Rant - Feeling so hopeless about sleep!

Good luck anti! If your LO is well established with solids, she should be fine to go all night at 9 months.
NotNic - OMG, that's amazing! Hope he keeps it up for you.

Noelle - Ugh, I don't think you can even call it sleep training with such a little baby, it's just letting them cry. They're not learning anything :(

anti - Good luck with the water trick, I hope it works for you! I kinda wish my LO took a bottle so I could use that night weaning method since gradually reducing the length of her feeds hasn't worked.

Well the night before last was okay with only one waking for food at 2:30am and then up for the day at 5:30am, but last night was worse than ever. Her first waking was 45 minutes after I put her down, and then she was up every 2.5 hours for the rest of the night until she decided she was done sleeping at 5am.

I really don't understand what is waking her so much, but the plan is to night wean her this weekend. She only has one short feed left so I'm just going to do it cold turkey. If nothing else this will allow me to respond to her consistently at night which I'm hoping will make her sleep a little more consistent. I'm also wondering if I need to do something else after I nurse her before putting her in her crib at bedtime, although I'm hesitant to mess with the routine because that's the only part of her sleep schedule that works right now.
Bananaz is it this weekend your mum is coming to help you go cold turkey with the night feeds? Good luck xx
Bananaz is it this weekend your mum is coming to help you go cold turkey with the night feeds? Good luck xx

Yep she's coming over this evening. Unfortunately she can only stay for two nights, but hopefully we'll be able to make some progress during that time.
Bananaz is it this weekend your mum is coming to help you go cold turkey with the night feeds? Good luck xx

Yep she's coming over this evening. Unfortunately she can only stay for two nights, but hopefully we'll be able to make some progress during that time.

I think the first 2 or 3 nights are the hardest when you make a change like this, so it will be good to have the support.
Sorry it's chaos over here so not had chance to update!

Sorry to not comment on everyone's progress but :hugs: to those still suffering and :happydance: to those getting some well deserved sleep.

Bananaz - good luck, I think you'll make great progress over two nights, enough for you to carry on by yourself. Just be ready for a regression when it happens, and push through. I know it will really help Elsie to get some solid sleep. :flower:

We're good here. STTN for 12 hours the past three nights. Baby whisperer is a god! We started lengthening her awake time in the morning, and after first nap, and naps are randomly getting a bit longer. Slow progress but all good.

Cutting her last nap has also helped, so no sleeping after 4:15pm. Bed at 6:30pm.

Now we are packing for a last minute trip to Australia..... which is going to ruin everything :dohh: 14 hour flight, 7 hour time difference, for 9 days..... gah, but you only get to live once, so I'll suck it up and get on with it!

Ashlynn wouldn't take her dream feed... Not sure if I should still try night weaning with water
Thanks bananaz. I crack and whine to you guys, and then he shows me up and has now slept through two nights running! :haha: I'm not sure what happened, but he just seems sleepier right now. Today he had two naps totalling almost 3hrs and he could barely keep his eyes open for teeth brushing! I'm definitely not complaining but Im scared that it won't last. We've been doing lots of floor work this week, so maybe I'm wearing him out. :shrug: I feel a bit lame though complaining, but I promise it was getting a real struggle not having at least one reasonable sleep a week. xx
She woke at half nine screaming last night and I couldn't settle her. She ended up being sick everywhere so after changing everything she went back to sleep from 11-5 then 6-8:30. Not too bad considering she was poorly
Not bad at all anti. Hope she feels better.

We had kind of a rough night. Charlotte woke up three times screaming bloody murder. I have no idea what was wrong. Her pediatrician told us this is the age when nightmares really start, so perhaps that was it?
Oh no, I hope Charlottes sleep gets back on track soon. Did it take long to get her back to sleep each time?
Oh no, I hope Charlottes sleep gets back on track soon. Did it take long to get her back to sleep each time?

Thanks! I hope so too. We have the off night here and there, but she does tend to go back to sleeping well (touch wood). She went back to sleep pretty quickly each time and for that I am grateful!

I feel really tired today. I'm not even so sure why, because I'm used to surviving on much less sleep than this.
Sunnie - Wow, congrats, it sounds like you're making amazing progress! I hope your trip goes smoothly.

anti - Aw, poor baby. I'm glad she still had a decent stretch though.

Noelle - Sorry Charlotte had a rough night :( I'm not surprised you're tired; when your body is used to getting solid sleep being woken up three times by a screaming baby is probably way more disruptive than when you're used to it.

Last night went pretty well. She had another weird half-awake crying episode 45 minutes after I put her to bed but it lasted maybe 2 minutes before she fell back asleep (literally - she had been sitting up and then she just kinda flopped over into the crib).

After that she didn't wake up until 3am, which is really good for her these days. My mom gave her 10 minutes to see if she would go back to sleep on her own and it actually seemed like she did for a while, but of course nothing is ever that easy! It ended up taking about an hour and a half of my mom soothing her and then her crying and needing to be soothed again before she finally went to sleep. I had set 5am as the earliest I would nurse her so when she woke at 5:30 she had a feeding and I managed to get her to go back to sleep until 7am.

So I would call the night a success, although I know from experience that it's going to be at least 3-4 nights before her body gets the message that 2am is no longer snack time. Then again maybe she'll just sleep through tonight, right? :rolleyes:
MOTN party for us at 3:00 a.m. Got up to get her bottle, cuddled her up and she drained it...and was still WIDE AWAKE.

I wanted to cry I was so tired. She just didn't want to go back to sleep. Finally went back down around 4:15 a.m., I finally fell asleep just to be woken up by my husband's alarm for work.

She was up for the day at 7 a.m.
Bananaz, that sounds like great success! Elsie is smart... She'll get it, maybe sooner than you think.

Socity, I'm sorry! Those MOTN parties are truly crushing.
Not bad at all anti. Hope she feels better.

We had kind of a rough night. Charlotte woke up three times screaming bloody murder. I have no idea what was wrong. Her pediatrician told us this is the age when nightmares really start, so perhaps that was it?

We had a night like this last night completely out of the blue except I think he woke 5 times. This is on the back of a few sttn's. it was awful I have no idea why it happened. And I don't think he's ever woken so much since he was tiny! Yesterday he randomly had a high temp and red cheeks and drool ++ but no more teeth this morning...

So now I'm freaking out that it's the start of a new pattern or something :( Pleeeease don't let it be an 8 month regression :(
Not bad at all anti. Hope she feels better.

We had kind of a rough night. Charlotte woke up three times screaming bloody murder. I have no idea what was wrong. Her pediatrician told us this is the age when nightmares really start, so perhaps that was it?

We had a night like this last night completely out of the blue except I think he woke 5 times. This is on the back of a few sttn's. it was awful I have no idea why it happened. And I don't think he's ever woken so much since he was tiny! Yesterday he randomly had a high temp and red cheeks and drool ++ but no more teeth this morning...

So now I'm freaking out that it's the start of a new pattern or something :( Pleeeease don't let it be an 8 month regression :(

Aww poor baby and poor mama! I always have that fear, too... Charlotte will do something crazy, but is usually back to STTN or one waking the next night.

It does sound like teething in your situation. When the tooth comes through, he will feel so much better. Does Jack have any teeth yet? I felt like Charlotte was teething forever before the first one and then the second one popped through with little drama!
Yes he's got his front bottom two so far. He's been ok today then just now feels warm again and isn't bothered about much of his bottle. I wonder if it is a tooth...

Out of interest, what would you do in this situation : he has 2 naps a day now around 10-11 and then 3.30-4.30 ish. He often has a mini power nap in between if we're out in the car. The half 3 nap comes after his afternoon bottle, if I put him down right after he'll sleep lovely for an hour. The past 2 days we've been out and aiming to come home for his 3pm bottle. Thing is he falls asleep on the journey (usually short!) and so I've waken him up, given his bottle and put him down. Should I just let him sleep thn and give bottle when he wakes up? Yesterday he only had 30 mins at this nap prob because he'd had a short nap earlier and of course I'm blaming that completely on him having a bad night!!!

Am struggling with being flexible re naps at the moment. I'm feeling that if I have such a rigid schedule I'm going to cause myself worry every time we can't stick to it! I am so neurotic sometimes lol
We had a night like this last night completely out of the blue except I think he woke 5 times. This is on the back of a few sttn's. it was awful I have no idea why it happened. And I don't think he's ever woken so much since he was tiny! Yesterday he randomly had a high temp and red cheeks and drool ++ but no more teeth this morning...

So now I'm freaking out that it's the start of a new pattern or something :( Pleeeease don't let it be an 8 month regression :(

Poor guy, I hope it's just a tooth and he feels better soon!

Last night was so-so for us. LO had two wakings, the first at midnight that took a half hour for her to get back to sleep, and the second at 2am which used to be her feeding time. My mom and I had decided that she would use my "give her 10 minutes to settle herself" rule but Elsie would cry for a couple of minutes, then fall back asleep for a few minutes, and then wake and start fussing again. After almost an hour of this I couldn't take it anymore so I made my mom go in there and she finally got LO to go to sleep and stay asleep. Then Elsie decided to get up for the day at 5:45am :coffee:

The good news is that we've gone two nights with no feedings before 5:30am! I'm on my own again tonight though, so we'll see how that goes...

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