Rant - Feeling so hopeless about sleep!

Amy you should brag! It's pretty awesome :) The fact she is mimicking sounds is really clever! I think we declare this thread (as well as a sleep thread) a guilt-free brag zone! All these clever developments totally impact sleep anyway so it's not off topic :) It sounds like Chloe had an amazing night but poor thing - she must have been so tired! Daycare had better get their act together for you! I'm sure they are trying hard but they need to "try really really hard"!

Lysh, routines are hard but when you have so many different care givers and her needs change so much in the first year - it must have been tough! Is it her birthday today?! Happy birthday to your girl! Did you guys have a party?

Polaris, Clara must have been such a shock to the system after Thomas!! They are so different! Your night sounds terrible. I hope you guys are ok. Thanks for letting me know what you guys do when Clara is sick. It must be so difficult when she's only taking short naps - the poor baby must be exhausted! It's definitely your turn for a good week. I know the tables will turn soon and you will both get some rest.
Stephie, what a relief to hear C's fever seems to have gone. I hope both of you can get some more rest now. :hugs: You're right that a few bad days can derail progress, but I also believe it usually is quick and takes little effort to get back to where you were. I'm sure you will be back on track very soon.

Polaris, so sorry about your awful night. :hugs: :hugs: I bet it still has to do with the illness, even if she seems better. Illness is really so disruptive. Maybe that plus the excitement of walking. Either way I hope it's just a random bad night and things are back to normal soon. Stephie is right, you are really due a good week now!

Lysh, frankly I think it's impressive that your LO can STTN after going down asleep! Putting down awake is a must for us because LO just won't stay asleep otherwise. I wonder why you are having bedtime struggles now...is she working on any new milestones?
Our daycare does naps on demand, so I don't think they are pushing one nap. He just doesn't want to nap as much when he's there. :shrug: Napping has never been his favorite thing to do, and with the extra stimulation I think he just finds it impossible to wind down.

Amy, I'm sorry you guys are still having nap struggles as well. I totally feel your pain! I'm glad your night was good. I know this is the sleep problem thread but I'm always really impressed with how well Chloe copes with things! I don't say that to invalidate your struggles at all, because I know things haven't fallen into place on their own for you, but she always seems to adapt really well. Don't worry about bragging about the quack thing, it sounds adorable!!! Just wait until she builds her repertoire of animal sounds. Soooo cute. :cloud9:

Kita, how are you? Hope you guys are doing well!

Thanks everyone for your feedback. Stephie, I'm afraid of precisely what you said -- Munchkin has proved himself to be pretty good at figuring out how to work the rules in his favor! So he might really need consistency. We'll see. :shrug:

He actually did quite well last night after the first difficult waking. He woke up about 4 times and SS without any intervention, then finally nursed for the first time at 4:45 and slept until 6. Not sure what all the wakings were about -- maybe overtiredness? -- but hopefully since he was able to SS he'll start sleeping through.

The bad news is that my fever is back :( so I'm worried again about him catching it, and I myself barely slept at all last night. Even after taking ibuprofen I couldn't get comfortable. No wonder our poor babies sleep so little and get so frustrated when they're unwell. :nope:
Clara took loads more steps this evening! She actually walked half-way across the room in teeny tiny baby steps! So exciting - she is absolutely thrilled with herself! She is definitely getting another tooth - I can definitely see and feel it underneath the gum - and I think she is quite uncomfortable with it. Having said that, I decided not to give pain relief at bedtime but to just wait and see how she got on and she's been asleep over an hour without a peep, so fingers crossed for a better night tonight.

SE - so sorry to hear that your fever is back. :hugs: Look after yourself and get well soon.

Amy - that sucks that daycare naps were no better. I agree with SE, it's amazing that she manages to cope so well after just a 35 minute nap, the poor thing must have been exhausted! She's sleeping so well at night time though - yay!!

Lysh - :hugs: - I honestly think you should just enjoy your four weeks at home with your LO and try not to worry too much about going back to work. She's older now so she may be more adaptable and better able to learn to fall asleep different ways in different contexts. Having said that, it would definitely be worth getting her into a good daytime routine before you go back so that whoever is minding her can just stick to that routine if possible.

Stephie - LOL, Clara and Thomas are like polar opposites in every way! I thought I had this parenting lark sussed. Nothing that worked for Thomas works for Clara and vice versa. They look very alike but there the resemblance ends!
Wow, go Clara! That's amazing!! :cloud9: I hope better sleep is around the corner, too...I remember someone said earlier that learning to walk can actually improve sleep because they get so tired!
Stephie - don't worry about returning to rocking. That's the great thing about GWTF. You can continually adapt your approach to how your lo is. Also GWTF doesn't have to mean they run rings around you (in theory :haha:). We do it a bit more like how Polaris was with Thomas. On a regular night he has a good bedtime routine, is in bed for 8pm (put down awake) and if he wakes after being asleep for an hour he doesn't come out of the cot unless there is a nappy or sickness issue. However we'll do the complete opposite on a non-regular night. :)

Sorry to hear about everyone struggling with daycare naps. I'm very grateful that our nursery was happy to be flexible too and watch for tiredness clues. In the beginning we found his naps were shorter and at strange times. They then increased to three short naps and within 6-8 wks they mimicked the home naps in lengths (though his later nap is the longer of the two). If you think about it, it must be scary for babies to nap in a strange environment. Until they can relax and wake up knowing where they are, they're likely to fight naps. Ride it out but do push daycare. You do pay for their care, so you have a right to insist on 2 naps if your baby needs it.

Polaris - Clara is one very clever girl. Yay for steps!!

AFU - we've recently had a good run but had a 90min motn party. So not like him. Teething is terrible again though. Incisors appear to be next. We're having a run of a tooth a week. Exhausting!!!
Stephie- No, her birthday was July 12th! Thank you for the Happy Birthday though! :flower: Yes, having so many caregivers could be challenging, but with her personality she needed the one on one care that family could give her. She is much more flexible and social now, so either during this year or next year we are going to look into a more structured daycare setting.

Seaweed- Yes, it seems that LO is working on new milestones weekly now! She is also teething, so that does not help. Getting her to STTN was challenging, but we finally got there. She will still sometimes have an early evening wake-up (before midnight) or a wake-up around 3:30, but much better. I started letting her fuss for up to 10 minutes to see if she would wind down and go to sleep....more often than not she does. The only time I go straight in now is if her crying is her scared cry or really upset cry. She is an early bird too, but I will take that then waking up every hour and a half (which we did for many, many months!) any day! Hope you feel better!

Polaris- Thank you! I am trying not to think about the fact that I have to go back to work. I do try to enjoy every day with her and I have the minute school ended (I am a teacher). It is going to be so incredibly hard leaving her, but it is what it is. Most of her day is structured except those darn naps!!! lol She has her meals/snacks at the same time of day and we have our morning/evening routine down. However...she nurses on demand (still quite often) and naps are off...so hopefully I can get the naps on a semi-schedule at least and if I can't then I am letting it go!

There is one thing I have learned this past year and that is that babies are not one size fits all. I read all the 'expert' books. I do feel they are helpful and can have great advice, but I was so worried about fitting my daughter into molds that she was not going to fit in. I am a routine oriented person and I love schedules.....my daughter had different ideas. I would like her to be on a nap schedule, but in the end...she is healthy, happy, and thriving. So hopefully we will have nap success but if not, I need to learn to let it go and let it be (which is hard for me!).
Hey ladies...I haven't disappeared but I accidentally clicked unsubscribe on this thread and have been too lazy to go searching then comment to resubscribe!

I will catch up soon...

Was gonna come on and say things have been ok but this evening was so brutal I'm feeling totally dejected.

Ok off to read a few pages back (no way can I completely catch up).
Hello ladies I may have to rejoin this thread since Saturday Lo's sleep as gone crap he had his mmr two weeks ago maybe it's related to this. Now he won't settle in his cot I have to rub his back he's up several times a night. Started to wake earlier and is grumpy hoping it is the mmr and he will return to himself soon.
SE - Sorry you're not feeling well. How is the sleep training going? I think you're right about not being too strict with it, if he gets so distressed that he throws up, that's not going to improve anything. With Felix I assume that he isn't hungry and nurse as a last resort (except if it's approaching 5am or later in which case it's time for his first feed of the day). I stroke his tummy, cuddle him, rock him and give him plenty of chances to self settle. Usually something works! Last night was a complete disaster though, nothing worked and I ended up leaving him to CIO. I was so exhausted and about to lose my cool, so it's all I could do.

Polaris - amazing news on the walking. Hope you had a better night last night. I always find it easier to cope when I know what is causing the wakings, so if it is teething then at least you know how to handle it.

Stephie - I'm sure you'll be able to work on the rocking again soon, it's not the end of the world. I have to take Felix out in the pushchair for his naps (unless he is due a feed, in which case he will nurse to sleep). I've decided to work on his night time sleep for now and tackle the naps later.

The 2 nap schedule seemed to be going well, but yesterday I walked into a shop about 15/20 mins into his lunchtime nap and of course his eyes shot straight open and he wouldn't resettle :dohh: He ended up having a third nap at 4ish for 20 mins. Don't know if that had any impact on his bad night. He was just rolling around in his cot and trying to crawl. He's so frustrated and there's nothing I can do to soothe him. Wish he would hurry up and crawl!
SE - I'm so sorry your fever is back :( please take it easy. How is Munchkin's crawling and walking coming along? It's good news he hasn't come down with your sickness yet, so stay positive!

Polaris - that is sensational work by Clara! She's gone from standing to walking so quickly! You must be really proud. How did she sleep last night? Was there a tooth this morning?

NotNic - sorry about the middle of the night party! A tooth a week - Wow! Poor Finlay! His mouth must be so sore! I think we are evolving towards a regular bedtime, and disregarding wake times much more than we used to. I'm still keeping a rough track for my own interest/neurosis... Lol.

Lysh - sorry, your ticker said she was one year so I assumed it was her birthday - it must have stopped ticking :) you know, I could have written your last paragraph. I am such a routine oriented scheduler and it's really hard to let go and not try to manipulate their sleep (even subtly!) in accordance with books you read.

Gaia - I'm sorry you had a bad night. That's terrible news - but good news overall :) how are naps going for you guys?

VikkiD - sorry things aren't going well. Fingers crossed they improve soon!

Kita - your night sounds rough. I'm so sorry. It's definitely better to walk away sometimes and calming down when you feel frustrated. SE had lots of sleep issues when Munchkin was taking a late afternoon car nap. Some babies seem very sensitive to being under tired. Good luck with tonight. I hope it's better for you.

Amy - I hope little duck slept well for you!

Ok, I know we are GWTF but I can't help but analyse Cully's sleep! Before he got sick and now he is feeling better I noticed he was pushing out his first wake time, taking a long snooze, then taking a very short late afternoon nap. I think this may be the beginning of his nap transition (obviously very early days).

So we are going to keep letting him stay up as long as he wants in the morning with the hope that his first nap will slowly get later and later. I finish work at 12 so in an ideal world I will pick him up and bring him home for his snooze. But if he can't make it to 12/1230 for his first sleep, DH will pick him up around 11ish and put him down for his sleep and stay with him until I get home. What do you guys think? I know 2.5 months is an aeon away in baby tome but I know it will go so quickly!
SE - Are you feeling better today? It really is terrible to get sick - you need the sleep to get better, and sometimes we don't get enough! Munchkin did awesome on SS 4 times!! That's amazing!

Polaris - How did your night go? Is she trying to practice her walking during the night too? I've heard that can happen.

NotNic - Glad you've been having a good stretch! I'm sure your MOTN party was just thrown in to keep you on your toes! Why does there seem to be no break from the teething monster?

Lysh - I agree that not all babies fit the experts' books - mine definitely doesn't! It's easy to be stressed out about naps not being "right", but I think I will need to learn to let it go also. It won't be long before nap needs will change again anyway, right?

Gaia - Glad to see you back for an update!! I've been wanting to hear how your montessori bed is still going. Sorry for the bad night, but hopefully you are back to your new normal quickly!

Vikki - Isn't there another sleep regression right after they turn 1 due to molars coming in? I thought I read that somewhere, but I could be wrong.

Kitabird - I've had to do that too - throw in a 3rd catnap every now and then. It doesn't seem to throw the night off too much - I bet he's just still unsettled because of the crawling thing. Chloe did that too, but I can't remember for how long now. I don't think it was too long.

Stephie - So Cully will be at daycare in the morning? With all of that stimulation, he might not nap until you get him home. That would kind of be ideal, since he will be at the right age for 1 nap by then. I like your idea of letting him push his first wake time out so that he gradually gets there on his own!! I think that'll be easier on him!

Daycare naps are still awful!!!! Yesterday, she had a 10 minute morning nap, then a 30 minute afternoon nap. So she was in bed by 6:30pm again.

She did wake up crying at one point, so I was trying to find my socks and then I was going to feed her since she hardly ate yesterday. I was watching her on the monitor, and she turned around, saw the monitor camera on the wall, started crawling over to it, then crashed! She fell back to sleep instantly, haha. She was up by 5:15, but I'm not surprised since she went to bed about an hour earlier than usual.

I am so happy that my mom is watching her today! She will finally get some good naps in!!
Ok, I'm bad, I haven't really caught up at all. Ill hopefully get up to date by just checking in more! Haha

Floor bed was definitely a huge help. Most of the time I can nurse him in bed and then leave. We have had some really great evenings this way. I still bring him to bed either when I go or the next wakeup after that. I COULD nurse him in his room and then go back to mine but I'm too lazy and tired. Lol

We went away for a weekend and had the hotel put the bed on the floor (did I write about this?!) it was awesome. One evening he fell asleep in like 10min and STAYED asleep until I woke him 4 hours later to feed him because my boob was so sore! Haha

So all in all it has been a good month. But the past week has been getting tricky again. He's chewing and drooling and I'm worried we might get the first molars. It's also BOILING hot upstairs like 28/29 degrees at night time in his room. Last night he was restless and I started bedtime at 7:30...HE DIDN'T SLEEP UNTIL 10! Ugh. Tested my patience for sure.

Naps are still tricky in that if I want to leave him it often takes awhile to get him unlatched. Still on 2. Around 9:30 and 2. I usually just watch TV and sit on the couch with him on the nursing pillow.

Definitely worried about naps in Nov when I start work 2 days/week...but not sure what to do about that.
Vikki- Hopefully your LO will get back on track....What have you done in the past to get him to sleep? My LO had some difficulty after her MMR, plus she is teething....she is getting back on track other than having difficulty settling in at night.

kitabird- When my LO was learning how to crawl she had some major regressions with sleep (not that she was that great to start with) but it drove us nuts for a while.

Stephie- I noticed the ticker stopped, I will have to find another one! :) If I was not a working mom maybe things would have been different with scheduling, but naps are just plain difficult, especially if a baby is inconsistent at night. Obviously the time my girl would want to nap would depend upon when she decided to wake up in the morning. Finally at 1 year she is starting to get on a predictable wake-up schedule....it took a year! And I am sure that will change again soon! lol

Amy- Yes, once we think we got the start of a schedule down pat, then things change anyways!!! Now I am waiting for dd to decide she is fine with one nap. Hope she napped better with your mom!!!

Gaia- I have a hard time keeping up too.....when I use to be more active in the thread it was overwhelming, especially because when working I could not check during the day. Just so you know, I was worried when I had to go back to work full time about naps as my daughter nursed to sleep and slept in my arms. She was not easy with naps, but everyone who watched her managed. Unfortunately the only way DH could get her to nap was having her cry for a bit. That never stopped. My SIL would sing and rock her to sleep (then of course her kids would wake her up, but that is another story). My MIL would walk her in the stroller if it was nice out, try to sing and rock her, or sometimes she had to cry for a few. Is your LO going to a daycare?
In Nov/Dec it will be just my mom one day and DH another. In Jan we may try to start daycare 2-3x a week.

If he has to cry (while being held and soothed) then I guess that is inevitable, but if its hysterical then I would honestly prefer he just skips nap that day. He will almost ALWAYS nap for me in a carrier so I'm hoping my mom and DH can get him to that way...
NotNic, I like your flexible routine version of GWTF! Thanks for the reassurance about daycare. This is only the 7th week in the new classroom so maybe there's time yet for things to adjust back to 2 naps. I'm sorry about your MOTN and all the teeth. At least it sounds like you're getting close to the finish line (? I can't even imagine!) and once they're all in you won't have to worry about it anymore! Hang in there :hugs:

Lysh, it sounds like you did great with your LO at night :thumbup: encouraging to hear that leaving her for up to 10 minutes worked well for you! Out of curiosity, how often does she still nurse (you told Polaris "often")? Mine is a frequent nurser too and I always wonder what the next few months are likely to look at for us, when all the other babies seem to be dropping to 2-3 milk feeds a day...

Vikki, sorry you're having a tough time. It does sound like the MMR can be pretty disruptive. I hope things pass on their own. If things were going well, I'm sure you'll be able to get back to that soon one way or the other.

Kita, the throwing up sounds (and is!) alarming but it's really the kind of temperament my LO has. He's done it a few times during WIO times too when he was overtired or uncomfortable and couldn't calm down. Of course the distress itself doesn't help anything, but he's also been very quick to respond to changes in my sleep rules so I don't think it's obvious what the best course of action is! He also doesn't like to be stroked or rocked and gets mad if I pick up/put down, so my options are limited to nursing him (which is the sleep association we're working on, obviously) and basically just leaving him. Or taking an actual breather outside of his bedroom, but that's just to calm down, not to go to sleep, obviously.

I'm sorry you had a rough night last night :hugs: how did he do with CIO? It sounds like he went to sleep on his own and things ended up fine. Don't be too hard on yourself! The 4PM catnap may have affected bedtime but it may just as easily not have, and I think it was exactly the right thing to do. I hope he does hurry up and crawl, or at least calms down about trying to practice it at bedtime.

Stephie, I think your approach to naps sounds really good :thumbup: and what you described at daycare should work great. I wonder whether, if he naps around 11, he'll take a second catnap in the afternoon or just have a long second WT/earlier bedtime. Impossible to say -- as you said, 2.5 months is a very long time in baby time!

Amy, I'm sorry you're still having a tough time with daycare naps! :hugs: Did she get some good naps in today finally?

Gaia, :wave: I'm glad the floor bed has been working well for you! It's so good to see that you are having great evenings when I know that was a source of stress for so long. :thumbup: I wouldn't worry about when you go back to work. It's a long time from now, and I don't think there's really much you can do to prepare for it. It will definitely be a transition for both of you, but you'll adjust as you go. Babies often seem to form different routines in different contexts so it may not be necessary to change the way you're doing things with him at all -- he may just learn a new system with his new caregivers.

Polaris, how are you guys doing today? :hugs:

AFU - thanks everyone for your wishes of health...I'm not better yet but spent a long time at the doctor's office today and it definitely doesn't seem to be anything serious! I'm just hoping it goes away on its own so that I don't have to go on antibiotics. I wasn't as feverish last night and slept much better, and that has helped.

Munchkin had another good night last night, SS twice before nursing at 4:30, up at 5:30. I read somewhere recently (babysleepsite?) that some babies continue that early morning feed for a long time -- and I think Polaris said the same thing about her son -- so I think this is the best I can expect for now. Other than sleeping through the earlier wakings instead of crying out. I know he's had a few random STTNs but I don't see it becoming a regular thing. I'd be happy to be wrong!

I spoke to daycare a bit about his nap schedule. They said they used to try putting him down earlier but rarely succeeded, and he seems to be in a good mood through the morning so now they've stopped trying. I think the arrival at daycare is stimulating to him so he doesn't nap right away, and then their daily routine is not built to support a nap around 10 or 11 AM -- they are usually doing activities and then playing outside. Also his cohort happens to be on the older side right now for this classroom (most of them are around 14 months, and he's the youngest by about 6 weeks) so most of them are old enough to be taking one nap. So in the morning everyone is playing and it's noisy and interesting, and then after outdoor playtime everyone else is ready for a nap, they turn the lights down, and he apparently falls asleep on his bottle and goes in his crib easily. Anyway...that's the picture, and I'm glad I asked because I think I have a better sense of how this works now.

They offered to try putting him down earlier if I'd like, but I said for now we can keep things as they are. I just don't see him getting two quality naps in this classroom, not because the teachers are unwilling, but just because of the way things are structured. If it seems like he is not doing well I plan to ask them to hold him for a 15-minute morning catnap and then just let him wake up. I don't want him to start skipping the afternoon nap, because I like that he can sleep when the room is quiet and dark -- I think he has the best chance of consistently starting to extend the nap that way.

Stephie, thanks for asking about his crawling and walking :D he had a big breakthrough yesterday with walking. He let go of me and took about 10 steps independently!!! I think he reads this thread and was inspired by Clara! He's so cautious, I'm sure it'll be a month before he tries again. He also loves to play this game where he pulls up on a low table in the playroom and then lets go, takes a step backward, and drops on his bottom. Over and over again. Seems to me like it must hurt, but he seems to enjoy it, and I'm glad he's practicing getting down from standing, which I know is important for sleep!
Thanks SE I think you're right. Wow on the steps!!!!!! Amazing! I'm soooo unprepared for toddlerhood I think. F is a daredevil and I can see him trying the waking thing soon, which I am not encouraging haha.
Hope everyone had a good night Daniel woke at 2 and 5 and then up for the day at 7 and he had pooped through his nappy and all through his sleepsuit he does seem happier this morning so fingers crossed for a good day
Amy, that's awful that's she's still not getting any sleep at daycare. Cully would be an absolute wreck on that little sleep. I'm glad your mum is looking after her. Is it just the transfer that's stopping her napping longer or the noise and stimulation? Do they have a quiet room for her to take naps? Yes - Cully will be in daycare for only half days which is very lucky for us. I think he would really struggle to sleep there so I'm really hoping the plan works!

Gaia, it sounds like things have been going so well! You didn't tell us about the holiday - that's awesome they were so good about putting the mattress on the floor! I'm sorry thing have been bad lately - those long bedtimes are so difficult. Hopefully when the weather changes things get better. I can't believe you think he's teething again... Wow! Cully still has two small teeth!

Lysh, it's so true what you say about it being hard to schedule naps when wakeup times can vary so much! It's interesting her wake time became more consistent when she turned one!

SE, I have no idea about how long he will take the cat nap - yesterday he didn't even fall asleep until 5pm and slept for only ten minutes. So maybe it will be gone soon? Who knows, he'll probably be back to 3 naps next week :)

Munchkin is doing so well with his walking! You always thought he would be an early walker! I love that he's practising getting down from standing, that's really cute! The games they play to entertain themselves are bizarre and hilarious sometimes.

I think your plan for naps is a good one. A cat nap will be perfect if you find him struggling on one nap. It does sound like he's adapted really well though.

Vikki, that sounds like a better night! I'm glad for you. I'll definitely keep fingers crossed that he has a good day.

Polaris, how is Clara? Any sign of a tooth? I hope she's fully recovered now.

We had an ok night - he slept 1.5 hours at the beginning which he hasn't done for ages (we almost fitted in 2 episodes of Dexter) but he woke hourly crying. He's rubbing his gums on everything today... I wish his front teeth would just hurry up and cut through. It feels like they've caused him so much pain for months now.

I hope everyone had a good night x
Gaia - Sounds like things are mostly good! As for naps, I think you'll have a good transition period with your husband and mom for a couple of months - hopefully they can help F get more comfortable with naps from other people before you send him to daycare.

SE - Do you think he's ready for one nap? As long as he's getting one good stretch of sleep in, it shouldn't matter if it's one nap or two, right? I like your idea of them holding him for a quick catnap though, if they are willing to do it! My daycare will not! And WOW!!! on the walking! That's great!!

Vikki - Sounds like a good night - except for the poop! I always dread a night poop.

Stephie - You had a 1.5 hour stretch, and you weren't sleeping!! Obviously, I'd probably be watching sexy Dexter too! The front top teeth must feel awful and take the longest! Chloe hurt so bad the other day that she couldn't even suck on a bottle. Poor babies!

Chloe got in a nice 2.5 hour morning nap with my mom, and an hour in the afternoon! Too much sleep, but I suppose she needed it. Her night ended up being a bit restless then, and she was up at 5am.

I'm not sure what the problem is with daycare. All I can get out of them is that she screams in the crib and wakes the other babies up. I was mad the other day because I felt like the daycare provider did not listen to me when I tried to tell her how to lay her down so that she stays sleeping. I'm not sure what else to do - we've been there 7 months, it's not like Chloe needs more time to adjust.

The room does have a separate area for the cribs - I'm sure it's still a bit noisy, but they play music. Maybe I just need to go in some morning for her first nap and show them myself.
Amy, these front teeth are awful! I can't believe how long they take to come in and how painful they are! I'm sorry Chloe is suffering so much too. We had a horrible night because of the teeth but I can finally see a bit of white under the surface where the swelling has been for months. I hope so badly they cut through soon! How about Chloe? Any sign?

I'm angry on your behalf about daycare. That really stinks. Poor Chloe! You'd think if she was waking up screaming they might work a bit harder to keep her asleep. If you can manage the time off work, I'd definitely go in there at nap time. Can you watch from a place Chloe can't see you and see how they are putting her down? Alternatively (and I know you said separation anxiety was kicking in so this might be a bad idea) could you go in at nap time and put her down yourself?

I hope you can sort this out soon. Good luck!

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