Rant - Feeling so hopeless about sleep!

Hey girls! Lysh you so deserve that good night. Long may it continue!

Irish, my baby's sleep when to shit when she learned to roll. I had to "rescue" her all night long when she didn't want to be on her tummy. It sucked! It did pass and now she happily sleeps on her tummy. I do think it's easy for our babies to get stuck in poor sleep habits after being ill, even though they've recovered. I would keep him in his crib no matter what (unless hungry) and just soothe him while he's there. He will get used to it!

We had a weird night. Charlotte was up a couple times because she was on all fours trying to crawl or sitting herself up. Wonder Week 37 type stuff... No biggie though, it was still a decent night!
I know that there are a lot of people on this thread with LO's the same age as mine, just wondered if anyone else's LO has started the 8 month sleep regression? I'm hoping that because she started early that it will be over earlier...

Olivia wakes up every night between 2-3 and is awake between 1-2 hours. back in the early days, nursing her back to sleep was all it took but now that doesn't do anything...she just carries on crying, boo!!

I am back at work 20th Jan, that is going to be fun!
Steph, it's not a full on regression (YET) for us and Charlotte has been sleeping really well (STTN sometimes), but when she does wake recently she is on all fours rocking or sitting up and not knowing how to lay back down. My understanding is that the 8/9 month regression has to do with developmental milestones happening around this time, so I assume my LO's wakings are a symptom of this. I've heard when they learn to pull to stand it's the worst! I've been through this with the rolling, so I know it passes, but it did take Charlotte longer than most babies to *learn* that so I fear we may have these random nights of disrupted sleep for awhile. I just hope it doesn't become an all night, every night thing.

We do get those long night wakings from time to time as well. It seems like the better Charlotte sleeps, the worse her night wakings are when she does have them, as strange as that may sound. I think it's because if she does wake now there's a real reason. Not just struggling to return to sleep.
Minikiwi - oh honey :( I know what you mean about not even remembering the rest of the night....

Lysh - glad things are starting to improve for you. Try and get some rest mama :)

Libby - lol, your LO is testing you? Hope she gives you a break tonight.

Last night was ok for us. I took some Advil night time to fight the cold symptoms so i could sleep and went to bed at 8:30. Sofia woke at 1 am when DH fed her with ebm. Then she woke again at 5:30 am and i fed her. She was up for the day at 8:30 am.

So we seem to be back to 1-2 wakeups per night until we start night weaning. I can live with that.

Noelle - I can't find your post on how you night weaned Charlotte. Can you please refresh my memory? Did you use Ferber?
Steph, it's not a full on regression (YET) for us and Charlotte has been sleeping really well (STTN sometimes), but when she does wake recently she is on all fours rocking or sitting up and not knowing how to lay back down. My understanding is that the 8/9 month regression has to do with developmental milestones happening around this time, so I assume my LO's wakings are a symptom of this. I've heard when they learn to pull to stand it's the worst! I've been through this with the rolling, so I know it passes, but it did take Charlotte longer than most babies to *learn* that so I fear we may have these random nights of disrupted sleep for awhile. I just hope it doesn't become an all night, every night thing.

We do get those long night wakings from time to time as well. It seems like the better Charlotte sleeps, the worse her night wakings are when she does have them, as strange as that may sound. I think it's because if she does wake now there's a real reason. Not just struggling to return to sleep.

It seems to have become an every night thing for us. Olivia has already learnt loads in the last few days though, she is now crawling properly, can go into the sitting position by herself and can stand with furniture. Just put her down for her last nap and she's struggling bless her.
Not looking forward to the next few weeks, I hope it is better for you Noelle xx
Last night started out great. LO slept soundly for 5 hours. Yay! Too bad I didn't sleep at all during that time and then after that she was up every hour until I took her into bed with us, and then she was up at 6:30. So another night of short lived crappy sleep for me.

I desperately need a nap today, hope LO decides to have a good one so I can try to rest too :coffee:
I have a friend who offered to take LO for a couple hours tomorrow for me. I know I *should* take her up on it and nap, but I have a lot of anxiety about leaving LO, especially because she is so very attached to me and gets quite upset with most other people (like hysterical and inconsolable), she's definitely going through more separation anxiety than usual right now.

Irish - that sounds awful. I'm wondering if his ears didn't clear up too since he wanted to be upright all night. It could also be a developmental thing. LO learned to roll when she was still sleeping in her bassinet (which had no room to roll), so it was never an issue for her with sleeping

Steph - our girls are about the same age. My LO went through this in Dec. She's never had MOTN parties but for two weeks she suddenly started doing it. I think it was developmental stuff as she learned to do a whole bunch of stuff at once. She hasn't done it in a week or so now so I'm hoping she's done!
Last night started out great. LO slept soundly for 5 hours. Yay! Too bad I didn't sleep at all during that time and then after that she was up every hour until I took her into bed with us, and then she was up at 6:30. So another night of short lived crappy sleep for me.

I desperately need a nap today, hope LO decides to have a good one so I can try to rest too :coffee:
I have a friend who offered to take LO for a couple hours tomorrow for me. I know I *should* take her up on it and nap, but I have a lot of anxiety about leaving LO, especially because she is so very attached to me and gets quite upset with most other people (like hysterical and inconsolable), she's definitely going through more separation anxiety than usual right now.

Irish - that sounds awful. I'm wondering if his ears didn't clear up too since he wanted to be upright all night. It could also be a developmental thing. LO learned to roll when she was still sleeping in her bassinet (which had no room to roll), so it was never an issue for her with sleeping

Steph - our girls are about the same age. My LO went through this in Dec. She's never had MOTN parties but for two weeks she suddenly started doing it. I think it was developmental stuff as she learned to do a whole bunch of stuff at once. She hasn't done it in a week or so now so I'm hoping she's done!

ah thanks LibbyLou, that does make me feel a little better!! x
Steph- we're having the same thing and it's exhausting.

LO went to bed well at 7pm, rolled around then fell asleep by herself. She woke up 3 times before 8:30 and settled herself the last time! :D It would have been a great night without the 2 hours awake from 2am - 4am. Then she was up for the day at 7. I wish I could have gotten to sleep before 12:30 though

Libby, can your friend have LO at your house? So you're not far away if she freaks out and you feel more comfortable? Either way, I think you should take her up on the offer
Steph, I hope it doesn't last long for you.

MiniKiwi, those long wakings must be a developmental/age thing, since so many of us have experienced that recently with babies around the 7/8 month mark.

Libby, well I'm glad you got a good stretch! But I'm sorry you didn't get to take advantage of it and the rest of the night was kind of crap. I think you should take your friend up on her offer - maybe exposing LO to more people would help with the separation anxiety?

Irish, I think Libby makes a good point - your LO's ears may still be bothering him. Probably worth a re-check. I know from friends it sometimes takes two rounds of antibiotics to combat an ear infection.

Shadowy Lady, glad you're getting some rest for that cold! Everyone is ill here in Baltimore. 8 out of 12 of my office mates were out with the flu on Friday. I'm terrified of Charlotte and I getting it. So, night weaning - I did not use Ferber. My ped recommended cold turkey between midnight and 5am. We decided to do a dream feed around 10pm, so that we were responding to all of Charlotte's night wakings consistently. We then soothed in other ways when she would wake. She really didn't want a night feed after 3 days or so - it was quick. She was a month or two older than Sophia, so Ferber may be a good way to go with her or perhaps a later dream feed if you go that route. We dropped the dream feed over the Christmas holiday while at my dad's out of pure laziness and thought we'd just feed when she woke and get back into good habits when we got home, but we found Charlotte didn't wake! Guess she was just ready.
bumpbear - Don't feel guilty. I chose to do sleep training for the same reasons as yo. My LO hit the sleep regression at 3 months and rarely slept longer than 45-60 mins at a time and it was often hours of fighting to get her to sleep in the first place. She was a mess, I was a mess, DH was a mess, it was awful.
I chose to "camp out" in her room and intermitently offer comfort based on her level of upset. Within a week she was sleeping much better and we actually had like two weeks of amazing sleep (by my books it was amazing!). Then she got 2 teeth, then a cold, then an ear infection and we're still trying to recover
However at least now she goes to sleep without 3 hours of crying and sleeps longer than 45 mins and her naps are much better
Good luck and stay strong momma!

babybumplove - I hope keeping him up later works! I've read that it works for some babies! Though they suggest slowly pushing bedtime back (1/2 at a time for a couple days) until you reach the desired bedtime.
and yes I know the feeling of "holy crap this night is going to suck":nope:

Thanks libbylou!

Sleep training has worked amazing for us.

We ferberised her.

Day 1: after following her bed time routine, DH put her in her crib sleepy but awake. He went in to reassure her for 2 minutes at a time after 1 minute, 3 minutes, 5 minutes, 5 minutes then 10 minutes before she finally fell asleep 33 minutes after we had initially put her in her crib. She cried quite a bit, but never hysterically. Most of the crying was from confusion because she couldn't understand why I wasn't nursing/ rocking her to sleep as usual. Some was from frustration as she tried to figure out how to put herself to sleep. And some of the time she just lay there quietly trying to figure out how to drift off. She still woke her usual 8 times that night. The first time she cried on and off for 15 minutes: DH went in twice to reassure her and she soothed herself back to sleep. The second time she cried for 7 minutes: DH went in once. The remaining 6 times she cried for 5 minutes or less and did not need a reassurance visit. The night was a major breakthrough for us because LO hadn't self soothed in 5 months since her 4 month sleep regression! I won't sugar coat it: it was heart wrenching leaving her to independently self soothe and not immediately pick her up to comfort her as I have been doing for the past 9.5 months. DH and I felt like total crap bags- like the worst parents ever and I sobbed.

The following morning, LO was exhausted because of the rough sleepless night she'd had so she was out of sorts. We played with her lots and gave her lots of cuddles to make sure she didn't feel abandoned. We felt so so bad seeing her even more exhausted than she usually is and almost decided not to stick with it that night. But we persevered and I am so glad we did!

Day 2: LO started crying at the end of her bedtime routine because I think she knew she'd have to self soothe again. We were so worried, we thought we had broken her as she doesn't usually cry at bedtime (it's her frequent wakings that were the problem, not actually going to bed!). DH put her down and she was asleep within 3 minutes for an 8 hour stretch! She did not even need a reassurance visit! She woke once in the night but put herself back to sleep. We should have got a good night's sleep but we couldn't believe she was actually asleep and kept going in to check on her as we were convinced our angelcare monitor must be broken.

The next morning, LO woke very happy and refreshed, full of smiles and cuddles for us. Her dark circles had diminished and she stopped clawing at her face and pulling on her hair all day. I was able to put her down in her crib for a nap for the first time ever (she usually naps on me or in her moving stroller), she played very energetically and actively all day and she ate all of her meals! I was amazed!

Day 3: DH put little one down sleepy but awake. She protested for less than thirty seconds and then was out like a light for 12 HOURS!

Today, she has been fabulous. Full of beans, very happy, napping well, eating well and she is glowing.

I am so glad we did this. I had been totally against Ferber until I actually sat down and read the book and realised that it is a very flexible training technique that can be adapted to suit a method that you are comfortable with. I realise now that by dragging things out for months on end, trying endless no cry sleep solutions and hoping that LO would 'sleep when she was ready to', that I was doing LO a disservice and acting selfishly just because i could not bear to see her cry. Months on end of her being sleep deprived, clawing at her face, pulling at her hair and being utterly exhausted were far worse for her than the total of less than 70 minutes she has spent crying over 3 days using Ferber. I totally recommend this sleep training method and advise anyone to read the book itself and make their mind up.
bumpbear! :happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance:
So glad you've seen such amazing results with the sleep training!

Once I did the sleep training, I too realized I wasn't doing anyone any favours by refusing to sleep train just because I didn't want LO to cry...instead I would spend hours trying to sooth her to sleep while she cried anyway. In the end the amount of crying she did while sleep training was significantly less than the amount of crying she used to do while we were trying to be "gentle" with her.
I think sleep training was a huge favour for her because it taught her how to sleep and she is much happier for it now because she's not always an exhausted mess now

LO has had two 30 min naps today. Guess momma isn't getting any rest :nope:
She is exposed to other people regularly but is still very attached to me (always has been). Its flattering but exhausting and sometimes I wish she would love me just a little less :haha:
bumpbear - Don't feel guilty. I chose to do sleep training for the same reasons as yo. My LO hit the sleep regression at 3 months and rarely slept longer than 45-60 mins at a time and it was often hours of fighting to get her to sleep in the first place. She was a mess, I was a mess, DH was a mess, it was awful.
I chose to "camp out" in her room and intermitently offer comfort based on her level of upset. Within a week she was sleeping much better and we actually had like two weeks of amazing sleep (by my books it was amazing!). Then she got 2 teeth, then a cold, then an ear infection and we're still trying to recover
However at least now she goes to sleep without 3 hours of crying and sleeps longer than 45 mins and her naps are much better
Good luck and stay strong momma!

babybumplove - I hope keeping him up later works! I've read that it works for some babies! Though they suggest slowly pushing bedtime back (1/2 at a time for a couple days) until you reach the desired bedtime.
and yes I know the feeling of "holy crap this night is going to suck":nope:

Thanks libbylou!

Sleep training has worked amazing for us.

We ferberised her.

Day 1: after following her bed time routine, DH put her in her crib sleepy but awake. He went in to reassure her for 2 minutes at a time after 1 minute, 3 minutes, 5 minutes, 5 minutes then 10 minutes before she finally fell asleep 33 minutes after we had initially put her in her crib. She cried quite a bit, but never hysterically. Most of the crying was from confusion because she couldn't understand why I wasn't nursing/ rocking her to sleep as usual. Some was from frustration as she tried to figure out how to put herself to sleep. And some of the time she just lay there quietly trying to figure out how to drift off. She still woke her usual 8 times that night. The first time she cried on and off for 15 minutes: DH went in twice to reassure her and she soothed herself back to sleep. The second time she cried for 7 minutes: DH went in once. The remaining 6 times she cried for 5 minutes or less and did not need a reassurance visit. The night was a major breakthrough for us because LO hadn't self soothed in 5 months since her 4 month sleep regression! I won't sugar coat it: it was heart wrenching leaving her to independently self soothe and not immediately pick her up to comfort her as I have been doing for the past 9.5 months. DH and I felt like total crap bags- like the worst parents ever and I sobbed.

The following morning, LO was exhausted because of the rough sleepless night she'd had so she was out of sorts. We played with her lots and gave her lots of cuddles to make sure she didn't feel abandoned. We felt so so bad seeing her even more exhausted than she usually is and almost decided not to stick with it that night. But we persevered and I am so glad we did!

Day 2: LO started crying at the end of her bedtime routine because I think she knew she'd have to self soothe again. We were so worried, we thought we had broken her as she doesn't usually cry at bedtime (it's her frequent wakings that were the problem, not actually going to bed!). DH put her down and she was asleep within 3 minutes for an 8 hour stretch! She did not even need a reassurance visit! She woke once in the night but put herself back to sleep. We should have got a good night's sleep but we couldn't believe she was actually asleep and kept going in to check on her as we were convinced our angelcare monitor must be broken.

The next morning, LO woke very happy and refreshed, full of smiles and cuddles for us. Her dark circles had diminished and she stopped clawing at her face and pulling on her hair all day. I was able to put her down in her crib for a nap for the first time ever (she usually naps on me or in her moving stroller), she played very energetically and actively all day and she ate all of her meals! I was amazed!

Day 3: DH put little one down sleepy but awake. She protested for less than thirty seconds and then was out like a light for 12 HOURS!

Today, she has been fabulous. Full of beans, very happy, napping well, eating well and she is glowing.

I am so glad we did this. I had been totally against Ferber until I actually sat down and read the book and realised that it is a very flexible training technique that can be adapted to suit a method that you are comfortable with. I realise now that by dragging things out for months on end, trying endless no cry sleep solutions and hoping that LO would 'sleep when she was ready to', that I was doing LO a disservice and acting selfishly just because i could not bear to see her cry. Months on end of her being sleep deprived, clawing at her face, pulling at her hair and being utterly exhausted were far worse for her than the total of less than 70 minutes she has spent crying over 3 days using Ferber. I totally recommend this sleep training method and advise anyone to read the book itself and make their mind up.

Wow that's amazing! Good job momma! And daddy! Your OH sounds really supportive :)
Libby, my friend and I were just talking about this today. I think for some babies being more attached to mama is just their personality - not not being exposed to enough people or not being given the opportunity to play independently. That's probably true for your LO. I'm sorry you didn't get that nap! That's the worst after a tough night.

Bumpbear, I'm so happy that sleep training is working SO well for you. I don't really want to get into a debate about it on this thread, but I will say I think it's very easy to be against sleep training if your baby sleeps well or is even somewhat "normal" when it comes to night wakings. Of course there are people with horrible sleepers that are against sleep training, but I still think they have an understanding of how extremely desperate lack of sleep can get for moms and babies.
Mine is too, she is such a bad sleeper/napper.

I have not had a straight sleep since May 31st (the day I went into labor)...She screams down the car every time. She cries all day. Gets up for bottles 2-3 times a night...I'm so out of it sometimes I get scared...Just a whine to commiserate. My niece has been sleeping through since she was 6 weeks old! I try hard not to compare :wacko:

i know this is an older post, but thank you so much for posting. my LO is only just 3 months (and from calculating, looks like your LO was ~ 6 months at the time) but i am feeling the exact same way. sleep is so difficult to come by for her and on top of that i feel like i'm competing with my sister for parenting styles and i'm losing out. i am so tired of feeling exhausted and zombie-like from lack of sleep and the baby's constant crying and fussing. i've tried to examine what i have been doing wrong, i will be taking advice from others...but its hard.

up till now even though the baby was very fussy, but once i did get her to sleep she would sleep for quite some time as long as were out at a coffee shop or mall where the white noise in the background would lull her to sleep almost indefinitely...despite being freezing cold getting there, once we got settled inside it was my true escape. quiet, no crying...at least for a good little while.....well not anymore. once she hit the 3 month mark she is so much more awake. after feeding she wants to e-x-e-r-c-i-s-e...for at least a half-hour we do standing exercises and in truth her little legs are getting a lot stronger, but this is hard to do in a busy coffee shop or food court of a mall. and its only if i'm lucky with good burping too, will she settle back to sleep when we're out--cuz of all the distractions.

so now my only little escape for a little break of reading a book/magazine is totally blown. at the coffee shop :coffee:today i was thoroughly embarrassed...not only was she fussy exercising, but she refused to make eye-contact with me and cry anytime i try to seat her...we left. when i got home i had to give almost another full 4 oz bottle and then she finally settled to sleep (i'm guessing i underfed her). the only reason i can write this post now is cuz she is sleeping...i pray with thanks for every additional minute of sleep i get out of her. ahhh....

if anyone could offer any advice i'd be truly thankful..we're at 3 1/2 months (dont know how i've survived so far) and am really hoping for an easier time going forward
Mine is too, she is such a bad sleeper/napper.

I have not had a straight sleep since May 31st (the day I went into labor)...She screams down the car every time. She cries all day. Gets up for bottles 2-3 times a night...I'm so out of it sometimes I get scared...Just a whine to commiserate. My niece has been sleeping through since she was 6 weeks old! I try hard not to compare :wacko:

i know this is an older post, but thank you so much for posting. my LO is only just 3 months (and from calculating, looks like your LO was ~ 6 months at the time) but i am feeling the exact same way. sleep is so difficult to come by for her and on top of that i feel like i'm competing with my sister for parenting styles and i'm losing out. i am so tired of feeling exhausted and zombie-like from lack of sleep and the baby's constant crying and fussing. i've tried to examine what i have been doing wrong, i will be taking advice from others...but its hard.

up till now even though the baby was very fussy, but once i did get her to sleep she would sleep for quite some time as long as were out at a coffee shop or mall where the white noise in the background would lull her to sleep almost indefinitely...despite being freezing cold getting there, once we got settled inside it was my true escape. quiet, no crying...at least for a good little while.....well not anymore. once she hit the 3 month mark she is so much more awake. after feeding she wants to e-x-e-r-c-i-s-e...for at least a half-hour we do standing exercises and in truth her little legs are getting a lot stronger, but this is hard to do in a busy coffee shop or food court of a mall. and its only if i'm lucky with good burping too, will she settle back to sleep when we're out--cuz of all the distractions.

so now my only little escape for a little break of reading a book/magazine is totally blown. at the coffee shop :coffee:today i was thoroughly embarrassed...not only was she fussy exercising, but she refused to make eye-contact with me and cry anytime i try to seat her...we left. when i got home i had to give almost another full 4 oz bottle and then she finally settled to sleep (i'm guessing i underfed her). the only reason i can write this post now is cuz she is sleeping...i pray with thanks for every additional minute of sleep i get out of her. ahhh....

if anyone could offer any advice i'd be truly thankful..we're at 3 1/2 months (dont know how i've survived so far) and am really hoping for an easier time going forward

I SO relate to your post! My LO has always napped well with white noise and for a long time my sanity was saved by bringing her to Starbucks and letting her nap while I read a book or a magazine. I loved those times to myself and it was great that she was getting sleep! That all went out the window at around 10 weeks and my previously good daytime sleeper (she never slept well at night) refused to nap. I think it's pretty common. A swing really helped us at that age and we weaned her off of it later. Also, make sure you're not keeping her up too long. At that age, my LO had to be asleep about every 90 minutes or so.

I also very much relate to some other things, as I'm sure some of the regulars do too... The zombie-like feeling is pure hell. Feeling like "you're doing something wrong" is awful, as is the feeling of competition with others. We know we shouldn't compare, but it's hard not to. Lots of the moms in my group had babies that STTN from 6 weeks old and I felt like the fact that my baby didn't sleep well was a comment on my parenting.

Hang in there. Everyone's situation is different, but I have a reflux baby who's reflux got significantly better after she began eating solids, sitting unaided and we night weaned (6.5 months or so). She often sleeps through now and when she does wake, even if it's often, I cope much better because I know I can recover eventually. :hugs:
Noelle - Thank you :) I guess we'll start with Ferber as it is more gentle and hopefully that will work. She doesn't usually wake up before midnight so I don't know if I should do a dreamfeed before or not.

Bumpbear - exact same for us. Used Ferber and only took 3 nights. Best parenting decision I've made so far. Glad you've had success too :)

Sofia's naps have gotten better thank Goodness. She now takes a 2 hour nap at around 9 pm, another 1.5-2 hour at around 1 pm and then bedtime routine at 6:30 pm. Hoping consistent good napping will help with sleep time. Still dreading the Woombie and night feeding elimination the coming weekend :/
I have a reflux baby who's reflux got significantly better after she began eating solids, sitting unaided and we night weaned (6.5 months or so). She often sleeps through now and when she does wake, even if it's often, I cope much better because I know I can recover eventually. :hugs:

...sounds like a very similar baby to mine :) can i ask when you started on solids and how/when/what did you introduce and did you mix it with formula, breast milk? it would be good for me to have advice about a baby that is similar to my own...thank you!
bumpbear - I'm so glad sleep training worked so well and so quickly for you. It sounds like it was the right tool for your situation!

MiniKiwi - Sorry about the long awake stretch, but the fact that she resettled herself is a really great sign! I'm guessing once the developmental stuff calms down she'll be able to resettle herself from those brief periods of wakefulness without making noise and waking you up too.

Last night wasn't great, but she's sick so I guess that's to be expected. She went to sleep at 5:45 and of course the one time I actually tried to put her down for the night early she decided it was a nap and woke a half hour later! :dohh: Anyway, I managed to get her back down and then she woke again at 11 because of her coughing. She was distressed so I decided to just nurse her and thankfully she went back to sleep until 4, which was her normal feeding time so I nursed her again. Unfortunately she was so congested and uncomfortable that she just couldn't resettle herself afterward, and after an hour of trying to soothe her I finally just turned on the light and cleared her nose, gave her some ibuprofen, changed her diaper, etc. After that I was able to nurse her back to sleep and she stayed down until 7:45.

So really it could've been a lot worse, but she's barely slept at all today because of her coughing so we'll see how tonight goes.
bumpbear- Congrats! I am glad to hear sleep training worked for you! We did a modified Ferber approach when LO was 4 months old to get her sleeping in her crib (she bedshared with me ) and then to space feedings out a little bit (was waking up every hour to hour and a half). I was going back to work and so we had to make some changes so I could function. I still went in every 2 hours to start with, but that was still better than every hour. I felt the same way you did....there is nothing like hearing your little one cry. She is still not the best sleeper in the world, but there were improvements and she ended up a happier baby.

angelady- I completely can relate to what you are going through. My LO was colicky/fussy for the first 4 months of her life. Since you are at the 3 1/2 mark, hopefully you will start to see some of the fussiness decrease a bit. By 4 1/2 months I felt like my LO was a completely different baby! The sleeping and naps are still an issue, but her overall mood has improved from those early months. My LO also has silent reflux which we had to control with medication. Now that she is 6 months and on solids (our pedi had us start at 4 months), we will talk to our pedi about the next step, but things will get better!!!

Shadowylady- That is great your LO is getting into a good napping schedule! That has always been impossible with mine, she is just too inconsistent (no matter how consistent we try to be!).

bananaz- poor baby, I hope she feels better soon!

I just put LO down about an hour ago. She woke up fussing about 15 minutes ago, so I nursed her down again. She was very off today- extra fussy, gassy, and her nose is running a bit again. I already told DH that I am not optimistic about tonight and that I plan on responding to her whenever she wakes up this evening due to the fact that she might be coming down with something. On a normal night we let her fuss for a bit to see if she will self-settle, but poor girl is not herself!

However, last night she only woke up once again! She did get up again at 4:40 for the day, but hey- I guess I cannot have it all right away! lol She has never had two nights in a row of only waking up once, so I am hopeful!
That's great, Lysh! I hope it continues for you and I wasn't feeling very optimistic last night after three wake ups in the first hour but after that she only woke once last night! There's a little bit of hope for you yet :p

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