Question on Due Date being put back, TWICE? for a total of 12 days...


Mother of Two
Nov 7, 2012
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Hello....long story short. I suffered a blighted ovum while trying the rhythm method (abstaining 5 days before O). Apparently I am very fertile. I had surgery on my ankle (put out, needed pain meds for 2 days) 6 weeks after giving birth to our son (he passed due to a doctors mistake....) I don't even know how I got pregnant but it was in the stars and we became pregnant.

Sadly at 9 weeks it was determined to be a blighted ovum. The healing from that was worst then giving birth. At about 3 months a piece of healthy placenta was still found in me! My acupuncturist actually helped me heal and get that out.

2 days later my cycle returned. I used my CBFM, confirmed ovulation and we did the deed. After O we did the deed once just to ensure we covered our bases.

I became pregnant testing positive 10 days after O. Now that is a bit late for me, I usually test positive 7/8 DPO.

We confirmed the an early scan I was put back 3 days then saying it was from measurements. Due Date Oct. 17th. Ok, Doc agreed to induce week before as I am not comfortable leaving anything to chance this time.

Well, I go to the MFM yesterday, 20 week appointment. He tells me that all my measurements are spot on for 18.5 and I have one, "very active and healthy baby in there...."

I don't even know how this is possible. He put me back a week, saying I was behind 9 days. That is a total of 12 DAYS. I didn't do the deed as after I got the positive I was not comfortable being intimate until the all clear from the doctor. SO, is it possible I had a second O surge, due to the miscarriage and my hubby's sperm hanged around for like a week? That is all I can fathom to make this even possible.

So now, ironically, I will be induced on my original due date BUT my nerves are shot over this. I have to talk to my OB and get his opinion but I am like how does this even happen?

Thanks for reading my little novel!
I am so sorry for all that you have had to go through! Huggs xx

I don't know much on how they date and size a baby but I did read that genetics can have something to do with it- are you and yours husbands family on the short side? Also I've read often that babies have their own time line and often catch up eventually.
I'm so sorry for your loss.

I have no idea why he'd move you back 12 days. You are allowed to measure within 2 weeks I think at your 20 week scan. Prior to that its a week.
I am so sorry for all that you have had to go through! Huggs xx

I don't know much on how they date and size a baby but I did read that genetics can have something to do with it- are you and yours husbands family on the short side? Also I've read often that babies have their own time line and often catch up eventually.

I'm so sorry for your loss.

Thank you hun, we have had quite a bumpy road thats for sure. Actually I think I have big babies! My son was almost 5 pounds at 32 weeks! He definitely was small (compared to full term) but even the nurses said how healthy he was for that gestational age and a good weight.

I have no idea why he'd move you back 12 days. You are allowed to measure within 2 weeks I think at your 20 week scan. Prior to that its a week.

Right? It is a bit perplexing. I am waiting to speak with my OB to discuss options. We are either A. keeping the induction date of October 10th or B. putting at original due date of October 17th....there is NO WAY I will wait until October 26th.

The good things is third tri I will be getting bio physicals basically every other maybe my OB will do the wait and see approach.

BUT...yet again I am no where near text book pregnancy.:haha:
I don't know why but this ended up in the quote above! lol

Thank you hun, we have had quite a bumpy road thats for sure. Actually I think I have big babies! My son was almost 5 pounds at 32 weeks! He definitely was small (compared to full term) but even the nurses said how healthy he was for that gestational age and a good weight.
It's possible for those measurements to be off too. My sis had her due date moved back 2 full weeks with her second pregnancy because her baby was measuring so much smaller but her first son was still born 3 weeks early (1 week before lmp due date) at a healthy 7lb and 20 inches long.
I didn't know they moved your ur date at a 20wk scan?! At mine, my baby's head was measuring a week behind, legs were bang on my dates an tummy was a week ahead... Lol. Babies all grow at a different rate and aren't supposed to be the same size! I got put back 11 days at my 12wk scan but I'm certain they wouldn't move dates after that. Sorry they've put you back :/
I didn't know they moved your ur date at a 20wk scan?! At mine, my baby's head was measuring a week behind, legs were bang on my dates an tummy was a week ahead... Lol. Babies all grow at a different rate and aren't supposed to be the same size! I got put back 11 days at my 12wk scan but I'm certain they wouldn't move dates after that. Sorry they've put you back :/

Yeah it is so confusing and mostly scary to me as I am not willing to go overdue. I am going to sit with my OB when I see him on the 8th and hash it out. I think if he wanted to change my due date he would have....I mean I am half way through and now they want to move me back? It just doesn't make sense.
Sorry to hear this, Castaway. Moving you back seems silly at 20 weeks, not to mention very disheartening for you! Our LO measures 2 weeks ahead for his head :)wacko:), a week behind for his legs, and a day or two behind for his tummy. Hopefully your baby will have a little growth spurt and catches back up. I'm no expert, but surely it'd be more likely that he or she is just on the small side right now, since they give you an accurate due date at 12 weeks? Either way, I hope they let you keep your induction date. :hugs:
Sorry to hear this, Castaway. Moving you back seems silly at 20 weeks, not to mention very disheartening for you! Our LO measures 2 weeks ahead for his head :)wacko:), a week behind for his legs, and a day or two behind for his tummy. Hopefully your baby will have a little growth spurt and catches back up. I'm no expert, but surely it'd be more likely that he or she is just on the small side right now, since they give you an accurate due date at 12 weeks? Either way, I hope they let you keep your induction date. :hugs:

Especially since I know whrn I ovulated with my CBFM. I also stopped doing the deed after O!

I am gonna discuss with OB and request move forward with my 12 week scan just gonna have to see what that says as I never was told anything about being moved back than!
That is really odd to move you back at your 20 weeks scan, my OB told me they don't move your due date unless your measurement are off by 2 weeks in either direction, I was measuring 20+6 at my 20 week ultrasound but they didn't move my date as he said all babies grow at different rates at this stage, at my 23 week appointment my fundal height was measuring me at 25 weeks but my doc said because of my ultrasound findings they are still not measuring me any different, we will maybe just have to keep a closer eye on his size as we get closer.
I was put back at 12 wk scan. I spoke to my mw and explained my thoughts on my dates and we agreed to stick with my new date as my Dday, but the moment I pass that we will use my dates for an induction. Basically I will have 5 days to go over and then I will be scanned and booked for an induction at 8-10 days. Perhaps your dr will do something similar?
I'd say it's just growth rate. My date was bumped up because my little guy was measuring 8 days ahead, but I know my O date and my insemination dates.
I was put back at 12 wk scan. I spoke to my mw and explained my thoughts on my dates and we agreed to stick with my new date as my Dday, but the moment I pass that we will use my dates for an induction. Basically I will have 5 days to go over and then I will be scanned and booked for an induction at 8-10 days. Perhaps your dr will do something similar?

We planned to induce at the 39th week so in theory if we agree to push it back one week it may be the 40 week I will talk to him and see what he thinks... It all boggles my mind!
So I wanted to update this as I went to my OB. He agreed with me that we are not moving my Due Date. Like others have said babies grow differently. He did say that b/c I am plus size (he said it much nicer but hey, I am not skinny at all I can admit that!) he said doctors will often make assumptions on how big babies should be. He did say at my next scan, on June 30th, if baby seems to be consistent in her growth we can discuss pushing the induction back a week BUT he is comfortable keeping the inducting on the 10th which is either 38/39. I was breathing a sigh of relief!

I agree that I ovulated late, but not a week or two late. That is crazy as we stopped doing the deed the day AFTER O. I know his sperm can hang around awhile as I got pregnant last time stopping being intimate 5 days before I even O'd! I am thinking I was a late O of at least 2-3 days so I may be off a bit but not two weeks!

Oh and for that doctor who thinks he can presume I have Ovulation issues due to being plus size, umm no. I'm a book, I O'd late due to a miscarriage and this was my first cycle returning. Uhh...these doctors!:nope:
Good to hear! :)

Any woman can O late. I wouldn't think plus size has anything to do with it.
Good to hear! :)

Any woman can O late. I wouldn't think plus size has anything to do with it.

Exactly! I am a book though, I have been using the CBFM to get know my ovulation dates so we could try the Shettles Method. I got pregnant every time the first month of trying. I actually changed my General Practitioner as she said I would have difficulty getting pregnant when I start trying as I am clinically obese. I was shocked when she said that as I am healthy with no health concerns!

I do know for *some* that are too thin or too big it can cause cycle issues. They should not assume it will happen though!
my second preg (am 14wks with 3rd) my scans frm 20weeks measured 2 weeks behind an i had 3 after 20 weeks but my due date nvr changed. Ill see if they do this time. I though 12week scans datin one an take frm tht. I had growth scans as i hade severe pre e in labour with first an hypertension with second i was watched closly for pre e. My bubs are small but so am i. 6 ib 12oz an 6ib 7oz i had feed them 4hrly due there weight but i didnt mind them bein light lol an my near 17month olds only just under 9.5kg.
just read op and this preg i had wht hoped was my 12wk scan but was 10+1, i suspected i could be 13days less thn thought due bleed. Anywas 13days later i got 12 weeks scan an scordin my prev scan i shud been 12weeks dead on but scan put me at 12+2 so happy as its dec bubs an i didnt want go too near xmas an my bday on 27th. Due 13th dec wish was wht orig thought tnd as i tend go early lol.
My docs go by the earliest ultrasound. No matter what you measure in future, its not as accurate as the earliest ultrasound you had. Some babies are tall some short some chunkers some skinny, that's why they never change my dates. My ultrasound tech always says my due date should be this or that but my doc ignores them and sticks with the date given on my first ultrasound. I'd definitely talk to your OB about this!

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