Rant - Feeling so hopeless about sleep!

MiniKiwi- You are right, there is still hope! It is now 9 and she only had that one wake up so far. She cried out once, but then resettled right away. I am about to pack it in myself right now and get a good nap in before she wants to eat!

Wishing you all a sleepful (yep, made-up word, but opposite of sleepless) night!
I have a reflux baby who's reflux got significantly better after she began eating solids, sitting unaided and we night weaned (6.5 months or so). She often sleeps through now and when she does wake, even if it's often, I cope much better because I know I can recover eventually. :hugs:

...sounds like a very similar baby to mine :) can i ask when you started on solids and how/when/what did you introduce and did you mix it with formula, breast milk? it would be good for me to have advice about a baby that is similar to my own...thank you!

We started around 5 months :) So not super early, but a little earlier than normal. We tried rice cereal mixed with breast milk and she didn't really like it. Also, it constipated her. We had the most success with pears! The fruits and veg are more nutritional for them anyway, so I was happy with that.
Bananaz, I'm so sorry Elsie is sick. We've dealt with that a lot this winter unfortunately. It's so tough too, because they can't talk to tell you exactly what is wrong. I don't like to overdo it on the meds, but I also want her to feel better!

Lysh, sounds like you're having some good nights lately. That's wonderful.

Our night was okay.... Charlotte's still doing the sitting up in bed thing and not being able to get back down, so I had to come lay her down a few times. I went to dinner with friends and went to bed late (for me, 10pm haha!). Charlotte had a third nap until 4:45pm, so DH put her to bed around 7:30pm hoping she'd sleep in a little. It's worked in the past, but unfortunately not today when I could have used it. She was up at 6am!
lysh - I hope you're able to get the early wakeup sorted, getting up before 5 is really criminal in my book lol. What time is her first nap of the day? Maybe you can push that back a bit?

Noelle - Ugh, I'm sorry to hear the sitting thing has become such a problem for Charlotte! I'm sure she'll get it figured out soon, and it will be good for a laugh once she's older, right?

Elsie is still really sick so last night was pretty bad, at least compared to how well things were going before. Every night for the past month or so I've been able to put her down awake and she'd go to sleep on her own within 10 minutes but this time she got hysterical and I ended up going back in and nursing her all the way to sleep. Then she woke up every two hours all night :wacko:

She managed to resettle herself a couple of times but I did end up feeding her a couple times too, mainly because I'm also really sick and there's no way I was going to stand there shush-patting her for ages while she screamed.

Ladies whose LO's sleep habits have been disrupted by illness - did they go back to their old patterns pretty quickly afterward? I'm freaking out that all our months of progress are going down the drain :( It took so long to get to the point where I could just put her in her crib and let her fall asleep on her own at night, and we were also down to only one feeding which was really nice. I know she's sick so I want to comfort her but I really don't want to create bad habits that I'm going to have to spend the next few months undoing.
Bananaz - Mia practically didn't sleep for an entire week when she was in hospital. When she did go to sleep, she'd get woken by doctors/nurses for meds etc. I thought it'd screw her sleep up so bad but we got out and she was so fine. After one day, she was back in a normal time and sleeping better then ever. That's when she started napping for more than 30 mins at a time and self settling :D there is some hope for you! Really hope you and Elsie are feeling better soon though, that cannot be fun for you :hugs:
Charlotte's not super adaptable, so she may not be the best example. Her ear infection did disrupt her sleep for a few weeks, but it wasn't terrible. We went away for the holidays and it seemed to "reset" her and she went back to sleeping normally at that time.
We just had a really good night here. Mia went to sleep at 6:30 as she couldn't stay awake any longer. Woke at 7:30 and resettled herself! Then woke at 11pm for a feed and change, woke at 3:45 for a feed and went back to sleep by 4:15! Sooooo happy we didn't have a middle of the night party :happydance:
Lysh - glad you had another good night. Ughhh but I know about waking up before 5 am...been there and it's brutal!

Bananaz - living in Canada and our cold winters, Sofia has been sick 3 times already and she's only 4 months. But each time she recovered sleepwise as soon as she was better. Hoping same is true for Elsie :)

Last night was similar to the night before for us. Bed at 7pm, up for a feed at 12 and back to sleep, then up again for another feed at 4:15....though this time she didn't go back to sleep till 5:30 am!! then she slept and was up for the day at 8:30 am

I was able to sleep better myself last night but my cold is still persistent. I do hope Sofia doesn't catch it as I really need a break from either me or her being sick. It's been like this since November :/
Bananaz when jack had his ear infection he had a few awful nights, that was the start of his early wakings at 5 each day, then at its worst he had 2 nights where he was awake every hour. Am happy to say that after his antibiotics kicked in it only took like 2 nights to improve xxxxx
Bananaz, Lilly was sick the whole two weeks we were in Texas, and her sleep was horrible. Waking every hour. We got home and she got better and started sleeping through the night. Haha.
It took Quinn quite a while to get back to acceptable levels of sleep but being ill took him/us back to regular night feedings unfortunately.

That being said, he kind of sttn last night for the first time in about a month I think :happydance: Fingers crossed. I'm now back at work and sttn would be awesome! I also say kind of because there was a DF involved x
Bananaz - all of our sleep problems seem to start around the same time that Coleton got RSV. he would wake himself coughing about 6-7 times a night. He was 21 weeks old at that point. His sleep has never recovered but it could also be that he hit the 4 month sleep regression late. I bet Elsie will go back to sleeping better when she is not sick.

Lysh - I am so excited it's your little 1 is sleeping better. Even getting up that early seems better if they don't wake up at night.

Shadowy- I think it is awesome that you have a baby that will sleep late. 830 sounds like heaven to me. Mine has internal alarm clock goes off between 6 and 630.

So our nights are hit and miss. The night before last he only woke up twice. But last night he woke up 5 times. 2 were within an hour of when he went to bed the other 3 were every 2 hours. That kind of night really exhausts me. some ladies at work tried to give me advice. They said I only use to let my baby sleep 30 minute naps so they would sleep better at night. They said they use to wake them up after 30 minutes. I feel so bad for their babies. They must have been exhausted. Of course their babies were like 10 years ago. I tried to tell them that they don't advise limiting naps anymore. They looked at me like I was crazy. I guess with the way my baby is sleeping I really am not one to dole out sleeping advice but still...
Just ignore any of my typos I'm using this voice input and sometimes it messes up.
Aimee, I hate being given sleep advice by others. A friend of mine is a mom to a toddler and she said never to listen to advice given by anyone with children older that 4.... She says they've forgotten the bad parts LOL!
Thank you for the support guys! LO slept through 12 hours again with no protest at bed time! DH has been a star in doing the dirty work sleep training wise for the last 4 nights but tonight is going to be the first night I attempt putting her down to sleep myself so I am anticipating some kind if rebellion from her! Yuck, I don't want to do it, but I guess I have to be able to put her down for the night sooner or later. Hopefully if she does protest it will be short and not involve too much crying. She is still very used to me cuddling her to sleep so she is not likely to be impressed.

I hope you all have good nights tonight!
Bananaz - all of our sleep problems seem to start around the same time that Coleton got RSV. he would wake himself coughing about 6-7 times a night. He was 21 weeks old at that point. His sleep has never recovered but it could also be that he hit the 4 month sleep regression late. I bet Elsie will go back to sleeping better when she is not sick.

Lysh - I am so excited it's your little 1 is sleeping better. Even getting up that early seems better if they don't wake up at night.

Shadowy- I think it is awesome that you have a baby that will sleep late. 830 sounds like heaven to me. Mine has internal alarm clock goes off between 6 and 630.

So our nights are hit and miss. The night before last he only woke up twice. But last night he woke up 5 times. 2 were within an hour of when he went to bed the other 3 were every 2 hours. That kind of night really exhausts me. some ladies at work tried to give me advice. They said I only use to let my baby sleep 30 minute naps so they would sleep better at night. They said they use to wake them up after 30 minutes. I feel so bad for their babies. They must have been exhausted. Of course their babies were like 10 years ago. I tried to tell them that they don't advise limiting naps anymore. They looked at me like I was crazy. I guess with the way my baby is sleeping I really am not one to dole out sleeping advice but still...

My mum and MIL keep giving me the same advice ie don't let her sleep during the day and she'll sleep all night. They also think i am crazy that I rejected that idea out of hand on the basis of what I'd read in books. To be honest, I never even tried that in 5 months of 1-2 hourly night wakings. I don't know why I trust books over both of our mothers when between them they raised 8 kids who all (reportedly) slept through the night. :shrug:
My mum is always offering advice and she had 4 of us who supposedly were all great sleepers too lol. Actually she helped me wean his night feed and then encouraged me to drop his dream feed and it did actually work as loath as I was to admit it! However her views on feeding are radically different to mine so I take those with a pinch of salt :)
Boo may I ask how you weaned him off his night feeds? We finally managed to make Dominic understand that he isn't getting his second night bottle anymore (I think!) and will tackle the midnight-ish one probably next month. We gave water instead but he did take about a month and a half to no longer wake up for it. So I am kinda dreading cutting him off completely. Any tips? xxx

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