recycling plastics


Well-Known Member
Nov 17, 2006
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Does anyone do this as a matter of course?

Paper and glass are pretty straight forward but I'm not sure about the other......

Are there different types? Can you send some to re-cycle and not others? How can you tell which is which?
We're pretty lucky with our council. We can put glass, cans and plastics in our recycling box. Tends to be milk cartons if we have any, cleaning product containers and shampoo bottles etc.

There should be the recycling label on plastics that are recyclable.
Yeah at my old house we got another wheelie in that we put paper and plastics in.
Yeah go for plastic bottles and containers. Not carrier bags though. I know we were always told not to put them in the recycling bin. But a lot of supermarkets have special recycling bins for these.
beanie said:
We're pretty lucky with our council. We can put glass, cans and plastics in our recycling box. Tends to be milk cartons if we have any, cleaning product containers and shampoo bottles etc.

There should be the recycling label on plastics that are recyclable.
Thias is what we have too, i love it, we have more in our recicle bin than we do in our rubbish bin. We got a blue tiny ring binder telling you everything that can go into it.

However my MIL has 3 bins so far and are supposed to be getting another,
we live in south lanarkshire and they live in north lanarkshire. They have a grass bin (for grass leafs, twigs ect) a rubbish bin, and a blue recicle bin like our but they are only allowed to put newspapers and cardboard in their. The fourth bin they are supposed to be getting is for tin cans i dont see why they need 4 bins tbh as their back yuard looks like a council bin land :D because they share a back garden they have 6 bins already sitting :shock:

I love recicling i just wish the people we live next to would wash or even just rince everything before putting it into their recicle bin as they stink :-&
ive got a green bin from the council that i can put plastic in, along with paper, tin ect...

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