Recurrent Miscarriage Thread

Yep, Google professor Lesley Regan for more info. She has also published a book on miscarriage, which is a good read (well, as good as this sad topic can be).
The referral time is six weeks but I used my benenden insurance to go private first until the NHS caught up. If you haven't already had all your tests done - APS, thrombophilia screen, karyotyping - you should ask your gp or current specialist to arrange them for you as it takes a couple of months to get the results.
I will google her in a moment, six weeks isnt too bad because if I went early this week to be referred then my appointment with my current consultant isnt until seven weeks time, and that is when I get Riley Rae's post mortem results. I have a clotting disorder which is what they put my losses down to, so never investigated further, but I was on progestrone, clexane and aspirin. After Riley I had lots of bloods taken but I am not sure what they are for :shrug: Just off to google karyotyping and Lesley Regan, plus look for that book. Thank you :thumbup:
I will google her in a moment, six weeks isnt too bad because if I went early this week to be referred then my appointment with my current consultant isnt until seven weeks time, and that is when I get Riley Rae's post mortem results. I have a clotting disorder which is what they put my losses down to, so never investigated further, but I was on progestrone, clexane and aspirin. After Riley I had lots of bloods taken but I am not sure what they are for :shrug: Just off to google karyotyping and Lesley Regan, plus look for that book. Thank you :thumbup:

By the sounds of it you are in very good hands (although an extra consult probably won't harm). I don't really know what they look for with late losses since so far my problem is getting to second tri... I also have a clotting problem and when pregnant am on aspirin and tinzaparin (same as clexane).
The anticoagulants seem to be working in that I haven't thrown any new clots, which is really good :thumbup: but as for the pregnancies I haven't gotten much further :shrug:
Hi puppycat so sorry to hear of ur losses it's never easy, I hope u get some answers! I'm in the waiting game!! Had all my blood tests done waiting for results got an internal scan 16th of may so I'm hoping it should start moving things I want to get trying again!! Hope everyones ok an all u who r preg are well xx

Thanks hun. I'm going to make an appt with my Dr for Tuesday. I know my normal Dr is on leave but I have to go for tablets anyway so can't wait. I was going to go when I got my BFP but it was the Thursday before the Easter weekend and on the Tuesday morning I started bleeding so couldn't face making an appt last week.

I hope you get answers too. I don't think they'll do anything for me after two will they?
Puppycat, the normal NHS directive is to wait until you've had three losses before they start investigating. Unless they have another reason to believe you might have something going on. I know it sounds wrong but I hope you've just been unlucky and very soon you'll have a sticky bfp :hugs:
Ooooh, thanks for that petitpas. I was at Queen Charlotte's and Chelsea Hospital any way, which is part of the Imperial Trust (which is what St Mary's is part of) and Professor Brosen's who looked after me in early pregnany with Riley Rae was fantastic. But I didnt know that St Mary's specialised in late loss too. It is really easy for me to get to as well, one bus to Ealing and the train from Ealing to Paddington, my mum works in the hospital. Is the referal time long, do you know?

Oh my. That's so far along to be loosing a baby:cry:. Have they not found the problem??? My reason for asking is bc my boyfriends youngest sister experience her baby born sleeping as well at around the 37th week of her pregnancy.

When she got pregnant again, she went to my gyn/obg before he moved:growlmad:. He got her previous med file and discovered no glucose test in her file.

He tested her and she tested positive for gestational diabetes. He told her that's what caused her baby girl to drown in her own fluids. He monitored her every week and have her insulin. She went into labor at around 37 weeks again with her son and he was born big and healthy.

Her first doctor sent her home when she went in labor with her first. He had no idea that it was time for her baby to born.

Girl I pray that they find out what the cause is. Life can deal all sorts of obstacles but there is nothing that God won't pull us women through!:hugs:
I will google her in a moment, six weeks isnt too bad because if I went early this week to be referred then my appointment with my current consultant isnt until seven weeks time, and that is when I get Riley Rae's post mortem results. I have a clotting disorder which is what they put my losses down to, so never investigated further, but I was on progestrone, clexane and aspirin. After Riley I had lots of bloods taken but I am not sure what they are for :shrug: Just off to google karyotyping and Lesley Regan, plus look for that book. Thank you :thumbup:

Tasha google women taking heparin shots and aspirin together during pregnancy. I talked to my nephew's mom and I remembered her having clotting disorder with her last 2 babies and she also had gestational diabetes. Those were some of her meds that she had mentioned. Both babies born healthy....

I'm giving all info bc I WANT NOTHING BUT THE BEST FOR US ALL!!!!
I should go back to school to be a doctor instead of being one of the best hair care stylist in my town!!!!:dohh:
Goodgirl, tasha mentioned she was on clexane along with aspirin. Clexane is a brand of low molecular weight heparin. So the treatment for clotting was there.
petitpas thank you. I am sorry that it hasnt seemed to of gotten you further. I havent read the whole thread, what is the plan for you hun? I was just on tinzaparin because I have a DVT in my arm.

Goodgirl, thank you hun. I am so sorry for your bf's sisters loss :cry: I deffo didnt have gestational diabetes. I was on clexane (heparin) until 16 weeks they then took me off saying there is research it doesnt work after that time :wacko: As well as aspirin and progesterone, it scares me because what else can they do :shrug: Honey grew her wings because my waters had been broken for eight weeks, it was basically medical negligence, my waters went at 28+6, I had an infection at 29+2 which they tried to induced me because of, it failed and the consultant said to me they would not do a section because I was young and never wear a bikini again :wacko: So they left her in me with no waters, for 8 weeks. They have since said she should of been gotten out at 34 weeks at the latest as per the guidelines. Then on the 8th May at almost 36 weeks I had a scan which over measured her tummy by 10cm's, she was fighting for her life and no one realised. Just six days later on my 22nd birthday, she slipped away inside me. The post mortem said it was because of the prolonged rupture of membranes had compromised the placenta, it was 50% too small, 50% clots and a 10% abruption, her lungs and kidneys hadnt grown since my waters went, and she was growth restricted. Now with Riley Rae, I dont know the reasons yet but I do know that she was below the 5th centil for growth on the 22nd March, under the 3rd by the 3rd of April (with her bowels showing signs of brain sparing/placental insufficency) and then grew her wings on the 12th/13th April. She was tiny at 340 grams, which is around the size of most 19/20 weekers but she was 24+3. I also know that her placenta was tiny, it should be about the same size as baby, but hers was around 1/4 to a 1/3 of her size, it was white and just didnt look like it is 'suppose' to.
Hi Tasha, I am surprised they stopped you taking heparin and aspirin at 16 weeks as clotting problems can cause clots in the placenta and supposedly cause growth problems during the third trimester resulting in stillbirth. That is why I am to be on the shots until after the end of my (one-day-hopefully successful) pregnancy, along with extra growth scans to keep an eye on the baby.

Now that you have had a DVT, too, (so sorry, I know how horrible it is as I've had a DVT in my leg and multiple bilateral Pulmonary Emboli) you will definitely have to be anticoagulated during any future pregnancy (with a short break during labour) and for six weeks after you give birth. If anyone tells you any differently, shoot 'em down!

I read an earlier post of yours about Honey - so so sorry! It is unbelievable how they messed you around and failed to follow their own guidelines... shocking!

In general, the plan for me is progesterone after ovulation, aspirin and lmwh from a bfp.
I am heterozygous FVL, what's your clotting problem? And when did you get the arm DVT??? You poor poor thing :hugs:
I should maybe point out that I am not aware of a hard and fast guideline for someone who hasn't had a previous clot to be anticoagulated throughout the whole pregnancy, especially if you are 'only' heterozygous on your clotting problem. So, technically speaking, your doctor may not have done anything 'wrong' (according to the guidelines that is).

Saying that, I do think that after a previous stillbirth and with recurrent miscarriages your doctor should have considered continuing the anticoagulation with Riley Rae or at least discussed the pros and cons with you. There is a risk of placental abruption when you anticoagulate, but there is also a risk of IUGR with certain clotting problems. I can't really comment too much on this without knowing what your clotting factor is...

My miscarriagrs were due to clots in the umbilical arteries. After 4 consecutive mc i was on 40mg of clexane from 4 weeks ( wasnt confirmed by scan till 5 plus 4) but carried onto 6 weeks plus delivery - never once was it mentioned to stop treatment at any time.

I had regular growth and doppler scans throughout, ollies tum was always large !

Ollie was born healthy full term on 17 jan i have to see the haemotologist in june for further treatment

Tash i will never understand why they stopped your clexane x
I am glad they seem to have a good, solid plan in place for you petitpas. I really have everything crossed for you, and of course everyone else on this thread.

I tried to argue about the clexane but they were having none of it, between Honey and my seven miscarriages and Riley Rae, I had Kaysie Blossom. We were on clexane for the duration only stopping as you say for the labour and then carry on for six weeks after delivery. She was born at term and the placenta seemed like it was just beginning to have problems according to my consultant. Now with Riley Rae it stopped at 16 weeks and growth problems were picked up 5 weeks later, and she was born sleeping 3 weeks after that, I cant help but think the two are connected.

Congratulations fluffyblue, Ollie is gorgeous :cloud9: I am so glad you wrote on here. I need to read everyone experiences because I want to be able to say what care I expect if I get pregnant again to my consultant.

I have Hughes, Factor V Leiden and something to do with my Factor VIII too. I was meant to stop at 16 weeks, then start again after labour for the six weeks. Only because she was born sleeping they discharged me without it (on the Friday), by the next day my arm was a bit tender and a tiny bit swollen, it gradually got more painful until the point on Tuesday it was so swollen and sore I couldnt move it and was crying, I went to the GP's who diagnosed it as an infection (goodness knows how I got an infection in a vein that hadnt been touched), and I pushed for clexane, she wouldnt give it to me because she wasnt sure it was needed as Riley Rae was born sleeping (I still gave birth, still had the pregnancy hormones :growlmad:) so rang the hospital. The hospital took until late on the Wednesday to say yes I did need it, I took the prescription to the pharmacy right away and it still isnt in stock (two weeks on Wednesday since I dropped it in), apparently a manufacturing problem :growlmad: By the Friday (22nd) I had been on the antibiotics for 3 days and it was getting worse not better, so went to A&E, they did my d-dimer bloods and it was up massively, so went for a doppler etc and it was confirmed. I had another doppler on the 26th, it had gotten bigger, so as well as the tinzaparin and warfarin, I have a heparin based cream to use four times a day. I also have another doppler this coming Friday :thumbup:

I really feel like no health care professional gives a damn about me, which is quite a sad way to feel isnt it?
hiya ladies can i join u ? my name is karen , im 31 , this is my history
2000, blighted ovum found @13wks 2x d&c
2001,mmc found at 11wks baby died @ 6 wks 2x d&c
2005,eptopic @ 5wks , body re-absorbed baby,
divorced husband and found new partner
DD oct 09
march 2011 ,chemical , bfp @ 9 & 10dpo . bfn by14dpo .
april 2011 , very early miscarraige , bfp @ 16&17dpo, started bleeding at 4+3

i had my first 3 losses with my ex ,i had a few blood tests in 2005 which came back ok , i had my dd in oct 2009 with my new partner had a few probs during the pregnancy but nothing serious . after havin dd i guessed it must have been my ex's sperm to blame ! anyhows when we decided to ttc#2 in feb i was very anxious but thought everything will b fine (well thats what my oh kept telling me lol) , in march i got a very faint bfp on a superdrug test @ 9 dpo tested the next day an again a very faint bfp but it quickly turned to a bfn and i had a very heavy crampy period 3 days late . To be honest i sorta disregarded it an put it too the back of my mind an carried on ttc . anyway next cycle i did a frer an a very very faint bfp ! so next morning i did a cbdigi an ''preg 1-2'' , i said too my oh i didnt feel preg at all just bloated an crampy ! anyway i started bleeding , dr said to just go home an bleed ! nice ! im now on day 6 of bleeding which has got lighter but im still quite bloated an achey . my dr did offer to re refer me for more tests so i opted for that . i never imagined to b in this situation again !! i do not know how i got my dd , was it fluke ? i feel very guilty for wanting another baby knowing that lots of ladies cant even have 1 easily :( , anyway if u are still reading ty x
Goodgirl, tasha mentioned she was on clexane along with aspirin. Clexane is a brand of low molecular weight heparin. So the treatment for clotting was there.

I don't mean any harm to you Petitpas, BUT I was definitely talking to Tasha. I didn't need your reply on this.

I see why a lot of people hardly want to post bc some people try to dominate others on here and take over.

I guess the next time I will direct all questions to you instead of the people that I'm asking the questions to.

I'm trying to find out all the info that I can about miscarriages and give back some of the things that I have read about as well and have been told.

I will think twice before I openly post on here again. No harm meant, but I'm not the type to hold my feelings in.
@ Tasha

I pray that God gives you the answers to all the unanswered questions. Thanks for your reply and letting me in on that part of your life. Again, I'm so sorry that that happened to you dear.
It was very nice chatting with everyone! Good Luck and May God Bless each and everyone of you!!!!
@ Tasha

I pray that God gives you the answers to all the unanswered questions. Thanks for your reply and letting me in on that part of your life. Again, I'm so sorry that that happened to you dear.

You are very welcome sweetie, and thank you so much for trying to help. For what it is worth, I dont think petitpas was trying to interfere, or upset you hun, just trying to explain. I really should write heparin because some people dont know, I just forget myself, if you know what I mean?

Your post after this, sounds as if you are leaving. Dont do anything rash hun, let us support you and offer us support too, both are very much needed. Or if you dont feel able then keep in touch via private message chick.

karentia welcome to the thread, I am sorry you have to join us here, and so very sorry for your loses. I really hope you get the answers you need. I completely understand the guilt :hugs:
I had APS lupus anticoagulant tested positive twice after two miscarriages and 6 weeks after. I took low dose aspirin too till 36 weeks, progesterone till 13 weeks and i was on 800mg folic acid and also clomid ! Never took as many drugs in my life

I had 19 scans 20 consultant visits and countless bloods taken, what is ironic is i had two children without any intervention "accidental" but very much wanted kids and had no problems then went onto lose 5 babies ill never know if Ollie was luck or as a result of the medical intervention

I lost a baby at 20 weeks 23 years ago i was 16 i dont know if that caused any issues but i had ben 4 years later and laura 9 years after without any issues

I can remember my doc telling me my condition was not inherited.?

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