Reflux AND colic!!! HELP


Mummy to Layla, George & Enzo <3
Oct 21, 2018
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So our little man recently got diagnosed with reflux (was dreading this day as my second little boy had it too) and it's been a hard week to be honest. After last night screaming all night, screaming whenever a bottle went near his mouth bit only taking the odd ounce here and there I'm guessing colic is back on the cards too, between the ranitidine and the infacol I feel like hes getting more medication than milk at the moment! I've not been to bed yet and I'm absolutely exhausted. Enzo has finally gone to sleep after taking 3oz at 4.30am.

Can anyone please share some tips for helping with reflux and colic, I've never gone through the two at the same time before and it's getting me down seeing my little man in so much pain. Hes a nightmare to feed. He was taking between 5 and 6 ounces originally, now he drinks 3oz (sometimes) and then the screaming and fussing starts and refusing to take anymore. Sometimes he takes just the 2oz! I'm really struggling right now.

Any tips on this is welcome, I will try anything!!!
Sorry you’re going through this it sucks so bad!

I found feeding my DD in a swaddle helped HUGELY! Also white noise seemed to calm her down during the night (specifically a tumble dryer). They were the only two things I found helped. I didn’t realise she had reflux for months so tried absolutely everything- different bottles/teets/formula.

She also got given Nexium and it was a miracle worker! She’s was a totally different baby after starting on that. They also changed her to milk protein free formula- but we tried that solely and she wouldn’t eat so it was only when we started the nexium she started eating again.
Thanks for the reply!

So far in recent weeks we have switched to Dr Browns bottles which helped until now before the reflux and colic together, we've tried infacol and hes also taking ranitidine 3 times a day from the doctor... however as a last last resort today I went out and bought some Aptamil comfort milk, and he just had another 3oz just 2 and a half hours after his last bottle of 3oz normal milk which he threw up anyway... so far after this bit of milk, hes kept it ALL down, winded lovely and there was no screaming during the feed. I know these milks are not miracle workers, but even just after 3oz of it, its pushed aside a few of the bigger problems, such as the vomiting as it is thicker than normal milk. I think it will take a little while to get back to our 6oz every 4 hours, so for now its little and often
I was told to stop stressing about amounts but go on mood. If they are satisfied and calm after 3oz it might be ok for them as their hunger goes up and down based on so many factors like cluster feeding etc.

But I was also told this as I was raising concerns which were ignored/downsized for months and then at 4/5 months the shit hit the fan and she got really bad. But she was never satisfied after the small amounts anyway...

It’s tough as hell. Try to get s break here and there if you can. When DD was so fussy I felt I was the only one who could watch her but looking back I should have had made myself take offers of help and have an hour to myself as I’d have been better for her in the long run!
Yeah hun I always do feeding based on however much he wants, but I know hes dropped the ounces quite quickly and know he needs more but the reflux preventing it. Hes a big dude, 4 weeks old and weighing 10lb 6oz, so usually hes a big feeder and I know what hes been taking hasnt helped him settle, but hopefully now things will start to look up!
Hang in there momma! I actually have only vague memories now of those screaming nights. I do recall having a conversation with DH about how on earth we would survive if we had a toddler as well.

I should look back and see if I had started my journal yet, I don't think I had (because I was busy with a screaming infant) but I think he did much better when we switched from ranitidine to omeprazole. The ranitidine itself tasted terrible, the omeprazole was better and a few days after the switch it was like someone gave us a new baby!
I also think you should look at changing to nexium (omeprazole). It’s a miracle medicine!
I think they are going to start to use it more here as a friend got told by her doctor they are discontinuing ranitidine for infants where shes from and also the ranitidine that I got from my doctor is it extremely low supply, tbh it's not really doing it, it tastes absolutely vile, however DS loves it! Hes going to be so easy to wean, he loves the ranitidine, loves infacol and he was also taking medication for thrush back in the early early days and would take it off a spoon and enjoy it lol! I see the doctor next week I'm going to ask to change to omeprazole if no improvement on the ranitidine
Have they considered a Cow's Milk intolerance? I know sometimes it's over-diagnosed (there's money to be made on these special formulas so it pays to put the idea in to the heads of as many mums as possible!) but if baby has reflux, screaming and digestive discomfort maybe do some research on other symptoms and see if it could be a fit for your baby.
I did wonder about a milk intolerance, all the signs are there, however I dont *think* he has an intolerance just based on how he is generally, I know symptoms are extremely similar to reflux but with an intolerance dont they get rashes and stuff too? Maybe I'm wrong, but I will take all these opinions to the doctor with me on the next appointment:)
One. Exhausted. Mama.

Bad night with Enzo being awake from 3am and literally screaming all night, he looked so helpless but I didn't know what was wrong. I feel the reflux is under control with the ranitidine, however last night seemed like bad colic. I tried everything, feeding, changing, burping, cuddling, rocking, and nothing. He eventually went to sleep at 8.30am :(
Aww I'm sorry that you had a bad night. I hope that it was just a one off and fingers crossed tonight is better :hugs:

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