Rant - Feeling so hopeless about sleep!

Boo - it sucks doesn't it? I was up an hour before she woke up and couldn't sleep after she went don either :( really hope this is temporary for both of us

Noelle and Bananaz - I guess you girls are right. She had only 2 meals today but mostly because we have been out and about all day and I didn't get a chance to give her a "solid" lunch. She's asleep now and hoping for no more poops tomorrow early am!!
waaaaa she woke up again coz she had pooped only this time it was at 4 am!!! I fed her before putting her down so she babbles less and goes to sleep faster lol! Hope I didn't re-introduce middle of the night feeding.

this pooping thing is getting annoying!
Noelle when you get a chance could you check the early bed time thread and give me some advice? Lol x
UGH horrible night here! We'd had a good week with STTN, but I can't count how many times C was up between 7pm and 11pm! No idea why. I'm exhausted AND nervous that this will become a new pattern, as per the usual.
:( We have lots of trouble with that first part of the night too. I abandoned early bedtime because it was stressing me out so much to battle him and we are back to 9ish. I know that's not ideal so now we are sloooowly going to move it earlier. The time change didnt help!!!!!
We are having major issues with nap time. She screams blue murder and I eventually give in and take her out in the buggy to sleep but the weather has been awful so struggling!! She's got 3 teeth in two weeks though so I suspect that's not helping. She's been super grumpy as well. :( hope this stage is over soon!!! First swimming lesson tomorrow and its right in the middle of nap time so it could get interesting. :(
UGH horrible night here! We'd had a good week with STTN, but I can't count how many times C was up between 7pm and 11pm! No idea why. I'm exhausted AND nervous that this will become a new pattern, as per the usual.

Oh no! Based on Charlotte's previous sleep habits it seems pretty unlikely that would become a new pattern. Much more probable that she just had an "off" night. Maybe something was bothering her stomach?

:( We have lots of trouble with that first part of the night too. I abandoned early bedtime because it was stressing me out so much to battle him and we are back to 9ish. I know that's not ideal so now we are sloooowly going to move it earlier. The time change didnt help!!!!!

Moving it slowly is really the best way. I'm sure there are some babies who can just instantly adapt to an earlier bedtime but I'm guessing most need some time for their internal clocks to adjust.

We are having major issues with nap time. She screams blue murder and I eventually give in and take her out in the buggy to sleep but the weather has been awful so struggling!! She's got 3 teeth in two weeks though so I suspect that's not helping. She's been super grumpy as well. :( hope this stage is over soon!!! First swimming lesson tomorrow and its right in the middle of nap time so it could get interesting. :(

Poor kiddo and poor mama. What is her nap schedule like right now? As for swim lesson during nap time, my thought is that if things are bad already then why the heck not? Maybe it will tire her out and she'll sleep better afterward!
Hello ladies!

Sorry I have been awol!

I will now try to catch up but I've got a long way to go!

Socity - I hope you are getting some success with sleep training. I agree you need support when you do it, it is awful hearing them cry. :hugs:

I hope Hadley is not ill, and just had a reaction to the whole milk, if it was the first time she's had it.

Shadowy Lady - Probably past this now, but I think night weaning for you might be better if you do it gradually, so set the earliest time you will feed and increase it by 30 minutes every few days. THen worst case scenario she's only upset (and keeping you awake) for 30 ish minutes, if at all.

Fabulous on the STTN. Seren sleeps on her tummy most of the time. I put her down on her tummy, so she doesn't wake herself up trying to turn over. As long as she can lift her head then she's fine. Do you have a movement monitor? I have the angelcare, and it really helps me to relax about it.

Mrsbeano - Wow, Quinn is cruising already? He's well ahead on his milestones! I agree that all of us seem to have pretty quick developers, perhaps that is why it messes them up so much, they are so determined to do everything quickly that it disturbs their sleep.

Bananaz - Hope Elsie is feeling much better now. It must be awful when she is sick with nothing concrete to treat her with. At least with antibiotics you feel you can actually help a little.

I found with travelling (as long as the clocks go forward, not back) that just waking at the "right" time in the morning has been the fastest way to get things on track. But then Seren is not a subtle kind of girl, so gradual change doesn't really go down well with her!

Noelle - I hope the teething and learning to walk pass soon so Charlotte can get back to good sleeping! I don't think Charlotte is about to break molars yet, is she, so hopefully it will be quick.

I hope you manage to enjoy your night away. Charlotte will honestly be fine, even if she is feeling crappy. Babies are more resiliant than we give them credit for.

Boo44 - Great news on the STTN. Did you have any success with nappies? We've switched to huggies stage 4 at night (using up the pampers in the day) and we've had no leaks or bursting since.

I would put Jack down at night when he is tired, and then wake him early the next morning (so it's technically 7:30 but will feel like 6:30 to him), then bed at the new 7:30pm that night.

Minikiwi - Is Mia learning anything new? MOTN parties for us are always her learning new things. Although I tihnk Noelle is right about too much sleep, especially if Mia has never needed long naps before.

Notnic - Sorry no advice here, but :hugs: 5am is definitely not morning!

Aliss - Sorry you are having difficult nights (I cannot imagine having two of them to deal with!) BUt yay for the self settling, he's doing so well!

Gaia - You are in the 4 month sleep regression (or hell, as i have nicknamed it!). Everyone else here will give you better advice than me, but honestly, it gets so much better once you hit 6 months. So worst case, just hang on in there, it will get better,

Stardust - :hugs: Again, other people are better at advice than me, so I'll let them speak first, and then just say I agree with them :haha:

Libbylou - Glad the zoloft is working for you. That's great news.

Sorry if I have missed anyone, but that was a lot to catch up on!

Ladies I really need nap help!

Seren has started refusing her last nap, and she used to only take 3 30 minute naps a day.

It look like this currently:

Wake 2 hours then sleep 30 minutes
Wake 2 hours then sleep 30 minutes
Wake 4 hours then want to sleep

By then it is after 4pm, so she can't sleep. So I just start bedtime routine at 4:45pm and so she's asleep by 5:10pm.

But she doesn't take her full bottle, so she wakes 45 mins after sleep for a dream type feed, and again 45 mins later.

I know I can't complain as she is now STTN again, but I think I need to tweak her naps.

I'm trying to keep her up for 2.5 hours in the morning, which had a good effect yesterday as she slept for longer than 30 minutes (which I ruined as I had to wake her after 45 mins for baby sensory class).

So if I do 2.5 hours for the first nap - do you think then 2.5 hours to second nap (depending on how long the first nap?) and see what happens then?

We are having a rough day here. She woke at 4:30am and wouldn't go back to sleep for an hour and a half, despite three feedings and a diaper change. Then when she finally went back to sleep at 6 she got up for the day an hour later :( On top of that she's been fighting her naps and they've been really short too.

I don't know if it's related but she's been unbelievably cranky and clingy for the past few days. She won't occupy herself with anything for longer than 1-2 minutes before she crawls over to me crying. I can't figure out what the &*#$ she wants and my patience is totally gone at this point. Why can't there be a period of time where she's healthy and her sleep is okay and she's in a good mood? It seems like we can only get two of those things at the most, and usually only one.
Bananaz - are you due a wonder week, it definitely sounds like one to me!
Thanks Sunnie, Mia has learned heaps lately so it's hard to say. She's also teething quite badly atm.

Mia was 7 months old when she dropped to two naps and started napping well, maybe Seren is ready for two naps instead of three. I'd stretch out her wake times to 2.5 hours and see how you go.

Bananaz, I'm sorry you're having a rough day :hugs: Is Elsie teething? That makes Mia super whiny!

UGH horrible night here! We'd had a good week with STTN, but I can't count how many times C was up between 7pm and 11pm! No idea why. I'm exhausted AND nervous that this will become a new pattern, as per the usual.

That's just what Mia does, wakes heaps after going to bed for the night. She's easy to settle though. I have no idea why either, she just sits up in her cot and cries. Hope it doesn't become a habit for Charlotte! :hugs:

Mia did her usual last night, bed at 7pm, awake at 8,9 and 10 and then STTN :shock: she slept until 6am. OH asked me if I got up with her in the night and when I said no we were both so shocked! Noelle, I can't thank you enough for your advice, it's clearly doing the trick.
Yes, wonder week or teething were my thoughts too! She has a tooth coming through but she's never been this bad with teething before, it makes me wonder if she's also getting a molar or something?? And I'll have to go look at the WW stuff, I'm not sure when the next one is supposed to be...

Sunnie - I think a lot of babies go from three naps to two at 6 months, but the good news is that daytime sleep often starts to consolidate so you get longer napsat that age too. Generally babies can stay awake for longer periods as the day goes on, so if 2.5 hours of awake time works well in the morning then you might try 2.5-3 hours before her second nap and see how that goes. There will inevitably be an adjustment period (for us it lasted about two months :wacko:) but it sounds like you're on the right path!

MiniKiwi - Wow, that's awesome! When was the last time she did an 8 hour stretch like that?? I hope she keeps it up!
Mia has good and bad days with her teeth. Some of them don't seem to bother her as much but she's having a pretty hard time with the ones coming through now, either side of her top, front two. Just whines all day hehe.

The last time she consistently slept like that was at about 3 months old. We've had a few good nights in between then but not many.. So it feels pretty good :)
Bananaz - big hugs. I know exactly what you mean. We never get him to have all 3 at once! In fact at the moment he has another cough and is grumpy alllll the time. I pray he'll move soon I really do! He's lost most of his patience for just sitting and playing, yet he can't move himself to do anything else. I know you've been through that. Maybe Elsie's is also developmental and will pass soon. I hope so for your sake!

Sunnie you are so good at commenting to everyone, it's really nice! Thanks for asking about Jack. My friends advised me to try ASDA's own 'little angels' nappies and *touch wood so far we've had no leaks! He's still filling his nappy on waking but doesn't seem to bother him as much... I hope!

Noelle thanks for advising me! And don't worry I'm sure it's not a new phase, just a one/off. You are soo like me, I worry about exactly the same thing! So I do understand. But just try and relax tonight and I'm sure she'll surprise you :)

I'm working on reducing his day nap totals (never thought I'd say that!) but almost like Mini, I'm wondering if that could be the reason for his early mornings as he's getting upwards of 2.5hrs per day and his last nap is late. Well with today being sat we had a lovely day out so of course everything was messed up! He had 45 mins at 10 and then 55 mins at half 1. Then....that was it!!! We went out for tea and no matter how I tried, he was just full of beans and wide awake. So no napping at all from 2.30 until bed time. Eek. God knows what will happen tonight....!
Mia has good and bad days with her teeth. Some of them don't seem to bother her as much but she's having a pretty hard time with the ones coming through now, either side of her top, front two. Just whines all day hehe.

The last time she slept like that was at about 3 months old... So it feels pretty good :)

Those are the teeth Elsie has coming through too! Hmm, maybe it is discomfort then. Well now I feel bad for getting upset with her.
Either way, don't feel guilty..it really is tiring having a tiny person following you around all day whining! In our experience at least, it doesn't take too long for the whiny period to end.. just a week or so until the tooth cuts.

I'm not sure how you feel about medicines but I do give Mia paracetamol for it as they obviously bother her. I give her nice cold foods to chew on as well, sliced tomato and cucumber
Either way, don't feel guilty..it really is tiring having a tiny person following you around all day whining! In our experience at least, it doesn't take too long for the whiny period to end.. just a week or so until the tooth cuts.

I'm not sure how you feel about medicines but I do give Mia paracetamol for it as they obviously bother her. I give her nice cold foods to chew on as well, sliced tomato and cucumber

Thanks, and yes it is totally exhausting! I have no problems medicating her for pain and that's exactly what I'll be doing when she's up from this nap. The tomato and cucumber are good ideas too. Usually I just give her a frozen mini-bagel for teething and she loves that but it's not really the healthiest choice.

Boo - I hope you have a good night tonight and that limiting naps will help! When is his bedtime? A 4-5 hour awake stretch before bed isn't too bad at that age, Elsie has them occasionally and it's never seemed to interfere with her sleep.
Boo - Now that we've moved LO's bedtime to 7pm, she has a 6 hour awake time after her last nap. That really sounds crazy and bad to me but it's working! She sttn last night for the first time in months and every night since we started the 7pm bedtime has been much better than before. When is his bedtime? Hope you have some luck with it tonight..early mornings are gross!
Thanks girls you've filled me with hope! He was awake 2.30pm until 7.15pm so just short of 5 hours. He was pretty beside himself by bed but drained his bottle in 5 mins and went out like a light. So fingers crossed x

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