Recurrent Miscarriage Thread

LeeC I'm so mad for you - damn them what have they got to loose giving you the prednisolone? Grrr it makes me so mad!!!!! I know eactly the frustration you must be feeling right now because i felt like that up until now - it's like it's not bad enough already for us - the lack of care we recieve just makes it a whole lot worse - I'd be up for a protest!

Having said all that finally during this pg the care I'm getting is second to none. My GP is wonderful and seems to be pushing a lot of it, but my local hospital are quite happy to scan me every week and I usually see my obgyn at the same time - funnily enough it all seems to be helping! My scan today showed bouncing 11 week baby! They say that just with better care your success chances go up but the NHS can be so lousy at putting that into practice!

Just something else I wanted to mention to you all - how many of you use a laptop on your lap? I know that there has been some comment on whether this is a good idea on here before - just to let you know that this pg my laptop is strictly on a table! No evidence to prove it helps but it's gotta worth a try?
Re: laptops- laptops in the lap is a big no-no in our house. I don't know if any of it is true, but I heard that the heat can heat up sperm and make it harder to conceive. So I've been quite the stickler with DH. We got a heat protecting board from target you put that in your lap then the laptop on top of that. It has a smooth surface on one side and cushion on the other. It's was only around $20.
Hi All

I have great news, went to my gp's today and my old (young) doc is just back from maternity leave, so I had alot to fill her in on. Long story short, I have my referral to Siodhan Quenby, she is doing the letter for me today and apparently I could be seen as quickly as 2 weeks.
I have called Heartlands and explained that I have already tried progesterone and aspirin and they confirmed it was def worth while seeing them as they can still prescribe prednisolone.

Don't worry though ladies, I am still on my crusade, I have already sent an email to my local mp and msp.

And Chilli thanks, I'm so glad you are finally getting the attention and care you deserve.

On the down side, I've got period pain grrrr xxx
Leec, I am so pleased to hear this news!!!! Its about time you had somethin positive to go with. The fact your doctor has been on maternity leave is great because she must understand the desire and desperation of wanting a baby. My rcm consultant secretary had first baby at 37 after years of heartache and mc,s and failed ivf attempts before she finally got her baby, I swear this makes her perfect for her job because she went out of way to get me seen when I was pregnant with my 4th (by accident) and was not supposed to be, long story short, this is how I got the cleaxane/progesterone and asprin. she also seems so helpful with everything. I obviously havent told anyone I am pregnant again because I am so worried I will get told off. I was told to wait 3 months for this blood test but got pregnant 4 weeks earlier than planned.

Oh and good news, I got the meds on repeat prescription, took my chances and it paid off. I now have enough for up to 10 weeks and will just get more then. I guess if I make it that far (or even to 12) I will make midwife app and see where we are. i dont see the point in early scans and more stress. I think if I make It, I make it. What do you think. am I wrong doing this?
Hi, im new to this section, after my 5th miscarriage in a row since starting to TTC last june, im so close to giving in :(
my doctor reffered me to a gynaecologist before christmas but that week i found out i was pregnant again. since i miscarried the triplets i havent been referred again, i keep asking my doctor be he just wont. i suffer from heavy bleeds mid cycle every other month whre TMI but i pour like a nose bleed with no clots for days, it happened just after my second period after my LO and that last 2 and a half months. i am kept on a prescription of tranexamic acid when the bleeds stop, they are not helping me and also arent safe if you are pregnant. when i was last examined i was also found to have an irritated cervix. alot keeps going wrong for me. im changing doctors in a few weeks. i dont know what to do other than that :( help? xx
LeeC I'm so mad for you - damn them what have they got to loose giving you the prednisolone? Grrr it makes me so mad!!!!! I know eactly the frustration you must be feeling right now because i felt like that up until now - it's like it's not bad enough already for us - the lack of care we recieve just makes it a whole lot worse - I'd be up for a protest!

Having said all that finally during this pg the care I'm getting is second to none. My GP is wonderful and seems to be pushing a lot of it, but my local hospital are quite happy to scan me every week and I usually see my obgyn at the same time - funnily enough it all seems to be helping! My scan today showed bouncing 11 week baby! They say that just with better care your success chances go up but the NHS can be so lousy at putting that into practice!

Just something else I wanted to mention to you all - how many of you use a laptop on your lap? I know that there has been some comment on whether this is a good idea on here before - just to let you know that this pg my laptop is strictly on a table! No evidence to prove it helps but it's gotta worth a try?

Chilli, congratulations on your scan today!!! sorry (I forget on here as no tickers!!!) what is the furthest you have got.

I am just praying I get there. 5th pregnancy now and just coming to 5 weeks. furthest I got was 12+5 but baby measured 10+6 x
Thanks Stardust - furthest my babies hearts have got to is 8.5 - am now 10.5!!!!! I still don't have a ticker - too scared of tempting fate.

As for scans - it's so individual - I don't think I could cope without the reassurance especially as I've had so much bleeding - but each one is very stressful and sometimes I think I could pass out whilst waiting - but so far so good - it's a real bouncer! I'll pray you do too

LeeC - I'm so pleased you had some success - why shouldn't you?
Hello Everyone

I think its a shame that we are all patients and victims of Mc and have to be doctors too!!! What is the world coming to??? I just requested my medical records from my previous obg and in them were some very important test that had been done to treat me the next time I conceived. I asked my new obg did they need them and they told me no. Wouldn't a very concerned obg want to know what he's dealing with??? You would think he would.

One of my bestfriends younger sister had an ectopic pregnancy and had one of her tubes removed. They told her she had little chance of getting pregnant. She now has 3 beautiful kids.

I pray for all of us daily because I know how it feels to want something so badly and get a taste of it and then it vanishes like a cloud of smoke.

How long does it take to get a period after a D & C? It's been way over a month for me and nothing.
Re: laptops- laptops in the lap is a big no-no in our house. I don't know if any of it is true, but I heard that the heat can heat up sperm and make it harder to conceive. So I've been quite the stickler with DH. We got a heat protecting board from target you put that in your lap then the laptop on top of that. It has a smooth surface on one side and cushion on the other. It's was only around $20.

O my. I just googled that topic and its true! They said mostly in Men. Ladies get your men a desk top! Thanks for the info!!!!:hugs:
Hello Everyone

How long does it take to get a period after a D & C? It's been way over a month for me and nothing.

I think average is 4-6 weeks. My last one was 10 weeks and right now I'm at 3.5 weeks and still have a positive test so pretty sure I'll be past the 6 week mark again. Everyone is different.
Hi folks, Im desperate and hoping someone here is from Ireland and can offer me some advice. :wacko:

Brief history, had m/c a year ago at 11.5 weeks and pregnancy was at 7.5 weeks. After months of trying we eventually found out DH has very little sperm and our hopes are pretty slim. We were doing acupuncture and just about to do ICSI when I found I was pregnant (only did the test to make sure before trial catheter run). Here comes the awful bit..

Had some bleeding so went for private scan 2 weeks later, embryo should have been 6w5days but measured at 6w1day with heartbeat appropriate for that age. My dates are right because Im going from ovulation date and between temping and opks I know exactly when I ovulated. Didnt worry too much at this scan. However, one week on had some bleeding cramping etc, though uh oh, here is m/c proper. Went to local hospital with ancient equipment and embryo is still at 6w1day. It should have been 7w5days. It didnt grow at all in one full week and was not growing from even before that. :nope:

The hospital will do nothing. Gave me apt to come back in a week. They couldn't tell heart rate (ancient equipment) but could just see pulse. Think dr thought I was mad when I said embryo hasnt grown in a full week. I had even given him copy of private scan report.

My problem is this, the embryo will die. It's inevitable. Its not because I want to lose a baby, I want a baby more than anything but we are not idiots. The dr in the hospital wouldnt give his opinion and i wanted to scream at him. The hospital won't help me while there is a heart beat, that is obvious. I dont want to try to induce a m/c myself because with recurrent m/c and huge fertility probs we need to do a d & c this time and get the tissue checked if possible. It's cruel to the embryo and cruel to us.

Does anyone have any advice of any kind for me? Im going mad thinking of poor little embryo struggling inside me and Im hating the rules of a country that won't help me. :cry: Im personally anti-abortion for healthy women and babies but believe in every woman's right to choose. How did it come to this desperate situation?

Now I know that when you have a missed m/c it doesnt necessarily mean that the embryo actually stopped living the same time it stopped growing. All this time I thought that I had carried a dead embryo for a month and now i know why it takes a month for m/c to show up. It's heart keeps beating. I hope at least this can give someone comfort out there.

Please if anyone out there has any advice or experience I desperately need to hear it. Will our private fertility clinic here help us discover why we have recurrent m/c? There is no point us doing ICSI - spending time, money and heartbreak to just have another m/c. :cry:
Hi girls Prof Quenby was my consultant with this pregnancy and she delivered him. If anyone wants any info let me know. After technically six mc including ectopic she diagnosed my problems and got me Ollie x

A dr Quenby success story. Congratulations on Ollie, he's a little cutie.
what did your treatment consist of?
Hi All

I have great news, went to my gp's today and my old (young) doc is just back from maternity leave, so I had alot to fill her in on. Long story short, I have my referral to Siodhan Quenby, she is doing the letter for me today and apparently I could be seen as quickly as 2 weeks.
I have called Heartlands and explained that I have already tried progesterone and aspirin and they confirmed it was def worth while seeing them as they can still prescribe prednisolone.

Don't worry though ladies, I am still on my crusade, I have already sent an email to my local mp and msp.

And Chilli thanks, I'm so glad you are finally getting the attention and care you deserve.

On the down side, I've got period pain grrrr xxx

well done!
Hope its a quick month... xxx
LeeC congrats on your referal.
I am not far away from you I am actually Airdrie so am Lanarkshire Health Board really. Most of my dealings have been with EPU in Monklands who were very good but I had requested to give birth at Royal instead of Wishaw they have dealt with my late loss. I had scan on Tues at Rutherglen when they discovered that baby had died, they made an appt to go to EPU in Royal next day. They rescanned me to confirm and then discussed options. Maureen dealt with me that day and she was great. Originally they had said that I would need to take my first tablet on the Friday and then go in on the Monday to deliver him as that was first available day but Maureen had went and phoned consultant in Labour Ward and they agreed to take me. It meant that she gave me my first tablet there and then and I had to return on the Friday to deliver him.
Midwife in Labour ward Joyce was fantastic and made the whole day easier by being so supportive to me and Dh. When we were leaving and saying goodbye she was crying with me.
I am similar to you that no spring chicken will be 39 next month. We had been ttc for a long time before I fell pregnant and were waiting for ivf at Royal. My first m/c in July was at 6 weeks on scan could see nothing at all and then started to bleed. When fell pregnant again 2 heartbeats could be seen at 6 weeks 5 days and then large bleed just before 9 weeks showed 1 baby only no sign at all that other twin had ever existed. I had scan again just before 12 weeks and baby was healthy and kicking away. I had bad morning sickness and growing bump and everything felt as should be. But 16 week scan showed he had died about a week before. It was hard to say exactly when he had died as he was curled up so difficult to measure him, not sure if pm results will give exact date he died. They took around 7 vials of bloods from me for different tests and told me that consultant would discuss any findings with me.
I just know they are going to tell me that it is just one of those things as I dont seem to have a pattern as such, I know that all your babies have been early losses but mine have been different. I did have bleeding during the pregnancy. After my bleed at 8weeks and 6 days where they discovered twin was no longer there I was told I had a bleed in my Uterus. (presume wassubchorionic hemorrhage) EPU didnt seem at all concerned by this said was underneath baby and would go naturally. At next scan said was virtually gone. I had spotted for nearly a month but all bleeding had stopped before baby had died and no mention of any bleed at 16 week scan or anything obvious that they could see that would have caused him to die.
Re: laptops- laptops in the lap is a big no-no in our house. I don't know if any of it is true, but I heard that the heat can heat up sperm and make it harder to conceive. So I've been quite the stickler with DH. We got a heat protecting board from target you put that in your lap then the laptop on top of that. It has a smooth surface on one side and cushion on the other. It's was only around $20.

O my. I just googled that topic and its true! They said mostly in Men. Ladies get your men a desk top! Thanks for the info!!!!:hugs:

Mostly in men! :rofl:
I have to admit, though, that I also banned the laptop from my lap when pregnant plus i make sure I don't sit for long periods without moving my feet and legs to keep the circulation flowing nicely.

Hi folks, Im desperate and hoping someone here is from Ireland and can offer me some advice. :wacko:

Brief history, had m/c a year ago at 11.5 weeks and pregnancy was at 7.5 weeks. After months of trying we eventually found out DH has very little sperm and our hopes are pretty slim. We were doing acupuncture and just about to do ICSI when I found I was pregnant (only did the test to make sure before trial catheter run). Here comes the awful bit..

Had some bleeding so went for private scan 2 weeks later, embryo should have been 6w5days but measured at 6w1day with heartbeat appropriate for that age. My dates are right because Im going from ovulation date and between temping and opks I know exactly when I ovulated. Didnt worry too much at this scan. However, one week on had some bleeding cramping etc, though uh oh, here is m/c proper. Went to local hospital with ancient equipment and embryo is still at 6w1day. It should have been 7w5days. It didnt grow at all in one full week and was not growing from even before that. :nope:

The hospital will do nothing. Gave me apt to come back in a week. They couldn't tell heart rate (ancient equipment) but could just see pulse. Think dr thought I was mad when I said embryo hasnt grown in a full week. I had even given him copy of private scan report.

My problem is this, the embryo will die. It's inevitable. Its not because I want to lose a baby, I want a baby more than anything but we are not idiots. The dr in the hospital wouldnt give his opinion and i wanted to scream at him. The hospital won't help me while there is a heart beat, that is obvious. I dont want to try to induce a m/c myself because with recurrent m/c and huge fertility probs we need to do a d & c this time and get the tissue checked if possible. It's cruel to the embryo and cruel to us.

Does anyone have any advice of any kind for me? Im going mad thinking of poor little embryo struggling inside me and Im hating the rules of a country that won't help me. :cry: Im personally anti-abortion for healthy women and babies but believe in every woman's right to choose. How did it come to this desperate situation?

Now I know that when you have a missed m/c it doesnt necessarily mean that the embryo actually stopped living the same time it stopped growing. All this time I thought that I had carried a dead embryo for a month and now i know why it takes a month for m/c to show up. It's heart keeps beating. I hope at least this can give someone comfort out there.

Please if anyone out there has any advice or experience I desperately need to hear it. Will our private fertility clinic here help us discover why we have recurrent m/c? There is no point us doing ICSI - spending time, money and heartbreak to just have another m/c. :cry:

Hello gil, I am so very sorry you are going through this! It must be so difficult to cope with :hugs:
I can very much understand your doctors' reasoning when declining a d &c. The thing is, you were scanned by two different scanners by two different people. Plus you are so early on that the embryo is tiny and measurements are not very acurate. It is quite common for measurements to be out by a week! It is good that they are rescanning you in a week to check again. Things will be dramatically different by then, you will see, with both the good and the bad scenario.
In the grand scheme of things a week is not too long to give this little life a chance. We'll be here to help you through xxx
Chilli, :yipee::flasher::yipee:

Lee, you keep fighting! You've just reminded me to write that complaint about my epu xxx
Hi girls Prof Quenby was my consultant with this pregnancy and she delivered him. If anyone wants any info let me know. After technically six mc including ectopic she diagnosed my problems and got me Ollie x

A dr Quenby success story. Congratulations on Ollie, he's a little cutie.
what did your treatment consist of?

Fluffy Blue, I am hoping for my appt in 2 weeks or so, I have had m/c's and ectopic also and know that I will never be able to carry a pg to term without some intervention, so i'd be keen to hear about your experience with Prof Queby prior to my appt.

Mandy thanks for posting this. x
And yeah petitpas, you should do it, we need to be heard!!!

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