Rant - Feeling so hopeless about sleep!

I think I'm about ready to become a perminant member of this thread too!!!
Twister, Seaweed and Polaris I can see similarities between all your LO's and my Chloe :)
We are using CC at the moment, and trying to change the feed/sleep association. I definitely find that Chloe sleeps longer at night when she doesnt feed to sleep. I have just started feeding her in a chair in her room then reading her a story then into crib, rather than feeding her in my bed with the light off then putting her into her crib. Hopefully it will get better soon, Im getting worn out with the crying to sleep :(
Well she lasted slightly longer before waking up, a whole 30 minutes longer so instead of waking after an hour she woke after an hour and a half. I don't really see how she can be hungry, since she ate a fair amount at dinner and then had a milk feed shortly after, but its the easiest way to settle her right now. She gets so angry/upset when I try anything else. I always hope that the all the feeding she does before bed and shortly after going to bed will help her sleep longer but it never does.

I officially call bull crap on the theory that babies with full tummies sleep longer. I think some will just wake up regardless of whether they're hungry or not.
Welcome Tessie, sorry you have to join us :hugs: I hope things get better for you soon. How long have you been doing the CC?

Polaris :hugs: I'm sorry your son and DH are ill too. I know how crushing it is to see your DH get to take time off and rest when you just have to keep working no matter how tired you feel. The inequality makes it all feel that much worse. Do you have any friends or family who could come in and give you at least an hour to take a nap or something? Well, you probably have already thought through all of that. I'm sorry you are going through this.
Twister, I always hope that too! But it never does. I know Clara definitely isn't waking out of hunger now and actually she often doesn't even want to nurse, I end up almost forcing her to nurse sometimes because I can't get her to settle at all otherwise.

I have been thinking and talking it over with OH and we are not going to go with the co-sleeping option. After last night it just doesn't seem like such a great idea anymore. So she is back in the cot tonight, she cried for half an hour at bedtime despite me doing everything possible to try to settle her but she actually hasn't woken up yet which is very good for her!

My plan now is to wait until her cold is better and then maybe set some limits around night feeds and really work on resettling her in other ways apart from feeding.

Welcome Tess - but sorry that you have to be here too!
We have been CC for about a week, since we ditched the dummy. It's so so tough to hear her cry before every sleep :( our project for the next week is to get bedtime back to 7pm, its crept later and timing varies lots, and that has not helped her sleep i don't think. I'm not good with routine, but Chloe seems to need it. Must try harder!
I don't think Jessica is hungry most of the time. But everything else I try makes her hysterical. I mean when she was younger she'd do 6 hours, then have a good feed and do another 3/4 hours before waking for another feed. That was a typical night for her. Oh how I miss those days. I can't believe I thought I was tired back then, it's nothing compared to this! At the stage now where I actually feel quite refreshed after a 3/4 hour block of sleep.
I don't think Jessica is hungry most of the time. But everything else I try makes her hysterical. I mean when she was younger she'd do 6 hours, then have a good feed and do another 3/4 hours before waking for another feed. That was a typical night for her. Oh how I miss those days. I can't believe I thought I was tired back then, it's nothing compared to this! At the stage now where I actually feel quite refreshed after a 3/4 hour block of sleep.

Oh yes, this exactly!! Its just cruel the way they tease you with great nights then it all goes horribly wrong. The last night before her sleep went haywire about 6 weeks ago she actually slept an 8 (yes eight!!!) hour stretch.
Yeah, I get pretty excited to have 4 hours in a row nowadays. :wacko:

Tessie, I'm a huge fan of routine. I think it just takes a lot of the exhausting work out of it for you, especially when you can't explain what is happening and why. They at least know what to expect and what is expected of them, which doesn't mean that they always like it, but at least it's clear.

Polaris, sounds like a good plan. :hugs:
Well she lasted slightly longer before waking up, a whole 30 minutes longer so instead of waking after an hour she woke after an hour and a half. I don't really see how she can be hungry, since she ate a fair amount at dinner and then had a milk feed shortly after, but its the easiest way to settle her right now. She gets so angry/upset when I try anything else. I always hope that the all the feeding she does before bed and shortly after going to bed will help her sleep longer but it never does.

I officially call bull crap on the theory that babies with full tummies sleep longer. I think some will just wake up regardless of whether they're hungry or not.

YEP i totally agree with you!!
Oh seriously this is getting ridiculous.

She's been up over an hour now. I fed her, she fell asleep, I put her down. Two minutes later she woke. Since then all hell has broken loose, oh attempted to get her to sleep but instead gave up, laid her on her back and put a light show on for her which did absolutely eff all. I've tried nursing, cuddling, stroking, shhhing, leaving her to cry, teething gel just in case she's in pain. Nothing works. I completely lost it and screamed the house down, I can't do it. I'm so done with this crap. She's snuggled up in my arms now. I feel awful for losing it like that but she wouldn't stop screaming. I'm such a crap mum. LO deserves better.
:hugs: :hugs: Don't think like that, Twister. You are doing a great job. You love your LO and you are trying to do the best thing for her. This is a challenging situation. You are only human!
I can already tell tonight is going to be a bad one over here :nope:

I think it is separation anxiety. What do we do about that?
Twister you are certainly not a bad mum. I've had times when my son is crying before naps and I've actually had to put him on the floor crying and step out of the room to calm down. Sleep deprivation is the worst.

SE, I think separation anxiety is a big one for us too, especially as he falls asleep in my arms for every nap and at night. I can't bear hearing him cry though, so I think any kind of sleep training is a way off for us. Can you leave your night shirt in his cot so your smell is there? Does he have a lovey? We don't have one yet but I'm thinking it might help.

Today was 'The Day' we were going to try and break the feed to sleep association. Just put him down for his first nap and he fed to sleep. I couldn't bear him pulling at my clothes and crying to nurse. I wish I'd done this when he was younger!!! I need more willpower.

Last night was usual rubbish sleep, nothing new to report!
Polaris, we cosleep but don't bed share (except sometimes at 4am!) and we all definitely get a better night sleep when C is in his own bed space but next to me. I think bed sharing works for some but we are too aware of each other, I think. It sounds like you've made a good decision. I hope your LO gets better soon x
I'm sorry last night didn't go well, Stephie. :hugs: As for today, I think it's good that you gave in quickly if you weren't feeling ready to stick it out! Might as well minimize stress for everyone. I don't know if it would have been easier when he was younger -- do you think so? He probably would still have cried. It's important to me that Munchkin is old enough now that I feel we have a good foundation of attachment and trust, and that he understands who we are and what kind of relationship he has with us. I think it would have been really hard for me to let him cry at all when he was tiny. I mean...the fact is that I chose not to do it!

Thanks for your suggestion. LO does have a lovey, but he's not super attached to it yet. He does like to hold it and rub it on his face when he's in his bed, but I think it's more of a generic comfort object than a symbol of my presence, if that makes sense. It's been a while since I slept with it in my shirt -- maybe that would help.

I forgot to note what time we started tonight so I don't know how long it took. It was shorter than last night but not great. Maybe 40 minutes. Crying most of that time. :( Early on we took him outside to decompress for a minute. I know it's not part of the routine, but he was getting really worked up and it just felt like we had to (DH was already talking about giving up), and I figured it was better earlier than later. I tried giving LO a kind of pep talk. I told him that I know this is hard, but because I can't stay in his room all night to be there every time he wakes up, he needs to go to sleep by himself. It is overwhelming now but we will keep practicing and it will get easier. And I love him and wish I could be with him all the time, but we both sleep better if he's in his room and I'm in mine. Of course, I don't think he understood any of it, but I think it calmed ME down a little :haha: and maybe he picked up on that somehow. I think it's something I'll keep doing when I feel a desire to explain things to him.
Seaweed I love the pep talk, I absolutely think speaking calmly about what's happening affects them. Also it kinda seems right to me in my hippy/touchy feely mind to treat our babies as individuals and give them the respect and consideration we would give anyone else we love :) So explaining is awesome.

Well. Over here it's the worst evening ever. Lots of poops, rash, fussing, no sleeping. I really am starting to think its teeth again. Or still. Ugh.
Also Twister - hugs xxx you are doing awesome and clearly care a lot for your lo. Don't let it get you down too much, sometimes it's just outside our control and the more we try to control the more stressful it gets. You haven't done anything wrong, this is what babies do with sleep. They kinda suck at it. Our expectations really don't mesh with theirs!
Twister :hugs: you are definitely not a crap mum. I bet we have all been in that space. I know I certainly have. I actually think I am worse because I end up taking it out on my three year old when Clara won't go to sleep/stop crying which is just beyond unfair. I have had to do so much apologizing to him recently over snapping at him over really silly things that are just getting under my skin because Clara isn't settling and general sleep deprivation. I have snapped at Clara too but at least she doesn't understand although I know obviously she picks up on the tone of voice which is awful. It's just horrible when nothing you do works. That is pretty much the point that we had reached when we did CC with Clara, she was just turning seven months. While I can't say that she is a poster girl for the method (LOL) it did help in that she learned to self settle in the cot and the unbearable nightmare of trying to actually get her to sleep was over (she didn't actually stay asleep but that's another story!). However it was really very difficult and involved a lot of crying and if I'd known in advance how much she would cry and how rubbish her sleep would still be at the end of it... I don't know ... I know I had to do something when I reached that point though because it just wasn't sustainable for me.

Stephie, I agree with seaweed, if you aren't 100% certain about doing it now then it's better to cave quickly rather than going through lots of crying first. I agree that it might not have been any easier when he was younger, some babies can self-settle from a young age and some just can't, I don't think it's anything the parents are doing differently. Usually you get into habits like feeding to sleep/rocking/etc. because that's what your baby needs. If they just lay peacefully in the cot and drifted off then that's what you would do. Anyway it doesn't necessarily mean they will keep self-settling. Clara was a fantastic self-settler up until four months old and never fed to sleep as a newborn. I was so sure that she was going to sleep through the night at a young age. Ha!

Seaweed, sorry you had another long bedtime last night. It's so hard to stick with it when things seem to be going backwards and if you are like me, you start questioning whether it is the right thing to do at all. I worried so much that Clara was going through separation anxiety this past month too. I think that is possibly part of the reason why CC didn't really "stick" for us because I really felt that I needed to be there for her and reassure her and feed her if she wanted it. I don't know. She doesn't show signs of separation anxiety during the day though so I do wonder if maybe it was me who had the separation anxiety rather than her! Does your LO have separation anxiety during the day?

What I have started doing with Clara's lovey (she has a little lamb) is bringing it in as part of the bedtime and naptime routine. Playing a little game with it, getting it "talk" to her, stroking her face and hair with it, and she is also squeezing it as she nurses. I'm hoping this will help her to become a bit more attached to it.

Anyway, as for me, we had an amazing night last night!! There is hope!!! Clara slept from 7.30 right through until almost 1 a.m. (she did stir twice but resettled within ten minutes of moaning, not crying), I fed her at 1 a.m. and she took a good feed and went back to sleep straight away and I didn't hear a peep from her until 6.40 a.m.!!! I'm sure it's just a random good night and she'll be back to normal tomorrow. But it does give me hope that things WILL eventually get better!
Gaiagirl, we posted at the same time. :hugs: Sorry you had a rubbish evening too. Teeth are a killer.
Thanks for the kind words everyoneI'm beyond tired today, so nice to hear im not the only one who's lost the plot before (and not for the first time sadly). Still feel awful though for not having enough patience to deal with her and I hope she forgives me.

But after LO finally went to sleep at 2am she slept till 5:30 and then again till 7:30 which is really good tbh. I'm now wondering if it would have been the same if she hadn't have had her meltdown last night. Guess we'll never know.

Polaris, I'm open to the idea of cc but I don't think either of us are ready yet going by the times I have left her to cry for an amount of time. I don't think I have the strength to be consistent with it and LO would probably cry until the cows came home at this stage.

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