Rant - Feeling so hopeless about sleep!

Bananaz... Wonder Week 37! It's a big one. Charlotte's been fussy/clingy too.

Yep, the behavior started right on time at 32 weeks and it's only getting worse :wacko: And we still have two more weeks to go!
:coffee: Sleep effing sucks. LO got sick again 2 days ago. Luckily it's not a really bad cold, but its still disrupted her sleep and made her even worse (if thats possible). She's waking and crying every half hour or so unless she's in bed with us in which case she's nursing nonstop and squirming around so I pretty much don't sleep.
My doctor put me on Zoloft. So far all its done is destroy my appetite (good way to lose a few lbs??), make me want to puke and possible increase my insomnia.
My mum was here for a few days and I fought with her nonstop. She kept trying to "help" by going in to settle LO when she was crying at night. Guess what, it doesn't "help". LO gets pissed if DH goes in to settle her instead of me, and my mum going in just made her downright hysterical which meant I had to step in and spend even longer settling her than if I had just gone in myself in the first place. I flat out told her NOT to go into LO's room and she did several times anyway...at one point she tried to take LO out of my arms while she was screaming hysterically and I was yelling at my mum to get out of the nursery and let me settle her.
Oh and I threw my back out again.

Gah. Now she's up from her 20 min nap...again. Her naps have sucked all week. I could seriously cry.

Will come back to check everyone's updates when I get a minute reprieve.
So sorry Libby. That all sounds rough.

On the meds... Zoloft make me loose my appetite at first as well. I also felt really "wired" for the first few days, that's the only way I can really explain it. BUT after 2 weeks I felt like an entirely new person. Give it time. The side effects did fade. If it continues giving you insomnia, which I've heard it does for a select few, tell your doctor and ask for Trazadone - I take a low, low dose and it works wonders on my insomnia. It won't make you feel "drunk" in the morning like Ambien or Lunesta and you will be alert enough to respond to your baby. Let me know how it goes - message me if you have questions on this!
Libby- I am not a fan of the SSRIs like Zoloft. It does work well for some people but it has a lot of side effects. I personally like the SNRIs ,specifically Cymbalta. It works well for depression and anxiety;although, I take it just for postnatal insomnia. If you take it for anxiety, it works very quickly within a day or 2. For depression, it takes up to 2 weeks to be effective. It is also very safe for breastfeeding women. Just a thought in case Zoloft doesn't work for you.
Sunnie - she did just come outta sleep regression though. We went from sttn to 3-4 night waking back to 1 and now up again to 2 :/ You may be right about the developmental thing.

Noelle - No but I've heard of it. She's exactly 5 month today so I'm hopin this too shall pass :D

Aimee - I'm sorry I know your situation is worse *hugs* What bugs me is inconsistency here. Like never knowing whether one gets 3 hours of sleep or 5 or 7 :/

Bananaz - you're getting me scared off ww37 now -_- does Elsie usually want to be left alone or does she play with mommy most of the times?

Naps were good today again. She woke up at 7:00 am this morning so I put her for a nap at 8:30 since we had Salsa Baby at 9:30. I nursed her, put her down awake and drowsy and she fell asleep within 10 mins. We went to class and then to a friends for lunch. There again I fed her at 1:30 pm, put her on my friends bed and left. I went back upstairs 10 mins later and she was fast asleep.

I'm gonna try hard and not let her fall asleep at the breast tonight and see if that makes a difference. I'm reading Sleep Sense now (that Libby referred to) and thinking that may be the issue. Perhaps I'll leave the side lamp on so I can tell if she's asleep...if that doesn't work I'll leave the last feed to DH and bottle...
Bananaz - you're getting me scared off ww37 now -_- does Elsie usually want to be left alone or does she play with mommy most of the times?

Elsie's always required a lot attention and interaction but since she started crawling I've been able to get her to entertain herself for brief periods of time as long as I'm nearby. At the moment though she just keeps fussing and trying to climb up my leg, and then when I'm holding her she usually tries to climb onto my head (in the process hitting me in the face and jabbing her feet into my side :dohh:). Not so fun.

Good luck with the new bedtime routine! Even if she does fall asleep at the breast you can always wake her up a bit before you put her in her crib.
Bananaz - sometimes I think Elsie and Everette were twins separated at birth :haha: Everette is much the same with the clinginess, hanging on my leg and crying...fun stuff.

Noelle & Aimee - thanks for the tips on the meds. I'll wait out a few weeks on the Zoloft and see how I fare (dr did tell me it would be 2-4 weeks to see results). I'm hoping I don't need anything for the insomnia because we do still cosleep part time with LO and I don't know how comfortable I'd be with that.

Aimee - glad to hear Coleton gave you some good nights and hope last night was an exception! LO's sleep was worse than usual when she did a bunch of developmental stuff at once (she was the same age as Coleton)

Shadowy - could be developmental? LO started doing the MOTN parties when she hit a bunch of developmental stuff at once. I hear you on the inconsistency frustration. Some nights LO will do great and have 2-3 wakings and some nights she's up constantly.

MrsPear - sorry to hear you guys had a rough night :(
Libby, probably smart thinking on the insomnia meds. I did have two friends I met through my moms group that had postpartum insomnia and the Zoloft was enough for them - relieved their anxiety so they could sleep. Hope it does the same for you. As Aimee mentioned, everyone is different, so you just have to find what works for you with your doctor. Wishing you relaxation and rest tonight!
Well Jack's bottom two teeth are both poking through finally, at the same time! Explains why he's been sad and fussy and refusing to nap or waking after every single nap of 30 mins. Although he's been coughing each night recently an unsettled, I almost feel a sense of relief that the teething has started and we can get it over with and just deal with whatever happens. It's almost easier than worrying what teething will be like and how it will affect him!
Noelle and bananaz, you are also making me nervous for WW37 if it starts at 33! Jack is 30 weeks so we could just get over his teething palava and then hit this! Eek! Hope Charlotte and Elsie settle soon :)

Aimee fingers crossed Coleton returns to those good 5 nights, I'm pleased he gave you some hope lol!!

Shadowy - sounds like Sofia is an amazing napper, she could teach Jack a thing or two!

Libby - hope the Zoloft work for you soon xx
Bananaz - sometimes I think Elsie and Everette were twins separated at birth :haha: Everette is much the same with the clinginess, hanging on my leg and crying...fun stuff.

I know! Whenever I read about Everette's "high needs" antics I just want to give you a hug and tell you I feel your pain, haha.
Boo - awwww, sweat that the teeth are finally out. Hoping you get some rest now mama :)

Libby - I'm tempted to take meds too but been postponing it. I take Melatonin most nights and it doesn't work great but it does something. I'm no longer anxious but more feel like I'm forgotten how to sleep :/ Hoping it works great for you. Keep us updated...

So the keeping Sofia awake on the boob plan failed IMO. I kept the side lamp on and tickled her and whatnot but she was still asleep. I finally lifted her more straight before putting her down which made her grown and fuss and half open her eyes but that was it :( By the time I made it the living room and looked at the monitor she was asleep....I'm freaking out now about her waking up soon and of course DH has his martial art class tonight and won't be in till 10:30-11.

ughhhhh I think I'm gonna switch to bottle for last feed of the night. Hoping that's less tempting to fall sleep on. You guys got any experience on this?
Hi ladies :) i posted on this thread a while back about my rubbish sleeper... Well things got real bad over Christmas....he sttn 12 hours one night, then got a cold, an ear infection and cut a molar all at the same time... Sleep went back to square 1.... Once he got better (but still teething) he was up 3/4 times a night... Last night he slept 6:30-6am... Yes, almost 12 hours! Might have been a one off but i know he can, and i couldn't believe it when i looked at the clock and it said 6:05! What I'm trying to say is hang in there ladies :hugs:
I am dreading this ww37 from the things that you have all put!! Michelle your lo has really been through it recently hasn't he!! I'm sorry it ruined his sleep, and I hope last night wasn't a one off. Good uck for tonight :)

Shadowy I have no experience but yes maybe she will stay awake better with a bottle... Who knows. They are so random you never know what has caused a good or bed effect I don't think. But I would try it, its definitely worth a shot.

We are on holiday this week but because Joni's sleep is so crap anyway I don't think there's a difference. Im going to ask oh if we can cut short and leave today because I just want my own bed. Has anyone got any experience of how long it lasts when a baby won't be put down atall? She did do 3 hours overall in her cot but it was with multiple resettlings until we gave up. Oh brought her downstairs at 4:30 but I was to stressed to sleep anymore. I know it could be worse but I'm so uncomfortable trying to hold her safely and I have to sit up, I haven't slept more than an hour in literally weeks, I'm going to crack soon!!
MrsPear, I'm sorry. That sounds rough. I bet Joni sleeps better at home. I'm sorry I don't have any great advice.

Ladies, if it helps, WW37 has been odd for us, but not terrible. Charlotte has definitely been more clingy (which I sort of like because she's not a cuddly baby LOL!). She's fought naps because she's excited about her new skills (crawling!). Night sleep hasn't been awful. We had some wakings when she would sit up and not be able to lay back down or crawl arounding her crib, but all in all it hasn't been unmanagable.
I got like 2 hours of sleep last night :/ Sofia woke up again at 11:30 (of course) and DH went to feed her 2oz of ebm. She then proceeded to whine until 1:15 am!!! At that point I got up and went and fed her and she went straight to sleep. Odd thing I tried the exact same strategy the nights before I she wasn't interested.

After that though I was wide awake and anxiety kicked in a baaaad way. I had a splitting headache and shivers all over. Then ended up throwing up at 6:30 am :'( Sofia woke up at around 6:45 am. I fed her and we both then went to sleep until around 8:30 am...

DH and I decided we go back to giving her a bigger bottle at 11-12 since she seems to be back at wanting it and worry about weaning off after she's 6 months. I'm gonna try to go to bed at the same time as her tonight but right now I'm pretty much a mess :/
Shadowy Lady, sorry for your rough night. The long waking does sound developmental to me.

I totally understand your anxiety. Would Charlotte pulls stuff like that I find it so hard to drif back to sleep! Being sleep deprived and anxious does a number on me physically, too.

Don't worry about night weaning for now - I think it will be much easier when Sofia's established on solids (I don't think she's started yet, if I'm remembering correctly).
Shadowy and Mrs. Pear- 5 to 8 months have been a roller coaster ride for sleep. I believe it is mostly developmental and something you just have to ride out. 5-6 months was insane. 6-7 was ok but not perfect. 7-8 months was the worst for us. He just hit 8 months and the last week has been better. Hang in there!!

Bananaz and Libby- I feel for ya. I will be praying that thid phase passes quickly.

Update: C went back to 2 wake ups last night. yay! That means I got 7 hrs of sleep. Not perfect but functionable. People at work have noticed, telling me that I look like I slept better. lol. Wow I must have looked rough there for a couple weeks. Also starting last Friday Coleton is able to go to sleep on his own at bedtime. He had done this prior but the last month when I lay him down he cries for hours. Now he is back to me nursing him to drowsy then laying him down and he rolls over and goes to sleep no problem. I feel like I have my baby back. I think we must have hit wonder week 37 early. Not saying we are out of it completely but I think we are at the end.

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