Reasons for a section?


Well-Known Member
Oct 17, 2008
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Hello lovlies!!

I was just wondering everyones reasons behind a section? Did you feel let down at the desicion? Did you feel failure atall afterwards(ive heard people say this before)?

I had a 3rd degree tear (3b tear), episi, forceps (tear was due to poor presentation so was caused by surgeon doing internal manouvre with her big hands!) with my last birth and i have a meeting with my consultant in 2 weeks to decide on a section or not!

My vag birth took 11 months to recover from, i couldnt get up stairs, out of bed, lift baby, get off the sofa without help for about 2-3 weeks! My friend had a section 8 weeks after me and she was out shopping before i could walk straight up.. the mummy shuffle stayed for weeks lol!
I was still splitting during sex when this LO was concieved so im concerned if my scar isnt healed then its likely to reopen?? My LO was born nearly 3 years ago so its a bit ridiculous im still not recovered.
Im just SO mixed up i dont know what to do for the best?!

Please help! xxxx
Hello lovlies!!

I was just wondering everyones reasons behind a section? Did you feel let down at the desicion? Did you feel failure atall afterwards(ive heard people say this before)?

I had a 3rd degree tear (3b tear), episi, forceps (tear was due to poor presentation so was caused by surgeon doing internal manouvre with her big hands!) with my last birth and i have a meeting with my consultant in 2 weeks to decide on a section or not!

My vag birth took 11 months to recover from, i couldnt get up stairs, out of bed, lift baby, get off the sofa without help for about 2-3 weeks! My friend had a section 8 weeks after me and she was out shopping before i could walk straight up.. the mummy shuffle stayed for weeks lol!
I was still splitting during sex when this LO was concieved so im concerned if my scar isnt healed then its likely to reopen?? My LO was born nearly 3 years ago so its a bit ridiculous im still not recovered.
Im just SO mixed up i dont know what to do for the best?!

Please help! xxxx

I had a emcs, due to my little man, being not so little, and back to back, nothing was getting the little blighter out!

As for recovery, i had to stay in for 4 days, purely because i got an infection (but felt fine!) and i was up and walking around in town after 5 days, never felt any pain, and healed really well................emotionally, it screwed me up, i felt a failure, not because of the c sec, just because i was totally put out!

my main bug bearer for the c sec was the loss of indepandance as you can't drive for so long!
Hello lovlies!!

I was just wondering everyones reasons behind a section? Did you feel let down at the desicion? Did you feel failure atall afterwards(ive heard people say this before)?

I had a 3rd degree tear (3b tear), episi, forceps (tear was due to poor presentation so was caused by surgeon doing internal manouvre with her big hands!) with my last birth and i have a meeting with my consultant in 2 weeks to decide on a section or not!

My vag birth took 11 months to recover from, i couldnt get up stairs, out of bed, lift baby, get off the sofa without help for about 2-3 weeks! My friend had a section 8 weeks after me and she was out shopping before i could walk straight up.. the mummy shuffle stayed for weeks lol!
I was still splitting during sex when this LO was concieved so im concerned if my scar isnt healed then its likely to reopen?? My LO was born nearly 3 years ago so its a bit ridiculous im still not recovered.
Im just SO mixed up i dont know what to do for the best?!

Please help! xxxx

I had a emcs, due to my little man, being not so little, and back to back, nothing was getting the little blighter out!

As for recovery, i had to stay in for 4 days, purely because i got an infection (but felt fine!) and i was up and walking around in town after 5 days, never felt any pain, and healed really well................emotionally, it screwed me up, i felt a failure, not because of the c sec, just because i was totally put out!

my main bug bearer for the c sec was the loss of indepandance as you can't drive for so long!

Thanks hun!! ITs good to hear experiences, did you take anything to help you heal? Im not a big driver anyway im either walking or hubs drives so it wont feel toooo different! Is everything ok with you now? xxx
Hello lovlies!!

I was just wondering everyones reasons behind a section? Did you feel let down at the desicion? Did you feel failure atall afterwards(ive heard people say this before)?

I had a 3rd degree tear (3b tear), episi, forceps (tear was due to poor presentation so was caused by surgeon doing internal manouvre with her big hands!) with my last birth and i have a meeting with my consultant in 2 weeks to decide on a section or not!

My vag birth took 11 months to recover from, i couldnt get up stairs, out of bed, lift baby, get off the sofa without help for about 2-3 weeks! My friend had a section 8 weeks after me and she was out shopping before i could walk straight up.. the mummy shuffle stayed for weeks lol!
I was still splitting during sex when this LO was concieved so im concerned if my scar isnt healed then its likely to reopen?? My LO was born nearly 3 years ago so its a bit ridiculous im still not recovered.
Im just SO mixed up i dont know what to do for the best?!

Please help! xxxx

I had a emcs, due to my little man, being not so little, and back to back, nothing was getting the little blighter out!

As for recovery, i had to stay in for 4 days, purely because i got an infection (but felt fine!) and i was up and walking around in town after 5 days, never felt any pain, and healed really well................emotionally, it screwed me up, i felt a failure, not because of the c sec, just because i was totally put out!

my main bug bearer for the c sec was the loss of indepandance as you can't drive for so long!

Thanks hun!! ITs good to hear experiences, did you take anything to help you heal? Im not a big driver anyway im either walking or hubs drives so it wont feel toooo different! Is everything ok with you now? xxx
yeah, physically (sp?!) fine, i didn't have the bead stitches everyone was saying about so never felt any pain and made sure i got up and walked around the next day. going to the loo isn't so scary either as you know that you didn't have anything done 'down there!' emotionally, i don't think i'll feel better untill i get pregnant again, IF i do lol
Oh, and i didn't take anything, i actually took myself off of my pain killers as i needed to feel the slight pain to remind my self i had to take it easy!
I firmly believe, 4 years later that my c-section was unnecessary. It definitely made me feel like a failure and I was certainly unhappy about it.

I had a well progressing labor, everything was going accordingly. Contractions started, within a couple of hours my water broke, everything went fine. Then I was ready to push, (I was there about 15 hours at this point) and they only gave me about 20 minutes of pushing before they decided to get some specialist dude in to check me. (Keep in mind while I'm pushing people are commenting on how much hair he has, so he's literally RIGHT THERE) The guy checks me for 2 seconds and says "It's not going to work" rips his gloves off and walks out of the room. :growlmad: Suddenly everyone is rushing around to take me for a c-section. Afterwards I'm told he was posterior (spine to spine) which I have come to learn is totally fine to birth naturally, it just takes longer!!

I wish 19 year old me would have done my homework.

I might add, the whole time he was being monitored and at no point was he distressed. They should have just let me continue to push, I wasn't tired or done. :nope:
Hello lovlies!!

I was just wondering everyones reasons behind a section? Did you feel let down at the desicion? Did you feel failure atall afterwards(ive heard people say this before)?

I had a 3rd degree tear (3b tear), episi, forceps (tear was due to poor presentation so was caused by surgeon doing internal manouvre with her big hands!) with my last birth and i have a meeting with my consultant in 2 weeks to decide on a section or not!

My vag birth took 11 months to recover from, i couldnt get up stairs, out of bed, lift baby, get off the sofa without help for about 2-3 weeks! My friend had a section 8 weeks after me and she was out shopping before i could walk straight up.. the mummy shuffle stayed for weeks lol!
I was still splitting during sex when this LO was concieved so im concerned if my scar isnt healed then its likely to reopen?? My LO was born nearly 3 years ago so its a bit ridiculous im still not recovered.
Im just SO mixed up i dont know what to do for the best?!

Please help! xxxx

:hugs: so sorry to hear that you had a long recovery and that you're still having problems almost 3 years later :(
I had an EMCS because of a prolapsed cord. I actually did kind of feel let down about having one for several weeks just because I wanted to experience giving birth the natural way and I didn't see my baby until 6 hours later, but I ended up with a healthy baby, so I'm content with that :)

I hope you figure out the best option for you.
I had an EMCS and i can say i didn't feel cheated out of a "natural" birth at all. I certainly didn't feel like a failure - hey i managed to grow her perfectly for 9 months after all, i did the main part :)
It hasn't affected my bonding with my daughter at all.
I am having an elective with my son (in 2 weeks and 3 days!) and i'm 100% happy with my decision. Yes the healing was a bit crap, i did get an infection but only cos i was walking too much. My daughter was in NICU for a week and stubborn old me insisted on walking there all the time... But my infection was cleared up with a week of antibiotics and careful cleaning and dressing (thanks OH!)
I think you need to discuss this with a consultant, draw up some pros and cons to both... you know you'll ultimately make the right decision in the end :)
I had an emcs because baby was breech. We didn't find out until I was 5cm dilated so was a bit shocked! It was the right decision to have a c-section as she arrived safely and everyone in theatre treated us really well. The anaesthetist was a lovely man and I'm glad I got chance to thank him afterwards when he checked on me in recovery :) he drugged me up good :wacko:

I can't say I felt like a failure but it does make me nervous for next time if I have to have a VBAC. How do I know if my body can physically get a baby out of there IYSWIM? I know it's a silly thing to worry about but I've never done it before so I don't know!
Failed induction for me. 36 hours of 'labour' and couldn't get past 1cm. LOs heartbeat was dropping with each contraction too, so EMCS.

Yes I wish I could have birthed naturally, but I don't feel cheated because it was the only way to get LO out safely x
17 days late, 4 lots of induction drugs, lots of sweeps and exams and -zilch! Not a braxton hicks let alone a real contraction or start of labour - nothing. Caitlyn's heart beat had dropped a couple of times on day 16 so we went with the c-section idea because by then I was starting to be concerned about her. She was never fully engaged and it turned out that was because the cord was so tight around her neck it wouldnt even let her move that far down. I did feel as though id missed out a bit because I have no idea what labour is like but given the situation, if id gone into labour the BEST outcome would have been an emcs, the worst outcome I still cant actually type or say aloud.

So yes in a way I felt cheated, my lovely plan of a waterbirth and minimal drugs went right out the window! But in the end, although we didnt know it at the time, the c-section was the best thing.

Mizze x
Your post made me cross my legs ! I had an EMCS due to bubs becoming distressed after a long labour. I don't regret it as I have nothing to regret, he could have died so he was taken out. I am planning a section this time as I dnt want to risk e same thing happening, I have no worries about not driving for 6 weeks as I can walk anyway. This isn't directed at you at all, but I hate when people ask if I was in same way disappointed at having a section as it implies there is a reason to be disappointed, and to me, there is no reason. It's giving birth to your baby in the best way for you at that time x
Your post made me cross my legs ! I had an EMCS due to bubs becoming distressed after a long labour. I don't regret it as I have nothing to regret, he could have died so he was taken out. I am planning a section this time as I dnt want to risk e same thing happening, I have no worries about not driving for 6 weeks as I can walk anyway. This isn't directed at you at all, but I hate when people ask if I was in same way disappointed at having a section as it implies there is a reason to be disappointed, and to me, there is no reason. It's giving birth to your baby in the best way for you at that time x

Thanks hun! Glad your wee one got out safe and healthy!! I know i dont think dissapointment should ever be associated with birth, im worried my reasons are too selfish, its not due to my babys health id be having a section but itd be due to my health. Im worried id feel guilty.. more so if anything was to happen to her afterwards! xxx
I had a scheduled c-section with my DD because she was breech. They tried to turn her but every time they got her half-way she would fight and move back to breech. The doc said after my c-section that her cord was too short and that she would have cut off blood supply had she turned. ( my smart little girl) I was very disappointing but have finally gotten over it. I am however VBACing!!! If you are worried about tearing please talk to your doctor about the risk and possibly doing a csection instead of another vag birth. Wish you all the best
I don't feel like a failure as such, I found it hard too connect too the fact I had just had a baby as it didn't feel like I had but never like a failure. It was in the best interests for me and arabella. I had a blood clot in the brain (had blood thinning drugs that they think dispersed it as me being me I'm stubborn and wanted a vaginal birth) and secondly arabella was in fetal distress. We later found out the cord was around the neck twice tightly and if she had of been born vaginally it's most likely we wouldnt of brought her home due too the tightness and severity of it :-( The c-section saved our lives and I don't regret it for one second, I have my daughter with me and even though I have had a hard recovery it's completely worth every second when I see arabella.
Recovery- my recovery has been extremely challenging I got several infections which reopened up my stitches and meant my recovery time was lengthened.
Now- still can't feel the right side of my stomach properly, the surgeon said he had problems with the nerves on that side and also with the infections being on that side I might never get all feeling back. But being honest with you it's a small price too pay isnt it and if I was in the same situation again I wouldn't change a thing. As much as I would like a vaginal birth, I might opt for a c section for future pregnancies as I will be induced at 37 weeks due too pre-existing medical conditions so it wouldn't be natural like I would want anyway and would prob result in another c section (I was 37 weeks this pregnancy and only progressed 1-2cm in 48 hours) x
Failed induction. El's heart rate went up to 180bpm and he'd stopped moving. The section itself was fine although I had to call my Mum out of work to come in as OH hates blood and nearly passed out when the line went in my wrist. Turns out he'd pass meconium and had inhaled and ingested it I even remember saying in recovery that I'd do it again when we had another. Then it all went a bit wrong from there. El's was feeding like a trooper but his body temp and sugar levels were dangerously low. The consultant said it was possible that I'd developed GD late in pregnancy that hadn't been detected, he wasnt a huge baby, 8Ib 8oz at 41+6 but the sugar levels were a strong indicator. So, he spent 2 nights in SCBU and wasn't allowed to feed him for 24 hrs while they used formula to stabilise him.

We were discharged 4 days PP and 6 days PP I was checked over at the hopsital and old my scar was healing brilliantly. Then a few days later it went downhill. I developed a haemotoma (sp) and started beelding heavily from the wound site and got dosed up on antibiotics and pain killers after a surgeon pressure packed it. A few days later I had to go back for a change. Then it split more and got infected and took 3 months of constant changing by the District Nurse and Surgery Nurse until it healed. I was even given my own dressing packs and shown how to clean it as it got that bad. (had several days on the PP ward too in the first few weeks as still under MW care)

For me the experience post EMCS was horrendous and really got me down. It was a struggle to do most things due to the pain and discomfort and it felt like ongoing spiral of wound heals, new bit opens and gets infected. Even now, nearly 3 years later the experience is putting me off another baby due to the fear of it all happening again. Before the induction El's was completely fine so perhaps I could have held out a few more days, the hospital stay was exhausting as it was so noisy, I managed 12 hours sleep over 5 nights so not the best start, El's going into SCBU and then the awful healing. I don't feel cheated out of the birth I wanted but by my overall experience.
I have known I will have to have a CS since before I got pregnant.

I had a huge fibroid removed in June 2010, which was done with open surgery (so I already have a pre-c-section scar!) It all healed beautifully but I was told at my follow-up discharge appointment, that if I was successful in getting pregnant, I would have to have a CS

As I've always known it, it just feels part of what needs to happen for me to have a baby - along with IVF and donor eggs .... the only 'natural' thing about this pregnancy is the 9 months growing it bit. And you know what? it's all fine with me!

Having struggled for so long to become pregnant, a CS really is a very small price to pay
I had a section because I was in labour for three days and never got past 3cm. The baby's head never engaged becaus he was too big and was stuck.

I did feel cheated and like I'd failed if I'm honest, but after watching obem this week I saw what may have happens had they tried to unstick his head and deliver him naturally. He was 9.15 and at 4ft11 im not sure I would have got him out anyway. Having th section before things got too dramatic I think was the best thing and I'm grateful for it now.

I was in hospital for four days, would have been three but my blOodcount went down to 6.9 and I had to have a couple of transfusions.

Th recovery for me was really easy; barely any pain, I was up and around the next day, doing my Christmas shopping in less than a week etc.

Only you can decide what's best for you, but it sounds like your natural delivery was muh worse than most of our sections. And it makes no difference to you LO how it gets out, it's going to arrive regardless. Do what's best for you!
I can honestly say I have never felt like a failure or disappointed because I didn't give birth naturally. My little breech boy arrived into the world safely and that is the only thing that matters to me. If you feel a c section is the best decision for you and your baby then no-one has the right to tell you it's 'unnecessary'. My c section may be deemed unnecessary by some (frank breech babies can and are born vaginally) but to me, c section was the safest option for my baby. I also agree totally with babyblog, for me there is no reason to be disappointed.

Your last birth sounds like a truly traumatic experience :hugs: I hope you come to a decision that you feel happy with. Also, my c section experience was a very positive one so please don't be scared if this is the route you decide to take :flower:
Aww honey! There should be a 3rd degree club!

I had a 3rd degree when I delivered my angel - this was a vbac delivery as well and tbh I still don't feel fully recovered down below some days.. This was 2 years ago. Like you I have found stairs and lifting heavy things a huge problem for some time. Even hoicking my leg up on the side of the bath to shave my legs is sometimes painful!
DTD has been fine however there has been one or two occassions where I have been very sore and tender after and bled slightly....

I am opting to have a section with my rainbow baby as she is due within days of my angels 2nd birthday.. I was one) scared I would go into labour on his birthday and 2) didn't want to be stuck in hossy on his birthday, 3) worried about another failed induction (which I had with LC which resulted in a crash section) 4) if I had another successful vabc and tore again I would be concerned over the scar tissue down below and restitching through it again.

I was advised that it would be unlikely to tare in the same place again but I am not that convinced.. Surely its weaker once torn????

I too have found that my section recovery nothing in comparison to my VBAC delivery, recovery time and been able to move easily and be comfortable!

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