puppy for Christmas :)


Well-Known Member
Nov 21, 2012
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I've decided on getting my daughter a puppy for Christmas, I know a dogs for life not just for Christmas and there is a lot of thought behind this, wanted to get one for ages decided to wait as have holiday in Sept plus as they are so expensive thought would count it as a present and figured its best to get one for Christmas as will have some time off college so be there while settles rather then 2 weeks later for her birthday and then going to college the day after. anyway has anyone got any suggestions on good dogs, my daughter will be 2 exactly 2 weeks after Christmas and don't want too big of a dog as house isn't that big, I know a lot of people suggest staffs but personally they aren't my type of dog xx
I love my dog that I decided on, he is a miniature schnauzer. not to small that a child could snap its legs and not to big to be hard to train. They are suppose to be a very smart breed and good with children. even though I still would never leave a dog with a child for a while.

>The qualifications we were looking for:
>Good with children - yes
>Semi hypoallergenic aka doesn't shed a lot -yes (but they need weekly brushing or they mat)
>Intelligence - one of the smartest breeds and easier to train then most dogs (doesn't mean it wont take time, they just get what you want them to do quickly usually)
>Good for apartment living - yes
>People oriented - yes ( don't get one if you cant dedicate time to being with it a lot. This breed thrives on human contact, not that they need 24/7 play, they just want to be your shadow)

and I just love their breeds hair cut. he looks like a old man dog. can't help but love him. He is a white one though. I swore I would never get a white dog but his personality won me over and I don't regret. But usually his breed is black, black and white, salt and pepper, and white

him when we first got him and me desperate and stupid to potty train him...he's trained now but that was when he was 6 months (he's 11 months old now)


him at 10 months needing a haircut LOL

awww he looks cute I love dogs with soft coats as well rather then rough, I would be out all day 3 days a week although my boyfriend has said he can walk dog in day on those days other then that the dog we have will have so much love and attention, my daughter is almost 18months and she loves dogs so much she has a toy one that she takes to bed and brings down every morning and whenever she sees a dog when we are out see says aww doggy and wants to go over to them, even when she saw massive dogs and they put there face by hers and tried licking her she still wasn't bothered and today she started saying doggy come back when she sees a dog a bit further away xx
Getting a dog and being at college three days a week, leaving the dog alone for 10+ hours is not fair, even with a walk. They need love, care and attention 24/7.

but you'd be home evenings? I think that sounds fine.(people have dogs just fine who work 9 hour days and such, you just have to give him proper attention when home and maybe if you really seem him needing more a doggie daycare one of the three days to break it up) just remember to give lots of stuff to play with and get him used to you leaving. my puppy doesn't really care if I leave, but I also trained him from the beginning to not freak out when I leave and to sit and stay. and whining and barking doesn't get him any attention, so he doesn't escalate to that mode of freak out because there is no point.

I've also semi kennel training him, just a gate in front of the bathroom for him and a dog bed in there for him to go to bed. So I don't have to worry about where he is and such during the night and now, when it is bedtime, no matter how hyper he is if I tell him to go inside he instantly falls asleep. It now also works to calm him down when people come so I can just put him in the bathroom if he's to hyper.

But I've noticed he REALLY needs stuff to chew, he never has chewed furniture or anything, but he will start chewing on other things if he doesn't have his own things to chew. But as long as he has his raw hides anything else isn't bothered. he's honestly been the easiest dog out of all the ones I've owned, I've had blue heelers, chow chow, golden retrievers and a shih tzu.

(shih tzu was the worst out of them all behavioral wise, chow chow mix was the hardest to train and the dumbest I've had, wonderful personality and great dog, but the attention span of a butterfly. blue heeler was hard to train but smart, but then need a lot of time with training and dedication, the golden was adopted already 5 years old and very well behaved so I am assuming her previous owners did very well with her training)
Cavalier king Charles spaniels are wonderful with children. We don't have dog at moment but I grew up with cavaliers and my parents have them who are fantastic with lo. They are lap dogs, very cuddly, love children, sweet natured and a nice size as not big a nice small/medium size dog. They are eager to please and good for being trained, they are a real family pet
Cavalier king Charles spaniels are wonderful with children. We don't have dog at moment but I grew up with cavaliers and my parents have them who are fantastic with lo. They are lap dogs, very cuddly, love children, sweet natured and a nice size as not big a nice small/medium size dog. They are eager to please and good for being trained, they are a real family pet

I also had one of these as a child and can't really fault them! Although ours was a bit wild and could never be walked off the lead as she would run off! (that's probably lax training though :thumbup:)
yeah I know i posted about dog and college before but me and my boyfriend have talked it through and hewwill take it for walks and spend time with it when I'm at college realistically its not always possible for people to be with their dogs 24/7 due to work, college and other commitments but I know we can offer a dog a very loving home and when we are home it will get so much love and attention

kassiaethne- what type of dog do you have now? yeah i was planning on getting lots of toys to occupy it while we are out as I used to watch its me or dog and thats one thing i picked up haha

bex84- yeah my friend had cavaliers they was lovely 2 of them used to always come lay on me was very cuddley, I quite like tri coloured little jack russells but think that's because where i used to go horse riding they had one like that called jelly baby and she was like a baby so soft natured and cuddly xx
o also my college days aren't all consecutive so it won't be left on it's own 3 days in a row x
yeah I know i posted about dog and college before but me and my boyfriend have talked it through and hewwill take it for walks and spend time with it when I'm at college realistically its not always possible for people to be with their dogs 24/7 due to work, college and other commitments but I know we can offer a dog a very loving home and when we are home it will get so much love and attention

kassiaethne- what type of dog do you have now? yeah i was planning on getting lots of toys to occupy it while we are out as I used to watch its me or dog and thats one thing i picked up haha

bex84- yeah my friend had cavaliers they was lovely 2 of them used to always come lay on me was very cuddley, I quite like tri coloured little jack russells but think that's because where i used to go horse riding they had one like that called jelly baby and she was like a baby so soft natured and cuddly xx

now it is just me and the miniature schnauzer, the golden recently died at 16 and the heeler and chow are with my parents.
ok, miniature schnauzers always remind me of the dog off lady and tramp haha not sure if u know the one I mean, can't think of the name xx
Cavalier king Charles spaniels are wonderful with children. We don't have dog at moment but I grew up with cavaliers and my parents have them who are fantastic with lo. They are lap dogs, very cuddly, love children, sweet natured uand a nice size as not big a nice small/medium size dog. They are eager to please and good for being trained, they are a real family pet

Agree with this, theres 5 of them in our family (they dont live with us but with mil and great grandma and lo is with the dogs several times a week)
They are very cuddly dogs but can in instances be extremly needy when it comes to being left.
I wouldnt say they are lap dogs but rather shoulder dogs, they love sitting in my shoulder snorting in my ear:)
This may just be them though but training was eventualy given up on as they just didnt want to know and are extremly"ill do what i please" dogs
My mum has a jack rustle that lo is with again several times a week who is a wonderfull family dog and so good with lo and so easy to train.
She is really good at being left but because my parents are ar home during the day thats rare but they can be rather bouncy.
You may find it hard getting a puppy around christmas though.
Adoption places stop processing adoptions between november and febuary and will not let you get a dog over christmas.
Plus most responsible decent breeders wont sell over christmas.
There are people that will sell bur id be worried that those may be just doing it for money and dont care about being responsible so id be concernd about the health, parent background, vet history from people who do it just for money.
Plus the ones who do it just for money double their prices around christmas and there are so many scams that time of year because thet know people will always want puppies for christmas and cant get them from proper breeders so they take advantage of this.
ok, miniature schnauzers always remind me of the dog off lady and tramp haha not sure if u know the one I mean, can't think of the name xx
yeah the scottish terrier. they were one we were looking at too but we liked the personality of the schnauzer better
yeah I knew about rescues not adopting around Christmas which Is understandable but it's just a shame because i have thought it through and I'm serious about getting one just thought because how expensive they are I would class it as a present rather than paying out loads for a dog and then having to get Christmas and birthday presents just after x
You may find it hard getting a puppy around christmas though.
Adoption places stop processing adoptions between november and febuary and will not let you get a dog over christmas.
Plus most responsible decent breeders wont sell over christmas.
There are people that will sell bur id be worried that those may be just doing it for money and dont care about being responsible so id be concernd about the health, parent background, vet history from people who do it just for money.
Plus the ones who do it just for money double their prices around christmas and there are so many scams that time of year because thet know people will always want puppies for christmas and cant get them from proper breeders so they take advantage of this.

100% agree

There are a lot of people out there breeding dogs who have very little knowledge or experience of the breeds they are producing, they don't see problems that a reputable breeder would see and they are the type who will be selling over Christmas time

I would start doing some research now into breeds that you are thinking about and call local/not so local breeders up for a chat, things you need to know if you a thinking of buying in the future, any decent breeder will be more than happy to talk things over with a potential owner

There are a lot of VERY bad examples of some breeds going around because people just throw dogs together for money
Honestly I don't think leaving them for that time is such an issue? We have a golden retriever and this semester he was left from 8-6 twice a week and 9-3 another day- do long as the get plenty of exercise and attention and you let them out just before you go out then they're fine- out dog is very happy and a well loved member of the family- I'm done at uni now- that was only for -16 weeks- but he's certainly not neglected xx
You may find it hard getting a puppy around christmas though.
Adoption places stop processing adoptions between november and febuary and will not let you get a dog over christmas.
Plus most responsible decent breeders wont sell over christmas.
There are people that will sell bur id be worried that those may be just doing it for money and dont care about being responsible so id be concernd about the health, parent background, vet history from people who do it just for money.
Plus the ones who do it just for money double their prices around christmas and there are so many scams that time of year because thet know people will always want puppies for christmas and cant get them from proper breeders so they take advantage of this.

100% agree

There are a lot of people out there breeding dogs who have very little knowledge or experience of the breeds they are producing, they don't see problems that a reputable breeder would see and they are the type who will be selling over Christmas time

I would start doing some research now into breeds that you are thinking about and call local/not so local breeders up for a chat, things you need to know if you a thinking of buying in the future, any decent breeder will be more than happy to talk things over with a potential owner

There are a lot of VERY bad examples of some breeds going around because people just throw dogs together for money

mhmm and if a breeder knows now that you are interested in a puppy they may hold the dog for you till you're ready for after christmas. or you could time it for when they plan to have a litter closerish to christmas. Most stop selling around christmas because of the fad of people buying puppies then abandoning them because it was an impulse buy. but if you contacted them months ahead they may make an aception
Thanks siyren, obviously I would rather not have to leave the dog but I want to build s better future for my daughter which means goin to college but other than the 3 days a week we would be there and even at weekends I rarely go out even when my daughter is at her dads I very rarely have nights out tbf the amount of attention it will get from my daughter it will probably be glad of the peace haha but the college days aren't 3 consecutive days so breaks it up a bit plus my boyfriend has said he can come round see and feed the dog while I'm at college as well, it's not an ideal situation but any dog we get will be loved so much, I watch rescue programs and when see some of what the dogs have been through i feel so sorry for them and know I could offer a dog an extremely loving home x
Glad that helped Hun- obviously on the days casp had been alone a lot I made sure to work Him that bit further- he's amazing with Lyssa (we got him about 4 months before I unexpectedly fell pregnant- they're the best of friends and I love how much they love each other x

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