Resigned to the fact there will be no BFP for us before Christmas

Feisty Fidget

Rainbow Baby
Jul 11, 2010
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Hi Ladies,
In the middle of my first miscarriage at the moment and as it was a nightmare getting pregnant in the first place I am pretty much resigned to the fact that our Christmas :bfp: is never going to happen.

Not quite sure how long it is going to take for me to get my cycles back on track but by having a scout around here were looking at a minimum of six weeks.

I know you ladies will understand the pain of miscarriage like no one else would but I feel it is doubly unfair as I told DH we WOULD be getting a :bfp: before Christmas and pretty much pinned all my PMA on that but now the cruel trick is we did but I won't actually be pregnant during the festive period. I just feel so empty, it's kind of difficult to look ahead with so much uncertainty.

Sorry for the self-indulgent rant but just feeling rather low at the moment. Mother Nature's cruellest trick is experiencing pregnancy symptoms during the miscarriage.

Anyway the point of this rather long rambly post is to ask when you ladies got back on track cycle wise ie, how long did it take?

Thanking you lovelies in advance :flower:

So sorry for you loss. I'm in the middle of my second MMC. After my first, it took me a long 9 weeks to get my AF. But I did ovulate at 7 weeks. I think that my recovery was quite slow compared to most. But if you're up for trying ASAP, start taking your BBT - you might just ovulate sooner than you think.

Good luck!
Hi hun, I'm sorry for what you are going through :hugs:

Both times for me, I got AF 5 weeks after my bleeding started. I'm pretty regular with 28 day cycles. I know some people who are less regular before a mc, take longer to get back to normal

gl xx
Thanks girls! I heard that after your miscarriage is supposed to be your most fertile time so as soon as the bleeding stops I will start monitoring bbt.

Does anyone know if you have to wait for your HCG levels to drop to zero before trying?
I dont think you do, you can start trying straight away.
Hi there and so sorry for your loss - I know from experience how devastating it is

After my m/c it took a bit longer for my cycles to get back in order - it was about 24 days after the m/c when I got the positive O and then AF came 15 days later. Since then my cycles have been back to normal

I've heard you can be more fertile in the month after a m/c so as long as you're feeling emotionally ready to try again then go for it.

Hey hun. The doctors do advise to waite until you've stopped bleeding that your levels are below 3 but i would just go for it, we did after I miscarriade in Aug. My period returned exactly 30 days from when i miscarried and i was right on time again this month so not all people have messed up cycles. Fingers crossed for you. I would say that the being more fertile after miscarriage is a myth and dont pin yopur hopes on getting preggers straight away like i did. Im on month three and have defo had it over my ovulation periods for sure. Some lucky people do conceive straight after even if they took a long time to conceive the first time but alot dont and i wish that id never thought that it was going to just happen straight away again because you feel totally crap when your AF arrives. I took it really badley this month. BUT now the AF has arrived im focusing on this month and hoping this is the month. Try to be positive sweety it will happen again and it could still happen before Xmas. xx

Chin up and baby dust to you. xxxx
Sorry for your loss sometimes a good rant helps so don't appologise, I am in a similar position first MC and also feeling doubtful too that it will happen before Christmas. The only thing now I feel positve about now is that at least we know I can get pregnant, okay so we didn't get over the next hurdle and that is very sad and frustrating. In comparison to some though not been trying long only a year but it seems like ages and it was really early days. We are intending to try again ASAP although the hospital did suggest I waited at least one period to make sure I got back in to my cycle. Just trying to keep postive.
I ovulated 3 weeks after my miscarriage and got pregnant on that cycle. we were 12 weeks when I miscarried. That pregnancy after the miscarriage resulted in my son! He is a healthy 6 year old!

I hope you get a BFP before christmas and that it is a sticky bean!

I am sorry for your loss. Try to rest and get enough sleep!
I had my miscarriage the sept 17 and started my period oct 21, a week late waiting for the big O still :) Hugs to hon.
Thank you ladies, it is always so helpful to read other people's experiences. I convinced myself when we started trying that we would fall first cycle and I was gutted when that didn't happen.

I think as soon as the bleeding stops (started flooding again yesterday evening *argh*) and I get the all clear from my scan this week we will start trying again. If it doesn't happen before Christmas then fingers crossed we will have a Winter Baby instead :)

Feeling full of PMA today - probably the first time since last week's scan - I am a great believer in everything happening for a reason (even if I don't understand that reason) so fingers crossed for a sticky bean next time!

:dust: to us all! xxx

I was told today to wait for my first proper period... but I'm going to 'accidentally ignore' that advice I think. Will see how we both feel when O day arrives.

Fingers crossed hun, I think once you feel ready you should go for it xx
Feisty Fidget - I am so sorry for your loss - I had one a month before and my period came back only 26 days later so you might not have to wait even six weeks. I hope you get lucky and have a short cycle. My periods have always been regular about 28 days and my body got back on track surprisingly. I read everything on line saying it would take 6 weeks or even 8 or even more...but it can be as little as 4 weeks too.

Just relax and I hope for you that your cycle comes back soon so you can start to TTC again.

I was told today to wait for my first proper period... but I'm going to 'accidentally ignore' that advice I think. Will see how we both feel when O day arrives.

Fingers crossed hun, I think once you feel ready you should go for it xx

Jules1 - I got the same advice as well - and I ignored it but nothing happened for me during the in between time and I'm actually kind of glad because my first period was a bit funky (really really short - TMI but like only one day of actual heavy blood and only one day before and after of light spotting so basically a one day period). I don't think my lining had enough time to get properly thick enough and I think that's why maybe doctors advise against trying between a miscarriage plus your hormone levels may be still normalizing. I'm definitely not saying don't try (because trust me we did too) but just giving you my experience.
Thanks for that hun, I know I need to keep that in mind - I'm sure it will happen when my stubborn little womb is good and ready. I had a very early mc in comparison to yours - I was only 4 weeks 5 days - so my hormones went down pretty quickly. But I agree about the lining - I think mine is still recovering after coming off the pill.

I love your pic by the way, that was a lovely idea xx
Since you were earlier your lining might be couldn't hurt to try and like I said we did (a bit half heartedly more like not trying to prevent) because I couldn't give up right away and just waiting was hard.

I wish both our stubborn wombs would cooperate soon!

PS. Thanks for the pic comment - it was our little ceremony and very special to me.
Thanks Ladies,

I made the stupide mistake of presuming we would fall pregnant as soon as we first started ttc - nada so either my body will give me the ultimate gift and co-operate this time or more then likely it will take it's own sweet time leaving me tearing my hair out and hearing that insistent internal clock ticking away!

Shall be asking the GP pros and cons of trying straight away and definitely checking if clomid could have been responsible and the plan of action for checking everything is ok next time, poor woman is not going to know what's hit her :haha:
I've heard too that mostly it's recommended to wait a full month's cycle before TTC again after m/c, but that this is mainly due it being easier to then to work out the dates. I think also it depends how far along you are when you m/c - mine was about 5.5 weeks and they told me at the hospital that I could start trying again straight away because it was pretty early

fingers crossed for us all for that sticky bean coming soon x
I was also told to wait one cycle and that was just so they could predict your due date if you fell. Its alot harder to do if you dont have a period. We started trying as soon as the bleeding stopped. If you feel ready then go for it. xx
I think my sac finally came out this morning (I have a scan tomorrow to confirm) if not I have an ERPC booked for Thursday.

I have been bleeding fairly heavily for a week and a half so I think my time is almost up bleeding wise at it's starting to slow. The midwife told us there was no need to wait so we will be starting ASAP. I also plan to start BBT again tomorrow, I know it will be all over the place but still hoping we can find out when and if ovulation occurs. If nothing I will be back on the clomid straight after AF.

:dust: to all xxx

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