Question for those who've had children and who's morning sickness is worse than befor


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2008
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Have you had previous babies and your morning sickness is worse with this one or one of your previous? Do you know why?

I have two children and pregnant with my third. I'm really suffering. It's constant day and night nausea, I never got this with my previous pregnancies.

I've been putting it down to the fact that I'm 34 now and before I was in my mid to late 20's.

DH is wondering if it's because it's a girl (we have boys).

I hope you don't mind me asking you in here, have you had worse morning sickness with a particular pregnancy? Do you have a theory why?
This isn't a wish for a girl, I'm more than happy with a third boy. I was just wondering why on earth it's so bad this time. Is it because I'm old?
Urgh I feel so bad.
Hi there

Not sure if I can help much but I can tell you I didn't have much MS at all with any of my previous pregnancies, I have one boy and one girl. This time I have felt more sick but not really that bad that it's stopped me doing anything or stopped me eating, it's more been nausea.

I do think it might be because I'm more tired this time as I now have a 4 and 2 year old to run around after!

But I do hear some people have the difference due to gender
All of my pregnancies have been different. I have had a couple of "tell tale" symptoms that helped me figure out the biological sex of my baby, but it took me having both sexes to figure it out. Ha. My first and second pregnancies (both male) were SO different. I had ALL the symptoms and CONSTANT nausea with my first. NO symptoms with my second. My tell-tale symptoms are as follows: With my female babies, I had a late BFP. I also had constant breast pain for months, while with my sons, it would come and go, and it wouldn't last past early first trimester. I also had MUCH more exhaustion with my daughters. With my sons, I had early BFPs. That's it for me!

Honestly, I don't think age has anything to do with it. I was 24 when I got pregnant with my first, and I'm 29 now and pregnant with my fifth. None of my pregnancies have been the same, although some have been quite similar (not two of the same sex). I just think different pregnancies, different babies, affect our bodies differently. I have nooooo idea why that could be. I've just been pregnant enough times to know that it does. haha.

The good news is that since you started having morning sickness so early, there's a better chance that it will fade away sooner. That's not counting HG or having morning sickness throughout the entire pregnancy. Been there, currently doing that. Wouldn't wish that on anyone.

I had this! my ms with DD wasn't great but bearable.
I as 27. This time round I had HG and was prescribed meds as it was so bad and it's was all day and night. I am now 32 I thought it must be my age?
I'm pretty sure it's another girl going by the 12 wk scan and just have a gut feeling. Who knows but it's was bad times, so glad it's calmed down and I only get slight waves of it now on and off. Hang in there xx
I forgot to say tiredness definitely makes my ms worse could be because we have little ones where's the first time around you get to relax a bit more and take care of only yourself x
This is my third pregnancy after two boys and my ms has been much worse this time. With my first two the ms faded after about 10 weeks, and here I am now at 14 weeks and it's still here.
I'm 34 too and I do think being older makes a difference. My fatigue in the first trimester was CRUSHING. Thank goodness that seems to be wearing off...
This is my second pregnancy (both girls) and although I had bad MS with my first, it was WAYYYY worse with this one, like unbearable, I couldn't hold down food from weeks 6-16 and it finally started subsiding after that (but I still get it in waves and certain smells trigger it). I was also 29 with my first pregnancy and 33 with this one so maybe that does have something to do with it?

I don't have much advice other than asking your doctor for the anti-nausea meds (in Canada they are called diclectin). Also try to rest as much as possible and have crackers on hand. I really do feel for you, it is horrible to go through especially when you have other kids to take care of. Thinking of you! XO
I'm going thru a similar situation. I'm pregnant with my fourth, I'm 34 in a month but I started a lot younger. I have had brutal morning sickness basically since implantation. Only just in the past few days have I started to very slowly start to feel better. I was sick with both my other girls and not with my boy, but the sickness I felt before is nothing compared to this time. I think age does play a part in it, it's a very common occurrence for women to be sicker with girls, or I just got unlucky this time around, not sure which one it is or maybe it's all 3 lol!!

I hope your ms ends at the normal time so you don't have to feel like I have.
Thank you for your kind words. Sorry to hear that others have suffered as well. From what I've read on here and generally online, the girl/boy thing really doesn't make a difference.

I'm still convinced age may have some bearing on it though

As as someone said above, tiredness makes it so much worse.
Thanks again for your replies and support.
I think tiredness definitely makes everything 10 times worse, when you already have children running around you can't just rest! I have one daughter, and honestly my pregnancy with her was an absolute breeze. No MS no tiredness no spots, I was the imagine of a really healthy 'glowing' pregnancy. (I really didn't know how lucky I had it) however I was 20.

This time on the other hand has been absolutely awful. From 3/4 weeks I was dropping DD to school, coming home and staying in bed ALL day. I didn't know I was pregnant so I genuinely thought something was wrong with me 😂 I had nausea then from 5 weeks to 11.5 weeks which was 24/7. It was awful. I felt like I'd been hit by a bus. (I actually posted in first tri about this because I thought it was never gonna go).. I'm covered in spots, not just my face but shoulders chest back.. I've never had spots there 😂

Now I'm past 12 weeks the nausea has dipped down and I'm only feeling it now and then, maybe 3 times a day. But I'm still absolutely washed out.. I'm 25 now so I'm not sure if it's that or if it's because Millie wakes me up at 6 every day.. I have no idea of gender but I think every pregnancy is different anyway, some you get lucky, some you don't 😂
This is my second pregnancy and the nausea was absolutely way worse. I was so bad. Constant nausea throughout the day, gagging and throwing up. So friggin exhausted all the time. I actually told my mum I can't go on like this for much more. Was prescribed cyclizine to help with the sickness but it didn't help much. Since about 13-14 weeks the nausea has left me but I'm still being sick after everything I eat. Was 24 with first and now I'm 30.

Never ever again lol!!!!
There's no obvious reason for me. I had no sickness at all with DS1. This child however made me sick morning noon and night for the entire first trimester and most of second tri too. It's another boy so gender didn't play a part for us.
I had normal ms with my first two. With my third I had horrendous hyperemesis up to 16/18 weeks. They were all girls.

This time my sickness is better than ever. Just in the mornings but nothing the past few days. We obviously don't know what we are having yet.

I was told with my third that if I conceived again I'd probably get hyperemesis again. Possibly a boy this time?
I didn't have any sickness with my son (I think I felt slightly queasy once or twice), but I did have strong food aversions. I was practically a vegetarian the whole pregnancy. I'm having a girl this time and definitely had the morning sickness this time. Still not terrible compared to some mamas, but it was every day queasiness the first trimester and I had to be careful not to do things like brush my teeth right after eating. Other symptoms have been different, too. Not as much exhaustion and heartburn this time, and no weight gain even though I gained a lot with Teddy.

There are no other significant differences in my life - it's only been two years since my last pregnancy, same dad, etc, so I'm blaming it on the baby's sex.
Following my other post on here saying I'm feeling more nauseas this pregnancy than my previous 2 (one of each) and this one it turns out is a boy. In my case gender hasn't made much difference but maybe it's because it's my third pregnancy or because I'm a couple of years older?
With my first which is a boy I had pretty bad ms and I was 30. this time I'm 36 and it was full blown HG weeks 6-20. It's another boy so I'm not sure gender has made any difference to me also I am so so so much more tired this time around!
I had normal ms with my first two. With my third I had horrendous hyperemesis up to 16/18 weeks. They were all girls.

This time my sickness is better than ever. Just in the mornings but nothing the past few days. We obviously don't know what we are having yet.

I was told with my third that if I conceived again I'd probably get hyperemesis again. Possibly a boy this time?

This is interesting as I also have HG with my second (2nd boy and barely a week of nausea with my first boy) I also got told to expect HG this time and so far I've just had nausea and dry heaving for over 10 weeks.. goes to show there is hope for HG sufferers!
Sorry, I dont have personal experience with more than one pregnancy. However, every single women on my side of the family had MS for the whole 9 months of pregnancy and I prepared myself for it. I am 16 weeks and until today the only MS I thought I had was my Prenatal Vits making me sick, as soon as I stopped them I felt fine. Each person and each pregnancy is different, changes in diet, age, levels of progesterone/HCG can all make a difference (this is what I have read)

Sorry if I wasnt of much help, and goodluck!
With each pregnancy, for me anyways, it got worse with each one. It wasn't because of a certain gender unfortunately. It was just because I think that my body was rundown from previous pregnancies. I didn't have as much nutritional stores so it left me feeling nauseated all the time and the only way to quell the nausea was to eat. With my first baby (a girl) I didn't have any nausea. I didn't even know what morning sickness was! With my second it was like someone punched me in the face. I was sick with him 24/7 until I was 16 weeks. With my third (a girl) it went away at 18 weeks. With this one (a boy) it was 20 weeks. I've now just started to get an appetite again.

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