Referral Wait??


And then there were 3!!
Apr 11, 2008
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Hey lovely ladies, hope that you are all well and enjoying the sunshine!

Just a quickie since you are all fountains of knowledge!.... we have our GP appt this Thursday for our IVF referral. I just wondered how long it took you guys from the day of your GP referral until you got your appt?

I thought i would be impatient, i guess i am just to know waiting times etc. and what will happen but on the whole i feel petrified!

Also, how long did it take you guys from being put on a list private/nhs to starting treatment?

Have u seen the FS yet? If not this is what has happened for me today (also posted on my thresd, so sorry for the repeat).

Well the dr refered me today, and i was given a form with a number 4 hospitals to choose from, a ref number and a password. So i went to my car and called the number, i said which hospital i would like (the specialist my gp said was the best) and luckily for me that was the shortest wait to. So i was refered and booked in the space of 10 mins. Hope that helps. Good luck and i hope ur's is as quick as mine was :hugs: XXX
Wow that was super speedy!!

No i have the GP appt on Thursday at 4.50 and they will make the referral then. DH is at a different GP so he has to pick up the printout of his results and then take it to the appt so we can get referred. His DR said that it would Queen Mary's hospital that is just down the road but my GP is 5 miles from his so it could be different?!?!

Are you nervous or excited?x
I'm super excited, i'm 3DPO right now and i feel like if :witch: comes it's not such a big deal cos now i will get help. This FS is suppose to be really good to, he works in London also. I really hope ur appointment is as speedy as mine and we can get our :bfp: VERY soon. XXX
Bless you Daisy!

I'm totally petrified about the whole thing - i was kinda thinking that a 6 month wait wouldn't be so bad but i know that is only because i'm so apprehensive at the moment. Once i get to talk to a specialist and know what will happen i'm sure i'll feel more relaxed.

We had to stop TTC when DH got his first results due to some medication issues and we had kinda resigned ourselves to only having IVF - but now we are back with a vengance and i'm buying Macca, Preseed and a conception pillow in the hope it could still happen!!

Let me know how your appt goes hun, you can relieve my anxiousness!!!! xx
So i went to my car and called the number, i said which hospital i would like (the specialist my gp said was the best) and luckily for me that was the shortest wait to. So i was refered and booked in the space of 10 mins. Hope that helps. Good luck and i hope ur's is as quick as mine was :hugs: XXX

Wow!!!! That is super quick. We have been referred to IVF Wales and have been told that we will have to wait between 9 and 13 months to get out first appointment:cry:
Hey Helen,

Wow that is a long wait - it really takes that long for you to get your first appointment after being referred to IVF? I take it that it would be quicker if you went private (and more expensive!!!).

I hope you get a cancellation - fingers crossed hun x x x
Hi Rachelle

From the initial referral for help from my GP it took us 10 months before we even made the waiting list - we had to have investigations done first. The waiting list for me is 9 - 10 months for unfunded slots, and 13 - 16 months for NHS slots. Which puts us to at least April at our hospital so we are going private. The unfunded hospital slots would cost us approx £3000 and to go fully private is approx £4100 - so for us the extra £1100 is well worth it.

Hopefully your waiting lists aren't as ridiculous.

Try not to worry babe, i'll keep u posted on my appointment. XXX
Hi Rachelle

From the initial referral for help from my GP it took us 10 months before we even made the waiting list - we had to have investigations done first. The waiting list for me is 9 - 10 months for unfunded slots, and 13 - 16 months for NHS slots. Which puts us to at least April at our hospital so we are going private. The unfunded hospital slots would cost us approx £3000 and to go fully private is approx £4100 - so for us the extra £1100 is well worth it.

Hopefully your waiting lists aren't as ridiculous.


Hi Maz

So despite the fact i've been poked prodded and tested i will still have to undergo further tests?? even though my results are okay but DH has male factor? :hugs:
can i just ask u ... is this y goin private or nhs?? best of look for u all x

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