Rant - Feeling so hopeless about sleep!

libby - Wow, that is really tough. Any idea what's going on with her right now? Maybe something developmental? I'm glad you had luck with the Advil. I took melatonin last night for the same reason and I found it pretty helpful too.
Hello Ladies,
Thanks for the warm welcome. I’m sorry that any of us have to be here. :wacko: Once a week I get a bit of energy and decided to try something new to help my baby sleep. My main problem is that my baby wakes up at 4am everyday no matter what time he went to bed, how many times he has been up in the night (2-8 times), or how much sleep he has gotten (usually 9 hours combined). Also he will not stay up any later than 6pm (another problem)! So tomorrow morning when my little man wakes up for his 4am play time, I am going to feed him in the dark, treat it like a night feeding even though he is wide awake and ready to play. I am going to put him back in his crib where he can play or sleep. Whatever he decides to do, it will be in his crib. I will be sleeping on my floor bed that has been in his room since he moved to his crib 3 weeks ago ha-ha! :sleep: Anyway fingers crossed.
Bananaz - I'm thinking wonder week? She has been way fussier than usual lately and just learned how to wave, shake her head, sign "milk", clap, pull up on furniture and walk along it in like a 2 week period

babybumplove - that is tough! I would cry buckets if my LO decided to start waking up at 4am! Good luck tonight!

lysh - Ugh I hate those MOTN parties. LO never ever used to do that until like 3 weeks ago! Luckily we haven't had one for a few days yet. Except it's not really a party at our house because we're usually both crying :wacko:
Ah Libby I hope you start getting some sleep soon! Those are some massive development stages she's going through!

Sleep has gone back to normal here now that the antibiotics have helped with the ear infection. But that still means waking every 1-2 hours. He was also up for the day at 5am :-(

Hubby & I had the baby chat last night and I can't imagine having another baby right now but I don't want him to be an only child. OH said he could stop at one! He's such a sweet little boy as well, really funny so it's just the nights we're struggling with.

Anyone else finding that having a bad sleeper is putting them off having anymore kids?
Definitely! Ok so we cannot afford a third really and have too little space at the moment and I am getting too old etc. But I would loved to have a daughter as well. However the thought of another baby that doesn't sleep and maybe another 10 months or more of thinking of pretty much little else apart from sleep, really has put me off. :(
Definitely! Ok so we cannot afford a third really and have too little space at the moment and I am getting too old etc. But I would loved to have a daughter as well. However the thought of another baby that doesn't sleep and maybe another 10 months or more of thinking of pretty much little else apart from sleep, really has put me off. :(

Do you have 2 non-sleepers or one? I'm betting you also have the issue that if one naps in the day then you can't nap with them if the other is still awake or do they nap together?
babybumplove- Good luck with that. Lo used to wake up at 4 like clockwork too...now it is between 4:30-5 typically, even this morning she was up at 3:55. Usually if she is up at 4, we keep her in her crib. Sometimes she would fuss and then fall back asleep, other times she would scream. We give her about 10 minutes to see what will happen, but once she is screaming there is no way she is sleeping.

Ugh....so 3:55 wake up today. It is going to be a LONG workday. LOs naps have been screwy lately though and she fell asleep in my arms at 5 because she woke up from her last nap at 2. LO did not want to wake up, she kept waking and dozing until we finally gave her a bath at 6. So I did not feel right pushing her to sleep anymore this morning. It is hard with the naps...not only is she difficult to read and difficult about taking them, but I am dependent upon her caregivers during the day.

Wish me luck today. lol

Hope everyone else had a good night!

Bananaz- BTW, I hate those 10 minute car naps. Sometimes when I pick LO up after work at 3 she does that and then she is a nightmare until bedtime.
Irish Eyes, sleep on the whole is a lot better than it was for us. Sebastian used to be easy and sleeps/slept well during the night. It was Dominic who was the problem but even he no longer wakes every hour through the night like he did from about 3 months to 71/2. But putting them to bed can be difficult. Sebastian used to be so easy. You put him in the cot drowsy and he would turn his face to the side and drop off. Not any more. Yesterday it took 2 hours with them both screaming on and off as if we were torturing them every time we dared put them in the cots. Rocking them to sleep is getting torturous for us as they are both big boys and Dominic weighs close to 27lbs! Anyway, Dominic then woke for a bottle at 2:10 and then Sebastian wanted to be up for the day at 5:45. So nights are ok IF Dominic wants his nightbottle late. If he wants it at 12 then he will want another one at 4. And since he isn't getting that any more and he is obstinate, he will then not go back to sleep and be up for the day.
As for naps, they will not nap in their cots but only their bouncies. They nap well and for about an hour IF I am there next to them the whole time boucing them with my feet. If I don't they will only nap for 20 mins and be whiney the rest of the day. So I cannot nap when they do.
I dream of sttn and am not just a lil envious of all those with babies who sleep through from early on. Mine have never slept through. Not once.
Hey ladies! Looks like I've a lot to catch up with. Angel, good to see you here... although I'd rather you were sleeping ;-) Your boys are so sweet.

Boo, you remind me so much of myself! I am so anxious about sleep. My LO is finally STTN and you'd think I'd be enjoying it more, but instead I spend my time googling the 8/9 month sleep regression and worrying that will happen to us soon and it will all totally fall apart. I admit, I won't be sad when Charlotte is more consistent and I don't have to obsess about these things day and night.

Bananaz, I hate those crappy 10 minute car naps. I've found recently I can transfer Charlotte from the car seat to the crib. She typically wakes up between the transfer, but will usually go back to sleep. This is a new development, though... Until recently she would just count that 10 minutes as a nap and be UP and overtired.

Lysh/BabyBump, those early morning wakings are KILLER. I'm pretty tough - I don't go and get Charlotte before 6am. I treat anything earlier as a night waking. It took awhile, but after being brutally consistent for what seemed like months she usually sleeps until 6:30am/7am, which is perfect for me.

Libby, on insomnia/anxiety, definitely look into getting medication. I finally bit the bullet and did so and I honestly sleep so, so much better even on a "bad" night. I also don't obsess about the nights as much and my life has improved drastically. It took about 2 weeks to kick in and I feel like a new person.

Irish, I certainly do not want any more kids right now and the sleep deprivation is a huge part of it. I started selling my baby stuff online recently and my coworkers keep telling me I'll regret it, but I do not think so :) I'm glad you aren't suffering any more 20 minutes wake-ups, but hopefully you'll get more than a 2 hour stretch soon! Have you tried some Advil for the ears? Also, I found elevating the mattress helps because there's less pressure on their ears.

Last night was kind of weird, but still good. I was out with some work friends, but DH said Charlotte had a tough time going down, which is unusual for her. She was asleep around 7:15pm. She's constipated (again) and I think her tummy was bothering her. She then slept until around 3am when I heard her moaning. I went to check on her and her room was SUPER hot - DH had accidentally turned up her space heater all the way. I cooled down the room and she drifted off again. THEN I heard her again a few minutes later. I went in and she was sitting up and couldn't get back down! Bananaz, didn't Elsie do that? So I laid her back down. This whole process only disrupted our sleep for about 30 minutes, so I can't complain. Up for the day around 6:45am.
lysh - So sorry about the early wake-up call, ugh :( Maybe you can sneak in a nap at work, heheh

Noelle - Yep, Elsie did go through a (mercifully brief) phase where she would sit up in the middle of the night but didn't realize she had to lie back down to go to sleep. Thankfully by that time she'd known how to get herself down from sitting for a while but it still took a couple nights for her to figure out that that's what she needed to do for sleeping! Hopefully it will be a short learning curve for Charlotte too.

AngelUK - I'm glad to hear that Dominic is sleeping better, I remember how hard that was for you! I can't imagine having to sit and bounce two babies through a whole nap for 9 months though, I would go insane. You're a stronger woman than I am!

Last night was really good for us. She went down at 6:30pm and had wakings at 1:30am, 2:30am and 4:30am but I only fed her at the last one - the first two she resettled herself after 5-10 minutes of whining. Then she slept in until 6:30am! :happydance:

It could just be a coincidence but I did manage to get a good amount of solids into her yesterday, unlike the previous few days (I cheated and gave her rice cereal for dinner after the refused the fruit and veggies purees I'd tried :blush:).
Well my little man got terrible gas/tummy pain at about 1:30am. From 1:30am until his regular 4:00am wake up, I was up 7 TIMES! I didn’t have the heart to follow through on my plan because he was not feeling well. I really am a softy. Oh well I guess tonight we can try again.

lysh-Good Luck today! I hope you make it through the day.

Lysh/BabyBump, those early morning wakings are KILLER. I'm pretty tough - I don't go and get Charlotte before 6am. I treat anything earlier as a night waking. It took awhile, but after being brutally consistent for what seemed like months she usually sleeps until 6:30am/7am, which is perfect for me.

I think if my LO was going to bed a little later than 6pm I would feel ok about doing the same as you. I just wonder if he is really just done sleeping?
Ah Libby I hope you start getting some sleep soon! Those are some massive development stages she's going through!

Sleep has gone back to normal here now that the antibiotics have helped with the ear infection. But that still means waking every 1-2 hours. He was also up for the day at 5am :-(

Hubby & I had the baby chat last night and I can't imagine having another baby right now but I don't want him to be an only child. OH said he could stop at one! He's such a sweet little boy as well, really funny so it's just the nights we're struggling with.

Anyone else finding that having a bad sleeper is putting them off having anymore kids?

My husband is very adamant that he does not want another baby. I think the not sleeping has a lot to do with it lol. My husband gets up once a week (Saturday) with LO so I can sleep in a bit. It’s pretty annoying that once a week has made him so dead set against another baby. That begin said, he also said he “wants his wife back.” He feels like he is living with a zombie (which he is).
Well my little man got terrible gas/tummy pain at about 1:30am. From 1:30am until his regular 4:00am wake up, I was up 7 TIMES! I didn’t have the heart to follow through on my plan because he was not feeling well. I really am a softy. Oh well I guess tonight we can try again.

lysh-Good Luck today! I hope you make it through the day.

Lysh/BabyBump, those early morning wakings are KILLER. I'm pretty tough - I don't go and get Charlotte before 6am. I treat anything earlier as a night waking. It took awhile, but after being brutally consistent for what seemed like months she usually sleeps until 6:30am/7am, which is perfect for me.

I think if my LO was going to bed a little later than 6pm I would feel ok about doing the same as you. I just wonder if he is really just done sleeping?

I understand your concern - I think most babies at this age need 11-13 hours of night sleep, but that is subtracting night wakings. If he goes to bed at 6pm and wakes in the night, a wake time of 6am is probably safe :)
Hi everyone. Nights for us have gotten a little better. He is now waking 2-3 times a night. He actually slept 2 4 hour intervals last night. yay.

Lysh- I work as a school psychologist. Luckily I don't have to worry about getting a class covered when I pump. But I do have to leave meetings early or when I'm testing a kid it gets pretty difficult.

Bananaz- Coleton is all over the place with his naps. He sleep best for his dad. He will take 1 3 hour nap for his dad. When I am home he takes two 1 to 1 and a half hour nap
At daycare (goes twice a week), he takes one to two nsps of 30 min each!!!! Crazy!!

Strangely enough , I do not see a pattern with it affecting how he sleeps at night. Like yesterday he went to daycare and took one 50 min nap and then the night was ok!!!! Weird.
Last night Sofia woke up at like 9:00 pm..ughhhhh! I did feed her and she ate quite a bit. But then she woke up again at 2 am. I tried feeding her but she wasn't hungry...she just fussed a bit and went to sleep and woke up at 4 am...again I waited about 10 mins, once I got outta bed she was again asleep. So she didn't eat until 7 am which is her usual wake up call :/

I don't know why she wakes up and fusses if she's not hungry or in pain. The pedi appt is tomorrow and hopefully she'll give me some answers. I'm driving myself crazy here with my inconsistent baby :(
Aimee, glad your night was better! I haven't totally found our pattern either... Charlotte has days where she naps well and sleeps well at night, but also days where she naps like crap and crashes and sleeps fantastically. It's hard to figure it out.

Shadowy Lady, I honlestly think some babies are just loud between sleep cycles. They're still "learning" how to sleep. You and I might just get up and go to the bathroom and then drift off again, but they need to kind of fuss it out. Do you have a monitor? I noticed Charlotte started sleeping "better" when I turned mine off (I can still hear her if she's crying) and every sound wasn't so amplified.
Haven't updated today!
She slept through last night, not much more to report, lol.
She's eating more in the day now, taking about 26-30oz now, that literally came out of nowhere too, she was only having 15-20oz before. Maybe that's what helping her sleep through the night?

Her naps have kinda been weird today. She woke up at 730 this morning and had her first nap at 9 which lasted two hours. She then had her next nap at 130 and slept until 230 so one hour. Which kinda screwed me. :/ I fed her on the couch at about 4 and she drifted off for like five minutes. I gave her a bath at 5 and she is just SO SO tired. I thought I'd try and keep her up until 6 but she's just exhausted right now. So its 530 and I just put her down for the night.. I'm sure she'll wake up a few times tonight, but I'm okay with that. She's been very cuddly today so I'm wondering if she's just not feeling very good. Maybe her tummy hurts of she has a headache. (Do babies get headaches?) She doesn't seem like she's coming down with a cold, but she has just seemed exhausted all day. I wonder if it's from her injections she got yesterday? She was fine after she got them, everything seemed normal. But today it's just been.. weird. I don't really know how to explain it.
Noelle - I do have a monitor and I do leave it off. The problem is that her room is literally only inches away from our lol! So I hear her even with the door closed even if she's just whining :/ Let's see what tonight will bring us, lol!

Jessica - so glad Lilly is still sttn :) keep up the good work both of u :)

Aimee - glad to hear your nights are improving. Sounds much better than last week when you were reporting here

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