Reasons for a section?

Im in the same boat after failing to heal after an episotomy last time round, Havent seen any consultant since getting my wound repaired when LO was over 1 years old, but at that point was told i could choose a section if i wanted.
im having an elective section on the 14th of march 2012... due to tramatic delivery last time and anxiety... im so happy with the choice i have made... i have had two vaginal births and im looking forward to having this one by c section this will be my last baby and i am having tubal ligation while they are doing the section...
I was induced for preeclampsia and had a EMCS due to insufficient pelvic space resulting in severe fetal distress. It was traumatizing to say the least. :cry:
I was induced for pre-e and after getting to 8cm baby's heart rate was decelerating with each contraction so had emcs. It actually wasn't so bad, felt bonded immediately and I feel like I birthed my baby. I don't feel negative about my cs at all.
My first c section was because my son was breech
and my second section was because my waters had gone and
i wasnt going into labour
both experiences were great and hospital staff were great
My first started as a "normal birth" but when it was time to push, he kept popping back in and wouldnt come any further down, then, his heart rate dropped nd I had to have an E-section, because I had no epidural during labor I had to have general anesthesia, so didnt get to see my boy right away, my hubby wasnt allowed in, I did have problems with the fact that I wasnt awake during the section and my hubby didnt get to see him born for a long time! When I got pregnant 11 years later, my Dr. checked me and said, no wonder he wouldnt come out, I have a kink in my birth canal but even before that, I already made up my mind to not have a Vback, I just didnt want the same thing to happen again (general anesthesia) and not be able to experience the baby being born as well as the fact I wanted my hubby to be there this time too!
This last C-section has been such a great experience and I do not regret that I have chosen another one!
I had an emcs after 4 days of labour and failed induction. My waters broke Tuesday evening and I was left until Thursday when the started induction, I had the drip inserted at 7am on fri morning and by 9pm fri evening I had only progressed from 2cm - 4.5cm, my daughter was born at 10.36pm and was 8lb 4oz, she had turned back to back and there was no way she would have come naturally. At the time I was just grateful for her safe arrival, but after she was born as I started to think about my labour I did feel a bit 'cheated' but i think that's a natural feeling. I think if i were to have a second child a planned section would be different as the atmosphere would be calmer and I would have time to come to terms with it.
I had a emcs with DD for Failure to Progress (waters broke and after 27 hrs was only 4cms so she had to come out) reasons for failure to progress where she was 8ld 8oz, back to back and also got stuck, so i was just happy to get her out happy and healthy, that was my main concern!!

With this little one i am not making my decision till about 36 weeks and then if the baby is 'big' then the decision is going to be out of my hands anyway.. Midwife has said that if baby id going to be over 8lb they will strongly recommend a planned c-section, if not then i suppose i will again just see what happens during labour. The only thing i will be worried about this time round if i have to have another section is going to be recovery, it was find with DD as i only had her to look after, but this time i will have a new baby and a 20 month old who wont understand that mummy needs to recover..

With DD i had a great recovery but i know that things could have been different!!

I would feel cheated if I had a terrible vaginal birth that meant I could not longer enjoy being intimate with my husband how is that good for a marriage? I would be very resentful of my baby too obviously not by choice but if I had to have my vagina cut and then have the baby taken out with forceps like my mother and so many friends of mine did I would feel terrible and would most likely press charges against the doctors who said no to my C sec request.

If I were you I would go with a C sec :) you wont have any damage to your lady area
I would feel cheated if I had a terrible vaginal birth that meant I could not longer enjoy being intimate with my husband how is that good for a marriage? I would be very resentful of my baby too obviously not by choice but if I had to have my vagina cut and then have the baby taken out with forceps like my mother and so many friends of mine did I would feel terrible and would most likely press charges against the doctors who said no to my C sec request.

If I were you I would go with a C sec :) you wont have any damage to your lady area

It caused alot of problems with DH not him annoyed just upset i clambed up if he came near me!!
I have opted for a section and the thing im most worried about is going into labour before hand and needing to go natural. Im booked in for 39 weeks but DD arrived bang on 38 weeks. Cross my legs time!!!
I had an EMCS after more hours of labour than i'd care to remember lol. Plus after 90min of pushing he wasn't going anywhere.
I did feel let down afterwards that i hadn't been able to do what i should of been able to do. Thankfully i went on to have a VBAC with no problems.
It hasn't affected bonding with my son at all.
It caused alot of problems with DH not him annoyed just upset i clambed up if he came near me!!
I have opted for a section and the thing im most worried about is going into labour before hand and needing to go natural. Im booked in for 39 weeks but DD arrived bang on 38 weeks. Cross my legs time!!!

I understand your worries about going into early labour and being forced to go natural but surely they wont put you through that if they know how anxious you are about it and given your history with a traumatic vaginal birth. Are you able to get an earlier C sec? or if you do go into labour will they be able to go ahead with a C-section before labour gets into the second stage???
It caused alot of problems with DH not him annoyed just upset i clambed up if he came near me!!
I have opted for a section and the thing im most worried about is going into labour before hand and needing to go natural. Im booked in for 39 weeks but DD arrived bang on 38 weeks. Cross my legs time!!!

I understand your worries about going into early labour and being forced to go natural but surely they wont put you through that if they know how anxious you are about it and given your history with a traumatic vaginal birth. Are you able to get an earlier C sec? or if you do go into labour will they be able to go ahead with a C-section before labour gets into the second stage???

She was a bit of a stinker really!! She said if i go before 39 weeks i should get in asap and i will get a section if there is space available, if im into established labour i will have to deliver naturally. She kinda made me feel a bit more anxious but ive just got in my head i will keep my legs shut and if i get the littleist twinge i will go in!! Got my MW again in a week so will discuss all my fears with her and see if theres any thing she can do as she was kinda keen on me having a section, she in no way influenced my decision but i could tell she really wanted me to speak to the consultant. xxx
I had to have an emergency C-Section as the baby was becoming distressed. His heartbeat kept dropping after contractions so the doctor took a sample of blood from babies scalp which wasn't very nice for me as you have to lie really still with your legs wide open so the doctor can get to your baby with what looked like a scalpal to draw blood from the babies scalp. During a contraction this procedure is torture! Anyway babies blood results came back 'borderline' so instead of risking to continue with the vaginal birth (i was only 4cm dilated) I was whisked off for a C-section. My waters had broken 46 hours earlier so I think they were also worried about infection risk. I do not feel like a failure for having to have a C-Section and I don't understand people who do feel like a failure. As long as the baby is delivered safely and without risk that is what matters.
Oooh salzou, I had that too, they had me in stirrups on my side, mid contraction and used this massive white cone thing! It was bloody torture!!
i was due to be induced on the monday am but was rushed in on the sunday with pancretitis, i was admitted to the antenatal ward with this as initially they thought the pains i was having were labour pains.
i was given the pessaries every 12 hours (4 of them) this took me to thurs am, i had been nil by mouth all week.
the midwife examined me and i was barely 1cm dilated they still wanted to break my waters????
i refused and asked to see the head of the department who came straightaway told them my concerns ie alfie getting tired, big baby,no strentgh after being nil by mouth all week and pancreatitis attacks and they said i could have a section the following morning :)
alfie was 10lb 4 oz so im glad i was able to do this,he had also pood inside me so would have been in distress.i think i would have ended up having an emergency intervention if they would have broken my waters but my body was telling them not to by me not dilating
the section was lovley and calm and my partner was there
emcs due to babies heartbeat dropping, i feel if they had just let my contractions build up to coming regular after they broke my waters then i dont think i would have needed a section. They put me on that hormone drip and because my contractions werent coming quick enough they turned it up to 6 mg then it all went wrong, as soon as i heard the words crash team i was scared, but knew it was for the best. Yes i felt a failure as i hadnt given birth naturally, 11 days over 4 days in slow labour and for what a c section, even now i find it hard to listen to other peoples wonderful natural births but it was a threat to my life and my baby's so they had to get her out quick xx
I had a failed induction at 39 weeks due to Gestational Diabetes and High Blood Pressure. They also thought that my little girl was on the larger size (9 lbs), and I had a very narrow pelvic area (or so I was told). I was on the induction drugs (3 different kinds) over a 48 hour period and had zero progress, so opted for the Section. She was totally fine, and much smaller than they thought she was at 7 lbs 14 oz. and I recovered from the Section very well.

While it would have been nice to have my little girl vaginally, I don't feel that I missed out on anything. She and I bonded very quickly and I was able to breastfeed and do everything else just fine. I just felt (and still do feel!) completely blessed to have a healthy baby!
I wanted a c-section from the beginning (a terrible mc experience) and my ob/gyn agreed -- ultimately, I had to have an emergency c-section at just over 36wks as pre-eclampsia hit that morning (had been carefully monitored for the previous three weeks) and from the moment it was decided, all anxiety that I had had for the previous nine months actually disappear and baby was/is perfect. It took me a few days to recover, but given that I nutured, cared for and grew this baby for the previous nine months meant more to me as his 'mummy' than how he arrived!

I'm not sure I really understand why it matters how you give birth -- not here on this forum/website, but it seems really contentious on other websites, friends, etc., and am slightly confused (also the BF v FF debate also), but I am glad that the ladies here can discuss with a bit of humour!

best wishes
I will be having one after a previous shoulder dystocia with birth injury. For me it is a shame as my recovery (it was vaginal) was super easy (for myself) but my son was in so much pain from his fractures. And a 20% repeat risk with injuries ranging from clavicle fracture to cerebral palsy is just far too much.

I'm sure this is a hard decision for you... I think most women just want an easy to recover vaginal delivery with a healthy baby but unfortunately it's not an option for all. Good luck with your decision!

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