower at least. I have seen lots of charts during pregnancy though which dip a lot, some close to the coverline, so dips don't always mean something negative. I hope your lp is at the least extended, but fingers crossed for a lovely positive instead