I don't know if I am wrong for my thoughts ...
I have thought about it loads & if the MWs etc hassle me I will be blunt .. have to be
But they say bf is good for Mum an baby to bond but I don't like the sound of that ... ok yes I want to bond with my child but Dad can't bf baby so what does he do? Thing is me OH both work from home & will equally be involved so tbh selfishly maybe (sorry) I don't want the child 100% dependant on me I'd like it to be us both. Maybe I have it all wrong & sorry if nobody agrees but thats how I feel
Also my life style ... now ok I'm going to be a Mummy no getting pissed every weekend & being able to crawl into bed but I do like to wind down & have a drink so for my life style I like (not a drunk hmmm sometimes lol) I have decided that too. Admit selfish reasons there but also sensible in its own way.
an the horror stories have scared me too