Question for moms who breastfed while pregnant


Well-Known Member
Mar 12, 2014
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Did you get breastfeeding aversions?

My AF has come back and we will be trying for baby #2 in September when DD is 9 months old. I really want to nurse her for at least 1 year, but would very happily nurse her for as long as she wants. I am really worried about breastfeeding aversion and I don't want getting pregnant with #2 to affect my ability to properly nourish baby #1.

Is breastfeeding aversion something that usually happens when you are pregnant while nursing? How do you deal with it?
I think it happens for some women and not for others. There probably isn't any way to know whether you'll get it until you are in that situation.

I breastfed my first until I was 14.5 weeks pregnant with my second. He was nearly 27 months and down to mostly one, sometimes two, feeds a day anyway when I became pregnant. I actually didn't even know I was pregnant until I was 7.5 weeks as I had bleeding around the time of my period and assumed it was my period, but even in that early stage before I knew but was pregnant I started developing an aversion to breastfeeding DS1.

My nipples were sore which started to put me off, but I put it down to the fact that DS1 was cutting down so much he was close to weaning himself. He also started biting me instead of trying to nurse, which I know in hind sight is becuase my supply crashed immediately. So I had nothing for him really. And over the last few weeks I was genuinely gritting my teeth and wanting to get him off me when he had his bedtime feed. Finally I couldn't do it anymore and given my supply was non-existent he was quite amenable to stopping breasteeding at that time. He asked for a boob at bedtime for about a week as he was used to feeding to sleep (biting me more like!) but that was it, we stopped with no great drama.

There are a lot of women here who managed to breastfeed throughout pregnancy though and got through breastfeeding aversion. I think if my supply hadn't crashed we wouldn't have had the biting problem and possibly we would've lasted longer, but even before I got pregnant my DS1 was cutting down on his own so I think weaning would have come naturally around the same time.
My son stopped feeding when I was three months pregnant with my daunt. He was only feeding once or twice a day by my nipples were so sensitive andi just didn't like feeding him anymore. Also my milk starting turning into colostrum and he didn't want it
For me, very! My milk supply dried up in the second trimester but she just continued to dry nurse. It was a horrible aversion but she loved her boobies and wasn't ready to wean so we continued and I just had to distract myself to take my mind off the nursing. The good news is the aversion went away as soon as baby was born and we are tandem nursing just fine now :)
I did, but it was usually bearable. It was worse when I was tired, which sucked because he almost always nursed to sleep if at any time. He went down to a couple times a day, as I lost my milk about halfway through. I got colostrum pretty early though, about 24 weeks. I had pretty much no aversion if I wasn't tired, so I could nurse in the morning or for naptime, but bedtime or in the night was rough.

It was all worth it though, when DD was born I had 0 sore nipples or any other issues with "starting" breastfeeding a newborn, there was a little pain as DD's latch got stronger and it was different than DS's, but no cracked/bleeding etc. My supply came in very quickly, like day 2, where it came in 5+ days out with DS.

DD just turned 1, and both she and DS still nurse, he's now 3.
I fell pg when my dd turned 1 year old. We continued to feed until she was 15.5 months old and I was 16 weeks pg. Sadly my supply plummeted virtually as soon as I got a bfp and as a result she started getting frustrated and biting me. In the end we got down to one feed a day and then just stopped one night. The feed before bed had been getting shorter anyway as my supply dropped so it wasn't really a big deal. She kept asking for milk for about a week but was quite easily placated with cuddles. All in all it was actually an easy transition. I didn't have any nursing aversion, it was just a little painful with tender boobs. I would have carried on for longer had supply not been an issue.
I had it in the 2nd and 3rd trimester. Horrible feeling of being molested and nails on a chalk board. I tried to reduce nursing sessions, distract myself with my phone and told myself it will get better.
It is completely gone now and I am tandem feeding.
This is my third time breastfeeding while preg and in the past I tandem fed while preg too. My milk stayed the same. Only got sore nipples for a bit,. Which is what I have now.
I fell pregnant when my son was about 10 month old he was on solids so only really fed him at bedtime naptimes, think the hormones made it taste funny because he was not interested by 13 months :)
Oh gosh yes, massive, horrible aversion to nursing. I felt revolted as though I was being molested by a filthy old man with cigarette stained fingers (for some reason that image always came to mind).

I had to stop nursing Thomas when I was about 12 weeks along with Sophie as it was getting to the point where I was about ready to scream and punch the wall.

I'm not nursing any children right now but getting a similar aversion to merely being touched by anyone :-(

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