Rainbows after the storm (late loss/stillbirth/neonatal loss/sids)

Congrats Em! What a joy! Just remember to think positive and enjoy it as much as you can!

Glad Sadie is doing well Spring and that your LOs get along! They are all such a special gift!
I'd have been stalking longer if I knew you were all in here. Congrats to all the babes already born and lots of luck to those still to arrive! Brill news em hope you enjoy as much as poss x
He is doing great. Thanks for asking. Love him to bits! How's Raif.

Just read back and looks like most the rainbows are here. Beautiful babies and some gorgeous names. It's made me smile. Hope your all doing fab! Feel broody again!!

Trying to work out how to get a pic on……
No idea. I'm so rubbish. Got photo bucket app have got pics on to there anyone help from this point ?
In the photo bucket app, open the photo, press the 'i' button, then copy the IMG code. Paste into here :)
Jessica is now a month old and doing great.
Omg Jessica is beautiful, she looks so like your avatar photo of Joshua!
Hi ladies sorry I have not been on for a while Lexi has taken over my life and all my spare time lol but I am loving being a mummy goodness knows how I will fit in working when I have to go back??

Emskin I am so pleased to hear that you are pregnant good luck with everything and keep us posted

lexi jessica is beautiful and i thought she had a look of her big brother Joshua when I saw the photo.

Lexi is 2 months old today and I can't believe where the last 2 months have gone
Hi ladies,

I've just found out my pregnant again. I think I'm only 3+4 weeks or around that. But I am absolutely bricking myself.

I lost ds2 last year July when I was 22 weeks gone. So for that reason I don't think I will be able to relax at all during this one.

I haven't even told my DH about this one yet as I'm scared it will all go wrong. It hit him really hard last year with the loss and since then things haven't been brilliant between us. On more than one occasion he has said to me he doesn't want anymore children because he can't go through it all again! We had stopped actively trying in May and rarely DTD since then.

I don't know what to do!
hi sharan welcome to the group. sorry it has taken a couple of days for you to get a reply but i dont get much time to come online now with the baby every time i try she wakes up lol

have you told your oh yet?

how are you doing?

I hope that this is your rainbow and that everything goes smoothly in the pregnancy and you get to hold your baby in about 8 months time.

You will no doubt be nervous during the pregnancy but that is very normal after what you have been through
Hi Sharan
We lost dd last year after a traumatic birth and dh initially said he didn't want to try again but after a couple of months later he changed his mind and I'm now 18 weeks with our rainbow.
I can't say I'm excited, we are both really nervous but trying to stay positive. Hope your dh is happy with the news xx
Thanks lexi. Jessica is cute as a button.

Here goes.... https://i1160.photobucket.com/albums/q482/cheskachoochoo/12B8F736-FBD6-4D13-BE31-DF48220E2C9D-9381-00000659EFC18AFD.jpg

Hewwo everyone
Yay it worked.

Sharan - I remember you from when you lost your lo. Congratulations on your bfp. Hope your doing ok. If you weren't actively trying I think your rainbow was determined to happen :) xx
Cheska, what a sweetie you have there! Thank you for posting!
Welcome to our new ladies! Happy to see you here! The only advice that helped me through my rainbow pregnancy was to take each milestone at a time no matter how small and of course take the time to breathe! Thinking of you all!
Oh cheska, he's lovely!

Welcome to all the new ladies! Agree with krippy, take every day as a day you get one step closer. I found pregnancy very stressful but it's definitely worth it!

Sharan, have you told your husband yet? I hope everything is OK for you.

Jaydee-congrats to you...19 weeks!

Cheska-what a cutie pie!

Becuase of Cordelia's health problems we are having our 12 week scan with a specialist, she also did our scans with Cordelia too once we found she had the intestinal blockage and eye problems. The scan is Wed morning and I am really scared. I am just hoping that things look good for this baby and that he\she is healthy.

I am scared too that they are going to push for an amnio again and I really don't want to have one again but part of me wants to know that this baby is 100% healthy so I can rest easy a little bit although the threat of another placental abruptions looms ever close to me.
Hi girls, congrats to all the new mummies and mummies to be.

We've just found out that I'm pregnant after losing our little boy just over a year ago, I had twins and lost Joshua, we knew we were likely to lose him after our 20 week scan, but nothing could have prepared us for the heartbreak that followed :cry: Our little girl Jasmine has really helped us through this last year and we are eternally grateful for her. Anyway now I'm pregnant again, I'm terrified, very scared of MC (I had one of those after our first ivf cycle), then if we get past the 12 weeks, I know I'm just going to be so frightened of it all going wrong again at 20 weeks.

Anyway it's lovely that so many of you have your rainbow babies and it gives me hope.

mrssunshine - welcome along, wishing you a happy and healthy, and as stress free as possible pregnancy.

Emskins - hope all goes well at your scan. I can't imagine how difficult it is to decide whether to have an amnio or not given the risk involved, hope it doesn't come to that for you anyway.

My 20 week scan this week - excited and scared at the same time. I'm feeling movements but not regularly, when I don't feel it for a while I worry something is wrong... I know it's a bit early to feel regular movements but that doesn't always help.
Hope everything goes as well as can be tomorrow Ems. No decision is the right or wrong just follow your heart. Will be thinking of you let us know how you get on x

Congratulations mrs sunshine.

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