Recurrent Miscarriage Thread

My OH and I have had all our tests done and now waiting for an appointment with the consultant next week.

I have had 3 MMCs in a row and the reasons seem to be high DNA fragmentation in OH's sperm (44%) and slightly elevated NK killer cells for me.

Now I don't know whether we try naturally again or if with that level of fragmentation it's hopeless. OH gave up his medication that is likely to be causing the fragmentation but he is unlikely to last more than 3 months - whereas he also gave it up for 3 months before the first MMC and it made no difference. No idea if my NK killer cells are also contributing to the MMCs.

Waiting for nex week now to get some more answers hopefully.

I'm a strong believer that elevated nk cells do contribute to mc. I have had two boys since I treated my high nk cells . Before them I had 6 mc x
^^ same.
I'm 100% certain that the only reason I have a baby is because of the treatment for nkc
What can you ask them to test to find out if you have nk cells?
Also, does anyone else get pregnant extremely easily but then lose all of their babies? Does that seem odd? Or is that common? It seems like any time I have unprotected sex I conceive immediately. It hasn't always been like this for me. It took months and months with #1 healthy baby and 4 months with #2 healthy baby. Anytime I've had unprotected sex since #2 was born I conceive. And I had a chemical in Nov (not confirmed by doctor), mc in Feb, mc end of May, and currently waiting to miscarry as baby's heart gets slower and slower (38bpm yesterday). Anyone have thoughts? Has this happened to any of you?
My OH and I have had all our tests done and now waiting for an appointment with the consultant next week.

I have had 3 MMCs in a row and the reasons seem to be high DNA fragmentation in OH's sperm (44%) and slightly elevated NK killer cells for me.

Now I don't know whether we try naturally again or if with that level of fragmentation it's hopeless. OH gave up his medication that is likely to be causing the fragmentation but he is unlikely to last more than 3 months - whereas he also gave it up for 3 months before the first MMC and it made no difference. No idea if my NK killer cells are also contributing to the MMCs.

Waiting for nex week now to get some more answers hopefully.

I'm a strong believer that elevated nk cells do contribute to mc. I have had two boys since I treated my high nk cells . Before them I had 6 mc x

I will come back and post once I know the level of NK cells and also what the consultant recommends. Did you have other issues but the NK cells?

The guy I am seeing is one of the specialists in the UK in those cells, but HFEA says they don't contribute to miscarriage, don't allow the Dr to treat you with steroids - which is slightly confusing.

Did you have steroids or another treatment?

Will update on Wednesday after my appointment.
Also, does anyone else get pregnant extremely easily but then lose all of their babies? Does that seem odd? Or is that common? It seems like any time I have unprotected sex I conceive immediately. It hasn't always been like this for me. It took months and months with #1 healthy baby and 4 months with #2 healthy baby. Anytime I've had unprotected sex since #2 was born I conceive. And I had a chemical in Nov (not confirmed by doctor), mc in Feb, mc end of May, and currently waiting to miscarry as baby's heart gets slower and slower (38bpm yesterday). Anyone have thoughts? Has this happened to any of you?

I get pregnant every time we have unprotected sex - 4 pregnancies so far, 3 of them ended up as MMCs :(

Having tests done now. Have you had any tests?
I've had blood clotting panel but that's it. Referred to. Specialist but idk when I'll get in. Have they told you anything like possible cause?
Hey ladies, I have avoided this thread for a while to try and keep my thoughts positive, but I recently had another miscarriage and although it was an early one again I am heart broken and wondering why my body keeps rejecting these babies :/

My progesterone was amazing because I had started taking some (without doctors consent, I know bad...) at 5 dpo but at 15 dpo my hcg was just 23. By 20 dpo it was back to zero and I was already bleeding by then.

I have been taking vitex, raspberry leaf capsules, metformin 1000mg, folic acid, prenatals, zinc, potassium (unrelated), vitamin, vitamin d, vitamin b-12, drink spearmint tea etc....

My bbt chart looked amazing that cycle and yet it still all ended in a miscarriage.

I'm at a complete loss.

I recently switched doctors because my old one was rather neglectful. This new one doesn't look too promising either though but I hope I'm wrong. She told me that if I wanted to further find out why I am having these miscarriages that I would have to see a fertility specialist which my insurance doesn't cover at all.

I have pcos and I have been working on losing weight. I only weigh 205 lbs at 5'6". I don't look that big according to others and I don't think I look that big either.. but I know I need to lose at least 40 lbs to be at a healthy weight for my frame. It's a long road though and it's hard enough keeping off the weight that I have already lost.

I have cut out most processed carbs, am mostly gluten free, admittedly I am bad about sugar frequently but it's not excessive and I don't think it should affect me this much.

If anyone has any advice or ideas as to why I am continuing to have issues with carrying a baby that would be amazing!

My thoughts would be chromosomal issues since it's always been an hcg issue, but 3 times in a row would make me wonder if all my eggs are bad and that I'm not destined to have a baby..
I've had blood clotting panel but that's it. Referred to. Specialist but idk when I'll get in. Have they told you anything like possible cause?

I went privately and both me and OH had karyotyping (all fine), I had blood clotting and thyroid function (all fine), i had NK cells (slightly elevated) and OH had DNA fragmentation (not good at all and I am seriously considering donor sperm). The consultation is on Wed so will update what they recommend after that.
Also, does anyone else get pregnant extremely easily but then lose all of their babies? Does that seem odd? Or is that common? It seems like any time I have unprotected sex I conceive immediately. It hasn't always been like this for me. It took months and months with #1 healthy baby and 4 months with #2 healthy baby. Anytime I've had unprotected sex since #2 was born I conceive. And I had a chemical in Nov (not confirmed by doctor), mc in Feb, mc end of May, and currently waiting to miscarry as baby's heart gets slower and slower (38bpm yesterday). Anyone have thoughts? Has this happened to any of you?

There is a theory of superfertility - google it. It basically means your body doesn't recognise that a pregnancy is unhealthy until later than normal, whereas someone without superfertility would miscarry after the first few cell divisions. I read up on it after my second loss.

I fall pregnant very easily but had trouble staying pregnant until I was pregnant with my daughter (pregnancy number 4)
My OH and I have had all our tests done and now waiting for an appointment with the consultant next week.

I have had 3 MMCs in a row and the reasons seem to be high DNA fragmentation in OH's sperm (44%) and slightly elevated NK killer cells for me.

Now I don't know whether we try naturally again or if with that level of fragmentation it's hopeless. OH gave up his medication that is likely to be causing the fragmentation but he is unlikely to last more than 3 months - whereas he also gave it up for 3 months before the first MMC and it made no difference. No idea if my NK killer cells are also contributing to the MMCs.

Waiting for nex week now to get some more answers hopefully.

I'm a strong believer that elevated nk cells do contribute to mc. I have had two boys since I treated my high nk cells . Before them I had 6 mc x

I will come back and post once I know the level of NK cells and also what the consultant recommends. Did you have other issues but the NK cells?

The guy I am seeing is one of the specialists in the UK in those cells, but HFEA says they don't contribute to miscarriage, don't allow the Dr to treat you with steroids - which is slightly confusing.

Did you have steroids or another treatment?

Will update on Wednesday after my appointment.

I had various stuff going on but we could never pinpoint if they all contributed to the miscarriages. I had a septum, under active thyroid, thyroid antibodies and ureaplasma.

It was only when I started taking steroids for the nk cells that I had a successful pregnancy . I lost a little boy at 27w due to an abruption so then took an anti malaria drug too

I also took, aspirin, clexane, progesterone, vit d, high dose folic, and progesterone

If you have elevated nk cells definitely treat with steroids, there has been many girls from this thread that have taken steroids for nk cells and now have a baby

I don't think you will have a successful pregnancy without steroids if you have high nk cells

My OH and I have had all our tests done and now waiting for an appointment with the consultant next week.

I have had 3 MMCs in a row and the reasons seem to be high DNA fragmentation in OH's sperm (44%) and slightly elevated NK killer cells for me.

Now I don't know whether we try naturally again or if with that level of fragmentation it's hopeless. OH gave up his medication that is likely to be causing the fragmentation but he is unlikely to last more than 3 months - whereas he also gave it up for 3 months before the first MMC and it made no difference. No idea if my NK killer cells are also contributing to the MMCs.

Waiting for nex week now to get some more answers hopefully.

I'm a strong believer that elevated nk cells do contribute to mc. I have had two boys since I treated my high nk cells . Before them I had 6 mc x

I will come back and post once I know the level of NK cells and also what the consultant recommends. Did you have other issues but the NK cells?

The guy I am seeing is one of the specialists in the UK in those cells, but HFEA says they don't contribute to miscarriage, don't allow the Dr to treat you with steroids - which is slightly confusing.

Did you have steroids or another treatment?

Will update on Wednesday after my appointment.

I had various stuff going on but we could never pinpoint if they all contributed to the miscarriages. I had a septum, under active thyroid, thyroid antibodies and ureaplasma.

It was only when I started taking steroids for the nk cells that I had a successful pregnancy . I lost a little boy at 27w due to an abruption so then took an anti malaria drug too

I also took, aspirin, clexane, progesterone, vit d, high dose folic, and progesterone

If you have elevated nk cells definitely treat with steroids, there has been many girls from this thread that have taken steroids for nk cells and now have a baby

I don't think you will have a successful pregnancy without steroids if you have high nk cells


Thank you for your reply. What I don't understand is now I had my DD with no issues and then these nk cells appear. Were they always there? Also the nurse said they were fairly high. I am going to find out more at the appointment.

The only thing that's changed since DD is that OH is on medication and has high DNA fragmentation (44%). With that much fragmentation they normally recommend IVF with ICSI and yet I get pregnant naturally (but then miscarry).

Ok so after my last miscarriage the baby was sent off for testing (NHS). They wouldn't tell me over the phone exactly what the issue is but chromosomal anomaly. My second miscarriage was same, as enlarged yolk sack. Can NK cells lead to chromosomal issues? I think it's my OH's fragmentation in sperm DNA, as that does lead to issues with chromosomes.

NHS suggested karyotype testing, but we have done it privately and it's normal. So it's either donor sperm or leave OH for me. He is early 50s I am mid 30s and I believe his medication and DNA fragmentation is the cause of the three MMCs. I am desperate for a baby and his issue can't be fixed :(
My OH and I have had all our tests done and now waiting for an appointment with the consultant next week.

I have had 3 MMCs in a row and the reasons seem to be high DNA fragmentation in OH's sperm (44%) and slightly elevated NK killer cells for me.

Now I don't know whether we try naturally again or if with that level of fragmentation it's hopeless. OH gave up his medication that is likely to be causing the fragmentation but he is unlikely to last more than 3 months - whereas he also gave it up for 3 months before the first MMC and it made no difference. No idea if my NK killer cells are also contributing to the MMCs.

Waiting for nex week now to get some more answers hopefully.

I'm a strong believer that elevated nk cells do contribute to mc. I have had two boys since I treated my high nk cells . Before them I had 6 mc x

I will come back and post once I know the level of NK cells and also what the consultant recommends. Did you have other issues but the NK cells?

The guy I am seeing is one of the specialists in the UK in those cells, but HFEA says they don't contribute to miscarriage, don't allow the Dr to treat you with steroids - which is slightly confusing.

Did you have steroids or another treatment?

Will update on Wednesday after my appointment.

I had various stuff going on but we could never pinpoint if they all contributed to the miscarriages. I had a septum, under active thyroid, thyroid antibodies and ureaplasma.

It was only when I started taking steroids for the nk cells that I had a successful pregnancy . I lost a little boy at 27w due to an abruption so then took an anti malaria drug too

I also took, aspirin, clexane, progesterone, vit d, high dose folic, and progesterone

If you have elevated nk cells definitely treat with steroids, there has been many girls from this thread that have taken steroids for nk cells and now have a baby

I don't think you will have a successful pregnancy without steroids if you have high nk cells


Thank you for your reply. What I don't understand is now I had my DD with no issues and then these nk cells appear. Were they always there? Also the nurse said they were fairly high. I am going to find out more at the appointment.

The only thing that's changed since DD is that OH is on medication and has high DNA fragmentation (44%). With that much fragmentation they normally recommend IVF with ICSI and yet I get pregnant naturally (but then miscarry).


We all have nk cells, they are cancer fighting cells but for some us we have elevated nk cells that. I'm not sure about your test but the test that mr shehata does looks at how aggressive they are too. Sometimes he will treat with 40mg steroids instead of 25mg. He also sometimes prescribes intralipids which is and egg and soya drip. They help 'dampen' the nk cells down
All sorts of things can contribute to he nk cells being higher, I.e infection, auto immune disease, a pregnancy!! Sometime they are just elevated and there is no reason

Ok so after my last miscarriage the baby was sent off for testing (NHS). They wouldn't tell me over the phone exactly what the issue is but chromosomal anomaly. My second miscarriage was same, as enlarged yolk sack. Can NK cells lead to chromosomal issues? I think it's my OH's fragmentation in sperm DNA, as that does lead to issues with chromosomes.

NHS suggested karyotype testing, but we have done it privately and it's normal. So it's either donor sperm or leave OH for me. He is early 50s I am mid 30s and I believe his medication and DNA fragmentation is the cause of the three MMCs. I am desperate for a baby and his issue can't be fixed :(

No nk cells don't lead to chromosome anomalies xx

Dr Beer book is your body baby friendly is a really good read, tells him a lot about nk cells and immune issues. Xx
Ok so having had a million tests they have found I have high NK cells and OH has high sperm DNA fragmentation because he is on medication.

So now he is off the medication and going to start vitamins and I will be on steroids for next pregnancy.

The weird thing is that the cause of my last miscarriage was trisomy 21 (got the results yesterday) which apparently was random and not related to either NK or DNA fragmentation.

So now will retest both NK and sperm DNA fragmentation in a couple of months (to let sperm quality improve) and try again. Also have to decide whether intralipids or steroids are better to treat the NK cells.

Just don't understand how with two miscarriages already I then also manage to get a Downs baby and miscarry :(
Awe sweetkat, I'm sorry about the trisomy .

I have known ladies to have intralipids as well as the steroids . I just had steroids for Isaac and Oscar pregnancy. You can't get intralipids on nhs so probably why it wasn't offered , lol . If you go down the intralipid route, I would ask for the prescription and get someone like healthcare at home to administer it. It will cost you half of what private docs charge. I think a bag of intralipids costs about £20. London nursing services administer for about £120! A lot cheaper than the £450 you will probably pay privately

I had my nk cells retested in July, 3 years from when I had them first tested... So chuffed that mine are well under range now, not elevated or very active . Yippee!!

Hi :flower: just been recommended this thread as it's a great support though wish we were meeting on other circumstances though.

So a little bit about me, I'm 38 years old (in a few days anyway) and I've just been referred to the recurrent miscarriage clinic following my 4th mmc at 10 weeks.

Over the past 18 years I've had 3 m/cs all between 6-8 weeks, followed by a successful pregnancy (my DD is nearly 6) then this mmc.

I have PCOS but do not really have any problems conceiving.

I've had genetic testing carried out on myself which was only on a specific gene type (HSP SPG 4) as my dad and sister are severely disabled and I'm clear of that.

I'm waiting for the histopathology results following my mmc to see if there was anything from that, not sure how long it usually takes (mmc was on 21 July).

I have a retroverted uterus which I found out through previous scans but don't think this causes any issues as I know it's quite common.

My appointment is in September so just waiting patiently till then.

I'm not sure whether because I've had a successful pregnancy will have any bearing on tests etc. I took metformin (for only about a month as I was really sick on it) prior to that pregnancy - I can't remember exact timings but it must have been a few months before she was conceived so I don't know if that had any effect :shrug:

I think at the minute I'm just so in the dark about it all and have no answers and possibly may not get any answers. We would love another, my daughter can't wait for a sibling, I hate that they're not going to be as close in age as we'd wanted and I'm worried that I'll keep having m/cs and that age gap will get bigger plus me and my OH are not getting any younger :(

Sorry for the long post, a bit of a vent but thanks for reading if you got this far! :flower:
Hi I'm new to this forum unfortunately, I'm so sorry that any of us have to go through this <3 I do have a question I just went through my second confirmed miscarriage but it took us 12 months for the first bfp only for that to end in a chemical pregnancy and now 14 months later (so 28 months all in all) it's the same story. Now my question is that I'm suppose to start an injection cycle when my cycles return after this and my primary doctor refuses to put me on progesterone but I have another doctor who is willing to try anything so I was wondering if there was anything smart about just doing the injections at the IVF clinic and then getting the progesterone without them knowing. Unfortunately this IVF clinic is the only one in my country so I don't really have the option to go anywhere else.
hi everything, sorry for your losses. does your country have a clinic that can do testing on you to check for immune issues, blood clotting issues, etc? that's usually the first step but most places won't do it until after 3 consecutive losses (i had mine done after 2 losses but then I had 2 more after that and then twins from IUI and stim meds). I got preg easy but would keep having early miscarriages.
what country are you in?

so are they closely monitoring your cycle w/internal ultrasounds and all of that stuff? are you only doing a monitored cycle and then timed intercourse or are you actually doing IVF?

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