
Sep 15, 2006
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I feel like this is how I spend my whole day:
I also want to rip my hair out because i work the same amoutn of hours as my boyfriend (38-45) but i go to school full time..and for some reason i do all the house stuff....

:dishes: :cake: :iron: :laundry:
awwwww hun, send some cleaning this way, i love cleaning and doing the housework so ill take some of yours! hehe :)

Hope your alright hun! x
Just take one day out and do sod all, that way tomorrow wont feel so bad again :wink:
Well if there's womens work to be done.........................
Well why you at the PC then? :? :wink:
Well said wobbles..........

Paul you Pig! Best you get on with the men's bits and get the house sorted, for a change! :D

One for you Wobble Meister!
I do not mind my housework, but it is so unreasonable :roll:

It seems that I spend the whole day bringing toys from the living room, kitchen, bathroom, floor back to the childrens bedroom and Matthias is busy taking everything back !!!!
i know how u feel hun i recently quite work and cuz im not not working im expected to do everything.... i have to take luyc to nursery every day and pick her up all the housework ironing etc and on top of that i have started a college coursewhich will involve lots of paper work and still im expected to do everythin gggrrrrr he even asked me this morning where his boxers and his socks were ](*,) thiki need to change my name to super woman!
It seems that I spend the whole day bringing toys from the living room, kitchen, bathroom, floor back to the childrens bedroom and Matthias is busy taking everything back !!!!

LOL I think kids do that on purpose!!
gggrrrrrrrrrrrrrr im gonna giv up hte house work i think

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