RELACTATING- Gave up BF @3wks, she latched herself on this morning!

Wow congrats!! That was a long tough jorney for you, but well worth it. And congrats on #2. I hate I was not able to ebf/ebfbem for 6 months.My plan was to ebf for 2 wks then bf/pump and feed ebm till 6 months when he would start to eat solids.

He was born and I nursed him for an hr or 2. From what I remember (still groggy from epidrual and pain med) he nursed good and latched good. The they took him away and cleaned him and weighed him and brought him back. I still swear someone gave him formula in the nursery b/c he spit up one time and it smelt like formula even though I have never really smelt formula spit up before (it smelt like fake milk). But anyways I ebf while in the hospital for 2 days. However after the first time when he was born he became fussy and did not want to latch. In the hospital I had a crying baby that was hungry but did not want to latch or would latch and come off. My mom stayed with me and was no help b/c I was ff she said she tried to bf but the nurses at the hospital said her breast were to small and she did not have much milk. She did not know that her milk would come in a few days later. She said I needed to just feed him formula and he might be crying b/c my milk is no good. I then tried the breast shield and it worked some but when I got him to latch I actually got him to latch better w/out it. But the LC said to use it. He was not born TT or cleft lip or anything however he had a bad over bite and I thought that was what is problem was.

I brought him home and he cried for hrs b/c he would not latch and I would have to try to get him to wake up and it would take almost an hr each time b/c he was jaundice. I tried for 3 hrs straight to get him to latch and he would latch for 5 min and come off then go to sleep and wake back up and start crying again. Finally my mom came in the room and my dh and they told me to just give him formula. My mom worries about everything and was convicned I had acid milk (we had a cat that had it and her babies would die every litter she had) or bad milk, or not enough. Finally I gave in and gave him formula. I still tried to feed him first before giving him fromula each time but he would hardly latch and when he did the let down was to slow b/c it was colsturm. Pumping also depressed me b/c I was not getting much.

After a few days of trying to bf but mostly ff he had his 2 day apt b/c of his jaundice. He was border line but she said he was fine and talked with me about bf. I was still tired from hardly any sleep and was trying to pay attenton but did not really however at the appt he nursed for an hr and did great (with a shield). I made an appt to come back in 2 days to see if jaundice went down and talk about the pumping to get my supply back and how he was feeding. She had given me a pumping schedule and I had forgoten and left it at the office. I tried to remember what she told me while pumping (I have a medela in style advanced double pump) dh walked in and said she said to pum 10 min on both rest 2 then pump 5 on one and 5 on the other. I was amazed that he paid attention to that especially when he was not that keen on me bf anyways.

I went back in 2 days and we tried a power pumping schedule. That was hard (not really the power pumping schedule) If I was able to follow it it would have been nurse, pump an hr after he nurses and pump 10 rest 10 pump 10 rest 10 do this for an hr then when he nurses pump for 30 min right after he is through till 5 min after no more milk or it slows down. Then do the power pump thing at night. I tried but could not do all that on that schedlue. Especially when I still had problems with him latching but it was getting better. He would do pretty good with the shield and they had taught me about baiting the nipple first which helped alot. I would be able to nurse him about 30 min and he would be satisifed. I was doing alot better and he was not crying as much and I did not have to spend an hr waking him anymore. I went to one more lc appt and he did great nursing there. However the only way I could get a good latch was in the football position which was not to comfortable to me, but whatever worked. i was still ff b/c I was getting depressed when I pumped b/c I would only get 1/2 out of both. I really did not want to take anything but I decided I would get the mother milk tea which once use to it tasted fine to me and kinda helped. Before taking anything I was always leaking I had been leaking since 22 wks of pregnancy so I thought this would be easy boy was I nieve. I then decided to take fenugreek pills and went basiclly to the max dosage 3 pills 3x a day. It worked on increasing my supply. I was pumping 1 to 2 oz from both boobs but still not enough to pump and efbm when I went back to work and I only had 3 more weeks off. I decided to buy a hands free bra which helped alot with my back problems. I was still getting the same though. I decided to try and pump with him on the other one b/c I would leak so much with him feeding that I swear I would get more leaking then pumping. It worked I got 2 1/2 oz out of that boob only I was so happy however I pumped after nursing and got less than 1/2 and oz out of the other but he had also just emptied it.

Everytime I pumped I would just give it to him on the next feeding so it was defeating the purpose of try to pump to freeze bm. But I figured I would not meet my goal of efebm in 2 wks so then i just stopped pumping altogether and just nursed. However I still ff some but not much. I went back to work for a week and tried to just nurse at night and morning and it was working pretty good even though he was getting ff during the day at the baby sitters. 2 weekends ago i decided i was going to try to ebf for that weekend since it was a long weekend. I did and he seemed to help my supply b/c I had started to leak again during the day and during feeds. But this past weekend I hardly bf only really at night.

There is no way for me to ebf since I work. But is there any way to get him back on ebm by pumping when he could get more then the pump out. I know you said you could only get1 1/2 oz after pumping and 3 pump sessions a day would only produce 4 1/2 oz and that is not enough when he is eating almost 20 oz of formula at the baby sitters. Is it even possible for me to efebm or should I just stick to my philosophy that any bm is better than none and try again on the next one (even though dh says we are one and done there will be another but it may be a while).
Wow congrats!! That was a long tough jorney for you, but well worth it. And congrats on #2. I hate I was not able to ebf/ebfbem for 6 months.My plan was to ebf for 2 wks then bf/pump and feed ebm till 6 months when he would start to eat solids.

He was born and I nursed him for an hr or 2. From what I remember (still groggy from epidrual and pain med) he nursed good and latched good. The they took him away and cleaned him and weighed him and brought him back. I still swear someone gave him formula in the nursery b/c he spit up one time and it smelt like formula even though I have never really smelt formula spit up before (it smelt like fake milk). But anyways I ebf while in the hospital for 2 days. However after the first time when he was born he became fussy and did not want to latch. In the hospital I had a crying baby that was hungry but did not want to latch or would latch and come off. My mom stayed with me and was no help b/c I was ff she said she tried to bf but the nurses at the hospital said her breast were to small and she did not have much milk. She did not know that her milk would come in a few days later. She said I needed to just feed him formula and he might be crying b/c my milk is no good. I then tried the breast shield and it worked some but when I got him to latch I actually got him to latch better w/out it. But the LC said to use it. He was not born TT or cleft lip or anything however he had a bad over bite and I thought that was what is problem was.

I brought him home and he cried for hrs b/c he would not latch and I would have to try to get him to wake up and it would take almost an hr each time b/c he was jaundice. I tried for 3 hrs straight to get him to latch and he would latch for 5 min and come off then go to sleep and wake back up and start crying again. Finally my mom came in the room and my dh and they told me to just give him formula. My mom worries about everything and was convicned I had acid milk (we had a cat that had it and her babies would die every litter she had) or bad milk, or not enough. Finally I gave in and gave him formula. I still tried to feed him first before giving him fromula each time but he would hardly latch and when he did the let down was to slow b/c it was colsturm. Pumping also depressed me b/c I was not getting much.

After a few days of trying to bf but mostly ff he had his 2 day apt b/c of his jaundice. He was border line but she said he was fine and talked with me about bf. I was still tired from hardly any sleep and was trying to pay attenton but did not really however at the appt he nursed for an hr and did great (with a shield). I made an appt to come back in 2 days to see if jaundice went down and talk about the pumping to get my supply back and how he was feeding. She had given me a pumping schedule and I had forgoten and left it at the office. I tried to remember what she told me while pumping (I have a medela in style advanced double pump) dh walked in and said she said to pum 10 min on both rest 2 then pump 5 on one and 5 on the other. I was amazed that he paid attention to that especially when he was not that keen on me bf anyways.

I went back in 2 days and we tried a power pumping schedule. That was hard (not really the power pumping schedule) If I was able to follow it it would have been nurse, pump an hr after he nurses and pump 10 rest 10 pump 10 rest 10 do this for an hr then when he nurses pump for 30 min right after he is through till 5 min after no more milk or it slows down. Then do the power pump thing at night. I tried but could not do all that on that schedlue. Especially when I still had problems with him latching but it was getting better. He would do pretty good with the shield and they had taught me about baiting the nipple first which helped alot. I would be able to nurse him about 30 min and he would be satisifed. I was doing alot better and he was not crying as much and I did not have to spend an hr waking him anymore. I went to one more lc appt and he did great nursing there. However the only way I could get a good latch was in the football position which was not to comfortable to me, but whatever worked. i was still ff b/c I was getting depressed when I pumped b/c I would only get 1/2 out of both. I really did not want to take anything but I decided I would get the mother milk tea which once use to it tasted fine to me and kinda helped. Before taking anything I was always leaking I had been leaking since 22 wks of pregnancy so I thought this would be easy boy was I nieve. I then decided to take fenugreek pills and went basiclly to the max dosage 3 pills 3x a day. It worked on increasing my supply. I was pumping 1 to 2 oz from both boobs but still not enough to pump and efbm when I went back to work and I only had 3 more weeks off. I decided to buy a hands free bra which helped alot with my back problems. I was still getting the same though. I decided to try and pump with him on the other one b/c I would leak so much with him feeding that I swear I would get more leaking then pumping. It worked I got 2 1/2 oz out of that boob only I was so happy however I pumped after nursing and got less than 1/2 and oz out of the other but he had also just emptied it.

Everytime I pumped I would just give it to him on the next feeding so it was defeating the purpose of try to pump to freeze bm. But I figured I would not meet my goal of efebm in 2 wks so then i just stopped pumping altogether and just nursed. However I still ff some but not much. I went back to work for a week and tried to just nurse at night and morning and it was working pretty good even though he was getting ff during the day at the baby sitters. 2 weekends ago i decided i was going to try to ebf for that weekend since it was a long weekend. I did and he seemed to help my supply b/c I had started to leak again during the day and during feeds. But this past weekend I hardly bf only really at night.

There is no way for me to ebf since I work. But is there any way to get him back on ebm by pumping when he could get more then the pump out. I know you said you could only get1 1/2 oz after pumping and 3 pump sessions a day would only produce 4 1/2 oz and that is not enough when he is eating almost 20 oz of formula at the baby sitters. Is it even possible for me to efebm or should I just stick to my philosophy that any bm is better than none and try again on the next one (even though dh says we are one and done there will be another but it may be a while).

WOW! So much poor information was given to you, and so little support! :cry::cry: I'm so sorry you were not supported by your HCPs.

I would say that knowing every breastfeed is golden is worth remembering. It doesn't have to be all or nothing. You can combi feed. Power pumping IS hard. Increasing supply is a hard, time consuming, exhausting process and there is no other way around that. The key to increasing supply is keeping the breasts as empty as possible as frequently as possible. The emptier the breasts the faster your body will respond to the needs of the baby.

Exclusively Expressing is very challenging. It is also very time consuming and I do not know the nature of your job but trying to increase supply with limited pumping breaks at work will be hard to do. Can you leave any EBM with the childminder as well as formula and nurse from the breast when you are with baby without using any EMB or Formula? Would that make you feel better about the situation? is a wealth of knowledge and information and honestly, thats where I got ALL my info! <3
Thank you!! At first I did not have much support but now my dh gives him to me to bf at night. I could actually pump at work (I only work in an office with 2 people me and the manager which is a guy but he would not mind) however dh says it is unprofessional even though I told him that lawyers do it, and dr's and office workers with a lot more then 1 other person in it so I don't have any support from him on that aspect.

I also see it as impossible to increase my supply since when pumping I only ever got at the most 1 1/2 oz out of both breast (when pumping both at once) b/c I think I could not let down for the pump even when looking at pictures of my baby (when pumping I would probably average 1/2- 1 oz oz on both breast). However if I pumped and he nursed i would get 1 1/2 to 2 oz from just 1 breast but that was not all the time it would vary b/w in the morning or in the evening.

I could leave some EBM with the babysitter if I had some. I think it will take me a week to get enough for 1 feeding though but, I think I will try to pump again and see what I get out. :flower:

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